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Home remedies for stretch marks

Stretch marks mostly appear on the thighs, breasts and buttocks. They begin to make their presence felt during puberty, after pregnancy, and during times when there is rapid weight gain or less in a certain area of your body.

Though there is no single homecare therapy that works for all cases, following are some of the home remedies that work in eliminating stretch marks to some extent, and are worth trying:

Brush your skin with a skin brusher when you shower to stimulate circulation. This will help prevent stretch marks and also reduce them if already there.

You can massage cocoa butter into the stretch marks. Applying vitamin E oil on your stretch marks also helps. Massage it after a shower. Wheat germ oil and olive oil will also help.

Eat foods rich in vitamin A, C and E, or take supplements in addition to your diet, as advised by your doctor.

Also, consume foods high in essential fatty acids, protein, citrus foods, nuts and vegetables. This will make your skin tighter and softer.

To prevent unsightly stretch marks due to pregnancy, use a turmeric-lemon pre-bath cream or a mixture of turmeric and curd to your stomach and waist before going for a bath. Leave it on for fifteen minutes, and wash off. This helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin.

To reduce stretch marks and to maintain your skin`s elasticity, moisturize it with a stretch mark cream. Creams that are specially formulated for reducing stretch marks not only heel marks but also prevent skin from drying. Keep yourself hydrated. Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day, because drinking sufficient amount of water ensures your body and tissues are properly hydrated. It also removes toxins from your body.

Aloe vera is a commonly used herbal plant to reduce stretch marks. Aloe Vera contains plant collagen and is able to penetrate to the dermal layer and repair the damage that has caused the stretch marks.

Regular exercise also helps in preventing stretch marks. Exercises result in improved blood circulation and thereby offers your skin better nourishment. Aqua aerobics is a good option.

1 thought on “Home remedies for stretch marks

  1. There is best advice to avoid the appearance of stretch marks naturally. I used aloe vera regularly during pregnancy and it works effectively to fade them. I like this article so much. Thanks and keep sharing.

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