MyNation Home Remedies And Tips

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Treatment for hypothyroidism

Ayurveda always suggest patients to go for internal medication following strict diet as prescribed and advised by Ayurvedic physician. Any of the disease shakes up the three bodily humors called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Ayurvedic medicines and diet will restore these three humors and thus, eliminate the disease.

Hypothyroidism in Ayurveda is well described by the great Indian physician named ‘Charaka‘. He said that it does not attack those who consume adequate quantities of milk, old rice, barley, green grams, Bengal grams, sugarcane juice, cucumber and other milk products. These are the foods recommended in present cases also. Ayurveda says one should not consume sour substances as it may aggravate the diseased condition.

In Hypothyroidism the thyroid is underactive, producing too little thyroid hormone. This condition is far more common than hyperthyrodism and can be caused by iodine deficiency or thyroid failure brought on by pituitary dysfunction, inflammation, and scarring. By far the majority of cases are mild or borderline, unrecognized by the medical establishment. Yet these mild cases can be the cause of vague, but persistent, disorders such as fatigue, depression, loss of vitality, and overall hormonal imbalance. More severe problems from hypothyroid are the result of failure to develop properly, such as cretinism and juvenile myxodema. Long term hypothyroidism, such as adult myxodema, which is characterized by swelling of skin and subcutaneous tissues; dry, cold and slightly yellow skin, puffy face, loss of eyebrows, anginal pain, bradycardia, anorexia, constipation, and anemia.


Kaanchanara (Bauhinia veriegata) – This is known as purple mountain ebony and probably most powerful drug in Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia for treating any type of thyroid problems. This herb is available in the form of pill or tablet.

Guggulu (Commiphora mukul) – This is the drug that is used widely in present Ayurvedic practice. This is well known for its calorie burning properties and therefore used abundantly in reducing weight i.e. obesity. Hypothyroidism is closely related with obesity and therefore, this herb is extremely useful treating the condition. This is available in the form of tablet, pill and capsule.

Punarnava (boerhaavia diffusa Linn) – This herb falls in the category of diuretic. This is an excellent remedy for treating swelling or inflammation from all over the body. Since hypothyroidism has one of the symptoms of swelling and numbness all over the body, Punarnava can be very beneficial for treating such conditions. This is very good tonic and it can also be used for general health.

Home Remedies:
A fine paste made of the vegetable jalakumbhi (Pistia straticies) applied over the affected part helps in reducing the swelling. The juice obtained from the jalakumbhi should be given in doses of II to 22 gm a day. It increases the amount of iodine, the lack of which, according to Allopathy, is one of the factors responsible for the disease.
Coconut oil offers much promise today to sufferers of hypothyroidism and slow metabolism. It is a known fact that the fatty acid chains in coconut oil, known as medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) or medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), offer wonderful health benefits and are no where found more abundantly in nature outside coconut oil. For the hypothyroid sufferer the MCTs rev up the body’s sluggish metabolism

Yoga – Pranayama :
The most effective solution for thyroid problems is Pranayama. It acts on the throat area and its relaxing and stimulating effects are most probably due to stimulation of ancient reflex pathways within the throat area, which are controlled by the brainstem and hypothalamus. This practice also gives us direct access into the pranic and psychic net work, the substructure of metabolic activity. Nadi shodhana pranayama is useful in re-balancing metabolism.

Diet suggestions that might help thyroid condition:

Drink lots of hot ginger tea
Eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables
Avoid dairy and wheat products
Avoid salty / sour foods
Drink lots of water

Constipation is often a huge problem for people who suffer from thyroids. Triphala is an ayurvedic remedy for constipation. Triphala is made up of three fruits, amalaki, haritaki, and bibhitaki, which come from India. It is thought to balance the three doshas, or humors, in ayurvedic thought and is used as a remedy for many other things as well.

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