Rules and Regulations of India

Law Library of Rules and Regulations of India


53. Evidence of sickness and temporary disablement

Every insured person, claiming sickness benefit or disablement benefit for temporary disablement, shall furnish evidence of sickness or temporary disablement in respect of the days of his sickness or temporary disablement by means of a medical certificate given by an insurance medical officer in accordance with these regulations in the form appropriate to the circumstances of the case:

PROVIDED that in areas where arrangements for medical benefit under the Employees’ State Insurance Act have not been made or otherwise if in its opinion the circumstances of a particular case so justify, the Corporation may accept any other evidence of sickness of temporary disablement in the form of a certificate issued by the medical officer of the State Government, local body or other medical institution, or a certificate issued by any registered medical practitioner containing such particulars and attested in such manner as may be specified by the Director-General in this behalf.

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