Rules and Regulations of India

Law Library of Rules and Regulations of India

Section 8 – Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989

8. Inventory of disposal sites

(1) The State Government or a person authorized by it shall undertake a continuing programme to identify the sites and compile and publish periodically an inventory of disposal sites within the State for the disposal of hazardous wastes.

(2) The State Government or a person authorized by it shall undertake an environmental impact study before identifying a site as waste disposal site in the State.

(3) The State Government or a person authorized by it shall undertake a continuing programme to compile and publish an inventory of sites within the State at which hazardous wastes have at any time been stored or disposed of and such inventory shall contain, besides the location and description, information relating to the amount, nature and toxicity of hazardous wastes at each such site as may be associated with such site.

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