MyNation Home Remedies And Tips

MyNation Home Remedies And Tips – Everyone should know

Home remedies for dandruff

Lemon:Take two lemons and cut them to slices. Now use the slice to rub the scalp thoroughly for ten minutes. Use the slices as a massage for the scalp. Then wash your head.

Fenugreek (Methi):Take two tablespoon of fenugreek and soak it overnight. The next morning make a fine paste out of it and apply to the scalp for atleast one hour. Then shampoo your hair.

Apple Cider Vinegar: First wash and dry your hair thoroughly. Apply a bit of apple cider vinegar on the scalp and massage for five to ten minutes. Rinse.

Garlic and Lemon :Make a fine garlic paste and mix it with lime juice. Apply it all over your scalp and keep it till it dries off. Wash with shampoo.

Coconut oil and Lemon:Squeeze two lemons in a bowl and mix it with three table spoon of coconut oil. Apply the coconut lemon mix to the scalp by gently massaging. Now take a towel and dip it in boiling water and then wring the excess water out. Wear the towel on your head like a turban for forty five to fifty minutes. Use shampoo to wash your hair.

Buttermilk:Apply buttermilk on your hair and leave for ten minutes so that the buttermilk spreads all over the scalp. Then shampoo your hair.

Suhaga, Coconut Oil and Yoghurt:Mix suhaga, coconut oil and yoghurt in a bowl and mix thoroughly. Apply this paste every alternate day on your scalp and hair. Use a mild shampoo to wash.

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