MyNation Home Remedies And Tips

MyNation Home Remedies And Tips – Everyone should know

Fresh Milk and Ripe Tomato Juice Skin Cleanser

Good tomatoes are an abundant source of vitamins A, B (including folic acid), and C; potassium and magnesium; and valuable antioxidants and trace elements. The high acid content in the recipe – lactic acid in the milk and fruit acid in the tomato – gives this cleansing lotion a gentle peeling action. Test on the inside arm or wrist for any possible allergic reactions before using on the face.

1 medium very ripe tomato
5 fl. oz fresh whole milk
bottled or spring water

Process the tomato, using a food processor or blender. Strain through a piece of muslin and discard the pulp. Add the tomato juice to an equal amount of milk. Store in a covered container or bottle in the refrigerator.

Apply to the face and neck, using cotton pads, once or twice a day. Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse with bottled or spring water and pat dry.

Effect: cleanses
Skin types: oily, combination (but test first, see above), not recommended for sensitive skin
Frequency of use: once or twice daily for 1 week
Shelf life: 6 hours in refrigerator
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Treatment time: 10 minutes

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