Rules and Regulations of India

Law Library of Rules and Regulations of India


17. Issuance of License.-

(1) The Controller may, within four weeks from the date of receipt of the application, after considering the documents accompanying the application and such other factors, as he may deem fit, grant or renew the license or reject the application:

Provided that in exceptional circumstances and for reasons to be recorded in writing, the period of four weeks may be extended to such period, not exceeding eight weeks in all as the Controller may deem fit.

(2) If the application for licensed Certifying Authority is approved, the applicant shall

a. submit a performance bond or furnish a banker’s guarantee within one month from the date of such approval to the Controller in accordance with sub-rule (2) of rule 8; and 

b.execute an agreement with the Controller binding himself to comply with the terms and conditions of the license and the provisions of the Act and the rules made thereunder.

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