Rules and Regulations of India

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Section 30 – The Company Law Board Regulations, 1991

30. Inspection of records and supply of certified copies

(1) Records of every pending proceedings will be open, as of right, to the inspection of the parties or their authorized representatives, on making an application in writing and on payment of a fee of Rs. 10 per day.


(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-regulation (4) of regulation 29, a person who is not a party to the proceedings, may after the final orders are passed, for sufficient reasons shown to the satisfaction of the Bench, obtain copies of the petitions, replies and counter-replies on payment of such fee, as may be fixed by the Bench by general or special order.


(3) A person, who is not a party to the proceedings, may also obtain, as of right, at any time after the final orders are passed by the Bench, copies of the orders, on payment of such fee19, as may be fixed by the Bench by general or special order.


(4) A person, who is not a party to the proceedings, has, however, no right to inspect the records of the proceedings or to obtain copies of the exhibits put in evidence, except with the consent of the person by whom they were produced or under the orders of the Bench.

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