MyNation Home Remedies And Tips

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Health benefits of coconut oil

Coconut oil is a good skin care remedy to be used during winters to get rid of dry skin. It has a lot of antibacterial as well as antiseptic properties. Therefore, if applied on wounds, helps to cure them faster. It also helps to deal with the skin problems like eczema. Regular use of coconut oil on skin makes it smooth and softer.

Consumption of coconut oil helps in improved digestion and helps to stay away from stomach disorders. It also helps to build strong immune system.

Many people relay on the coconut oil for massaging their body and head. The Coconut oil if massaged on various parts of body and head acts as a good stress buster.

Coconut oil is also used for massaging babies since ages. If coconut oil is used for massaging babies regularly, strong bones are developed in them. It also helps in overall development of the baby’s body.

Coconut oil consumption helps in stimulating an improved thyroid metabolism and function. It helps to cure the thyroid problems too.

Using coconut oil instead of other oils helps to lose weight and prevent obesity as it contains lesser amount of calories.

Coconut oil can also be effectively utilised as a hair conditioner. To condition your hair with coconut oil, you can massage your head with it at least an hour before washing your hair. It is the best for health of your hair as it helps in preventing hair fall and damage. It also helps to improve the volume of your hair as well as ensures shiny hair. It helps to prevent problems related to scalp skin like dandruff and keeps hair lice free.

Coconut oil helps in prevention of various dreadful disorders like HIV, cancer and diabetes. As it has properties which help to kill viruses, it can prevent the disorders like measles, throat infection, influenza etc. It is also useful for dealing with various skin infections like ringworm, diaper rash etc.

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