MyNation Home Remedies And Tips

MyNation Home Remedies And Tips – Everyone should know

Homemade Fruit Acid Skin Care

You will be amazed at how something as simple as dabbing some fresh lemon juice on your face every morning can make an enormous difference in how soft your skin feels. Try any of the following fruit acids, but always take care to avoid your…

Fresh Milk and Ripe Tomato Juice Skin Cleanser

Good tomatoes are an abundant source of vitamins A, B (including folic acid), and C; potassium and magnesium; and valuable antioxidants and trace elements. The high acid content in the recipe – lactic acid in the milk and fruit acid in the tomato – gives…

Banana Anti-Aging Mask

Bananas are one of the most nourishing fruits available because they contain large quantities of magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, iodine, and vitamins A, B (folic acid), E, and F. Here they are teamed with heavy cream (traditionally used to prevent wrinkles) and organic honey in…


The skin is a barometer of a person’s health. It also provides clues to one’s Ayurvedic constitution. While vata skin tends to be thin with fine pores, and suffers from dryness and wrinkles, in case of a pitta constitution, the skin is usually delicate, fair…

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