Rules and Regulations of India

Law Library of Rules and Regulations of India


22. Requirements Prior to Cessation as Certifying Authority.-

Before ceasing to act as a Certifying Authority, a Certifying Authority shall, –

(a) give notice to the Controller of its intention to cease acting as a Certifying Authority:

Provided that the notice shall be made ninety days before ceasing to act as a Certifying Authority or ninety days before the date of expiry of license;

(b) advertise sixty days before the expiry of license or ceasing to act as Certifying Authority, as the case may be, the intention in such daily newspaper or newspapers and in such manner as the Controller may determine;

(c) notify its intention to cease acting as a Certifying Authority to the subscriber and Cross Certifying Authority of each unrevoked or unexpired Digital Signature Certificate issued by it :

Provided that the notice shall be given sixty days before ceasing to act as a Certifying Authority or sixty days before the date of expiry of unrevoked or unexpired Digital Signature Certificate, as the case may be;

(d) the notice shall be sent to the Controller, affected subscribers and Cross Certifying Authorities by digitally signed e-mail and registered post;

(e) revoke all Digital Signature Certificates that remain unrevoked or unexpired at the end of the ninety days notice period, whether or not the subscribers have requested revocation;

(f) make a reasonable effort to ensure that discontinuing its certification services causes minimal disruption to its subscribers and to persons duly needing to verify digital signatures by reference to the public keys contained in outstanding Digital Signature Certificates;

(g) make reasonable arrangements for preserving the records for a period of seven years;

(h) pay reasonable restitution (not exceeding the cost involved in obtaining the new Digital Signature Certificate) to subscribers for revoking the Digital Signature Certificates before the date of expiry;

(i) after the date of expiry mentioned in the license, the Certifying Authority shall destroy the certificate–signing private key and confirm the date and time of destruction of the private key to the Controller.

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