MyNation Home Remedies And Tips

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Homemade Dandruff shampoo

Dandruff, one of the worst problems to affect human hair, has become quite widespread now-a-days. It is nothing, but excessive shedding of dead skin cells, from the scalp of a person, mainly when he undergoes repeated exposure to extreme heat and cold conditions. While a small amount of skin cell flaking is experienced by almost all the people in this world, it is when the flaking exceeds normal limits that it takes the shape of dandruff.

Apart from being harmful for the hair of a person, dandruff creates social problems as well. For instance, a person with too much dandruff might become the butt of jokes amongst his/her friends. This makes it important for people to treat the problem at the earliest. In this context, you will find dandruff shampoo to be quite useful. However, rather than buying one from the market, you should try to make it at home only. The homemade dandruff shampoo recipes, detailed in the lines below, will come handy to you, in this regard.

How To Make Homemade Dandruff Shampoo

Method – 1

¼ cup Shampoo – of your choice (but not dandruff shampoo, oily hair shampoo or one with conditioner)
1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
3 tbsp Apple Juice
1/2 tsp Rum Extract
6 Cloves, finely ground

In the blender, put shampoo and apple cider vinegar.
Add apple juice, rum extract and ground cloves.
Now, turn on the blender and mix all ingredients, on low, for 30 seconds.
Put the shampoo in a bottle.
Store the bottle in the refrigerator and use the shampoo within 3 days.

Method – 2

40 drops Lavender Essential Oil
20 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
10 drops Birch Essential Oil
10 drops Cedar Wood Essential Oil
8 oz Shampoo – of your choice (but not dandruff shampoo, oily hair shampoo or one with conditioner)

In a bowl, put the lavender, rosemary, birch and cedar-wood essential oil. Mix well.
Now, add the shampoo to the essential oils mix and combine together, in a blender, on low.
Put the shampoo in a bottle and store it in the refrigerator

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