Rules and Regulations of India

Law Library of Rules and Regulations of India

Section 56 – THE COMPANIES (COURT) RULES, 1959

56. Procedure where claim is not admitted, and proof of debt

If the company contends that a person is not entitled to be entered in the list of creditors in respect of any debts or claim, whether admitted or not, or if any debt or claim, the particulars of which are so sent in, shall not be admitted by the company at its full amount, then, and in every such case, unless the company is willing to set apart and appropriate in such manner as the Judge shall direct, the full amount of such debt or claim, the company shall, if the Judge thinks fit so to direct, send to the creditor a notice in Form No. 27, that he is required to come in and establish his title to be entered on the list, or as the case may be, to come in and prove such debts or claim or such part thereof as is not admitted by the company on the day fixed by the Judge. Such notice shall be served not less than four clear days before the date fixed by the Judge.

An affidavit by a creditor in proof of his debt shall be in Form No. 28. Where the creditor is for good reason personally unable to make the affidavit, his authorized agent may make the same.

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