Rules and Regulations of India

Law Library of Rules and Regulations of India



[Rule 13A]

Name of the banking company:

Name and designation of the officer submitting the return:

Statement of demand and time liabilities and cash, gold and unencumbered approved securities for the month of:

(To be furnished to be Reserve Bank not later than 20 days after the end of the month to which it relates)

(Rounded off to the nearest thousand rupees)


As at the close of business on


First alternate Friday@

Second alternate Friday@

Third alternate Friday@





1. Liabilities in India to the banking system (excluding any loan taken by a Regional Rural Bank from its sponsor bank)




(a) Demand liabilities :




(i) Balances in current accounts of the State Bank of India, subsidiary bank and corresponding new banks :




(ii) Other demand liabilities :




(b) Time liabilities :




Total of I




II. Liabilities in India to others (excluding borrowings from the Reserve Bank, Industrial Development Bank of India, Export-Import Bank of India and National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development).




(a) Demand liabilities:




(b) Time liabilities:




Total of II




III. Cash in hand:




IV. Balance in current account with the Reserve Bank :-




V. Assets in India with the banking system:




(a) Balances in current accounts with :-




(i) The State Bank of India, subsidiary banks and corresponding new banks:




(ii) Other banks and notified financial




(b) Balances in other accounts with banks and notified financial institutions:




(c) Money at call and short notice :




(d) Advances to banks, i.e. due from banks):




(e) Other assets:




Total of   V




VI. Net balance in current account = V




(a)(i) –I(a)(i)




VII. Net liabilities for the purposes of section 18 and 24 of the Banking regulation Act, 1949:




=Net liabilities to be banking system + Other demand and time liabilities”




+(I-V) + II if (I-V) is plus figure








II only if (I-V) is a minus figure.








(For non-scheduled banks only)




VIII. Minimum amount of cash reserve required to be maintained under section 18 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 ( 3 per cent of VII as on the last Friday of the second preceding fortnight):




IX. Cash reserve actually maintained= Total of III, IV and VI:




X. Excess of IX over VIII:








XI. Minimum amount of assets required to be maintained under section 24 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (25 per cent or such other specified percentage of VII as on the last Friday of the second preceding fortnight).




XII. (a) Balance required to be maintained by a scheduled bank under section 42 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.




(b) Balance actually maintained by a scheduled bank with the Reserve Bank (c) Excess of (b) over (a)




XIII. Assets actually maintained:




(a) Amount in cash deposited with the Reserve Bank by a banking company incorporated outside India under section 11(2) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.




(b) Cash in hand or in the case of a non-scheduled bank, excess of IX over VIII, if any, shown against X above.




(c) Excess balance within Reserve Bank, if any, shown against XII(c) above.




(d) Net balance in current accounts maintained by a scheduled bank = VI above.




(e) Balance maintained by a Regional Rural Bank in call or fixed deposit with its sponsor bank.




(d) Net balance in current accounts maintained by a scheduled bank = VI above.




(e) Balance maintained by a Regional Rural Bank in call or fixed deposit with its sponsor bank.




(f) Gold valued at a price not exceeding the current market price.




(g) Unencumbered approved securities valued on the basis of the method of valuation determined by the Reserve Bank.




(h) Approved securities deposited with Reserve Bank by a banking company incorporated outside India under section 11(2) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, valued on the basis of the method of valuation determined by the Reserve Bank.




Total of (a) to (h) XIV, XII-XI




(Excess +, deficit-)




Date : _________________  Signature : 

Note: For the purposes of this return, the expression “banking system” shall mean the State Bank of India, subsidiary banks, corresponding new banks, Regional Rural Banks, other banking companies, Co-operative Banks and financial institution notified by the Central Government under clause (d) of the Explanation to section 18 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.

@ Give dates (where Friday is a public holiday under the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (26 of 1881), give the date as on the preceding working day.]


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