Rules and Regulations of India

Law Library of Rules and Regulations of India

Section 55 – THE COMPANIES (COURT) RULES, 1959

55. Affidavit by company as to the result of rules 52 and 53

The company shall, within the time fixed by the Judge, file a statement signed and verified by the advocate of the company stating the result of the notices mentioned in rules 52 and 53 respectively and verifying a list containing the names and addresses of the persons, if any, who shall have sent in the particulars of their debts or claims in pursuance of such notices respectively, and the amounts of such debts or claims. Such statement shall be accompanied by an affidavit made by a competent officer or officers of the company who shall, in such list, distinguish which (if any) of such debts and claims are wholly, or as to any and what part thereof, admitted by the company, and which (if any) of such debts an claims are wholly, or as to any and what part thereof, disputed by the company, and which (if any) of such debts and claims are alleged by the company to be wholly, or as to any and what part thereof not included in the enquiry. Such affidavit shall also state which of the persons who are entered in the list as creditors and which of the persons, who have sent in particulars of their debts or claims in pursuance of such notices as aforesaid, have been paid or have consented to the proposed reduction. Such statement and affidavit shall be in Form No. 26.

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