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Faster Hair Growth Vitamins

Ingredients that Make Hair Grow Faster and Prevent Premature Hair Loss in Both Men and Women

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that exists in three major chemical forms: pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine. It performs a wide variety of functions in your body and is essential for your good health and hair growth. For example, vitamin B6 is needed for more than 100 enzymes involved in protein metabolism. It is also essential for red blood cell metabolism. The nervous and immune systems need vitamin B6 to function efficiently, and it is also needed for the conversion of tryptophan to niacin.

Biotin is part of the Vitamin B complex and is a vitamin supplement necessary for healthy hair, scalp and nails. Biotin will help with the condition of the hair and the scalp as well. Simply put…Biotin is Hair Food which helps the hair grow at a much faster pace, and produces shinier, more lustrous new hair.

Magnesium is an essential mineral and plays an important role in energy metabolism, protein synthesis, neuromuscular transmission bone structure and hair growth.

Zinc is necessary for a healthy immune system, and is also of use in fighting skin problems such as acne, boils and sore throats. It is further needed for cell division, and is needed by the tissue of the hair, nails and skin to be in top form. Zinc is further used in the growth and maintenance of muscles.

Saw Palmetto acts by lowering DHT in the body and by blocking 5 alpha-reductase. Saw palmetto blocks the receptor sites on cell membranes that are required for the absorption of DHT. Since Saw palmetto blocks the use of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is a similar causative factor in Androgenetic Alopecia, it is a powerful herb in this hair growth formulation.

Nettle root blocks 2 enzymes, 5a-reductase, which makes the dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and aromatase enzyme, which makes estrogens. Studies showed that nettle root extract was effective in inhibiting these 2 enzymes which was a leading cause of hair loss.

Gotu Kola is related to the and supports the integrity and speed of hair growth, collagen and skin. It can help heal minor wounds and skin irritations, help ensure blood vessel integrity, and promote circulation throughout the body, including to the brain. A long-standing tonic rejuvenator, it is said to help concentration and memory.

Pumpkin (Cucurbita Maxima) The oil extract from pumpkin seeds is also a natural hair loss remedy that is believed to affect levels of testosterone in the body. The beneficial effects of pumpkin seed extract as a hair loss solution are still under investigation. It is thought that the extract affects the androgen levels of diseases and therefore may have an influence on the androgens that are responsible for hair loss and slow or stunted hair growth.

Eleuthero Formerly Siberian Ginseng, (Glandular) is a member of the ginseng family, though it is of a different genus than other popular ginsengs such as the Panax variety. Along with other ginsengs, it has a long history of being used to help restore concentration, increase energy and promote healthy hair and nail growth.

Uva-Ursi soothes, strengthens, and tightens irritated & inflamed tissues. The herb neutralizes acidity in the urine, increasing urine flow, therefore reducing bloating & water retention, making it beneficial for fast and strong new hair growth.

Muria Puama plays an important role in energy metabolism, protein synthesis, neuromuscular transmission bone structure and hair growth for both men and women. Also help with stress management, nervous system stimulation, virility, and overall health.

Additional Faster Hair Growth Tips to Get Longer Hair Fast!

1.) Use a good scalp cleanser – this will unclog the follicles that may be plugged up with oil, sebum,and dirt from the scalp, inhibiting healthy hair growth.

2.) Try to keep you hair free from binding such as tight ponytails, clips and other hair accessories while trying to grow it out. This minimizes breakage and helps to stimulate new hair growth by keeping existing hair healthy.

3.) Eat a balanced and protein-adequate diet. Diets without enough protein can stall hair growth. Do this in addition to taking a high quality hair growth vitamin, which will kick start your body into speedy hair growth mode by delivering the nutrients most necessary for fast and healthy hair growth directly to the follicle.

5 thoughts on “Faster Hair Growth Vitamins

  1. Dear sir/madam

    Sub: Hair Loss Treatment remedies request

    My self imtiyaz ahmed, I am from bangalore dearsir i am facing loot of hair fall problem kindly suggest the remedies which is helpfill to me

    thanking you,

    With regard,

    Imtiyaz ahmed.

    //You have to find reson for hair fall, we can`t prescibe any medicine without checking actual reason for hair fall. — eDitor

  2. When taking some vitamins for your hair loss problem, you make it sure that it is highly prescribed by your doctor. In this way, you will be able to feel that you are safe.

  3. If u have dandraf and hairfal use
    KERAGLO tablets at night and twice a week TRIBEN-AD lotion.

    This medicine Availble in India only.

  4. ya…u can use keraglo tablets one daily along with revitress hair gel… thats what a dermatologist asked me to do….

  5. Hi
    As prescribed doc am using keraglo,flutas-150,finalo.Is ther any side affects?

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