Rules and Regulations of India

Law Library of Rules and Regulations of India


95A. Medical benefit to families of insured persons

(1) Medical benefit may be extended to the families of insured persons from such date as the Corporation may, in consultation with State Government, notify.

(2) The family of an insured person shall become entitled to medical benefit 33[from the day the insured person himself] becomes entitled to medical benefit and shall continue to be so entitled so long as the insured person is entitled to receive medical benefit for himself or in the case of death of the insured person till such date up to which the insured person would have remained entitled to medical care, had he survived.

(3) The nature and scale of medical benefit to which the family of an insured person shall be entitled shall be such as may be specified by the State Government in consultation with the Corporation from time to time.

34[(4) The appropriate office shall arrange to prepare a family identity card for each insured person who is entitled to medical benefit for his family in Form 4A, and shall send all such identity cards to his employer. Such employer shall obtain the signature or thumb-impression of the employee on the family identity card and shall deliver the same to the employee and obtain a receipt therefor.]

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