MyNation Home Remedies And Tips

MyNation Home Remedies And Tips – Everyone should know


Human body is designed to live longer than 100 years, as we calculate human life expectancy is 100 years, but unfortunately majority do not live to see their 50th Birthday.
There are so many well known branded vehicles still in perfect working condition, like Ford, Mercedes even after 100 years, as their owner kept them in right condition by changing oil,tires,lubricants time to time and used good quality gasoline. just like machenical vehicle human body should be treated. but we treat like a trash. eating junk food, smoking, drinking without any time table or Limit.
Other than food we eat and the way we treat our body, we polluted our environment too, even we have right kind of food, because of pollutant air and other toxic substances we take unknowingly make us die early.

You may say you had organic food, non smoker or non alcoholic and breath fresh pure air etc etc,still you doubt you will cross 50….?


because you are not aware how you are taking poison in your everyday life.

see the below list how you are taking various forms of Toxic substances unknowingly, in your day to day life.


Toxic SubstanceSources
Aflatoxin Bbeer, bread, apple cider vinegar, moldy fruit,nuts
Aluminumcookware, deodorant, lotions, soaps,Packaging foil for food
Aluminum silicatesalt, water softener
Antimonyfragrance in lotions, colognes
Arsenicpesticide, Treated carpet, wallpaper
Asbestosclothes dryer belt, hair blower, paint on radiators
Bariumlipstick, Vehicle exhaust
Benzalkonium chloridetoothpaste
Benzopyreneflame cooked foods, toast
Berylliumhurricane lamps, gasoline, dentures, kerosene
Bismuthcolognes, lotions, antacids
Brominebleached, Brominated flour
Cadmiumgalvanized water pipes, old tooth fillings
Ceriumtooth fillings
Cesiumclear plastic bottles used for beverages
Chlorinefrom Chlorox TM bleach
Chromiumcosmetics, water softener
Cobaltdetergent, blue and green body products
Coppertooth fillings, water pipes
Dysprosiumpaint and varnish
Erbiumpackaging for food, pollutant in pills
Europiumtooth fillings
Europium oxidetooth fillings, catalytic converter
Fiberglassdust from remodeling or building insulation
Formaldehydefoam in mattresses and furniture, paneling
Gadoliniumtooth fillings
Galliumtooth fillings
Germaniumwith thallium in tooth fillings (pollutant)
Goldtooth fillings
Hafniumhair spray, nail polish, pollutant in pills
Holmiumusually found in presence of PCBs
Indiumtooth fillings
Iridiumtooth fillings
Lanthanumcomputer and printing supplies
Leadsolder joints in water pipes
Lithiumprinting supplies
Lutetiumpaint and varnish
Mercurytooth fillings,Medicine,specially Child vaccines
Molybdenumauto supplies
Neodymiumpollutant in pills
Nickeltooth fillings, metal glasses frames,steel spoons,knife
Niobiumpollutant in pills, foil packaging for food
Palladiumtooth fillings
Platinumtooth fillings
Polychlorinated biphenyl PCBdetergent, hair spray, salves
Polyvinyl chloride acetate (PVC)glues, building supplies,leaking cooling system
Praseodymiumpollutant in pills
Radoncracks in basement cement, water pipes
Rheniumspray starch
Rhodiumtooth fillings
Rubidiumtooth fillings
Rutheniumtooth fillings
Samariumtooth fillings
Scandiumtooth fillings
Silvertooth fillings
Sodium fluoridetoothpaste
Strontiumtoothpaste, water softener
Tantalumtooth fillings
Telluriumtooth fillings
Terbiumpollutant in pills
Thalliumcotton swabs, cotton balls, commercial bandages, toothpicks,floss, gauze, sanitary napkins, tampons, disposable diapers, and paper towels
Thallium acetatepollutant in mercury tooth fillings
Thorium nitrateearth (dust)
Thuliumpollutant in many brands of Vitamin C
Titaniumtooth fillings, body powder
Tungstenelectric water heater, toaster, hair curler
Uranium acetateearth (dust)
Vanadium pentoxidegas leak in home, candles (not necessarily lit)
Ytterbiumpollutant in pills
Yttriumpollutant in pills

Are we humans an exception to this rule of adapt or perish ? Nobody feels more helpless and hopeless than the infertile couple. They can not run away, time is limited, and obviously adaptation is not occurring. More likely their lineage will perish.

The couples’ only wish is “Give us one child, now.” Surely, it is their birthright, as it is any living creatures’, to reproduce.

Can we relax with the assurance that our intelligence, through the arm of science, will always rescue us? Are test tube fertilizations, fertility drugs, Cesarean sections, incubators for premature babies all triumphs for science? No, they are signs of reproductive failure for the human species.

When the concern is overpopulation of this planet, reproductive failure might seem less ominous. Maybe it’s no worse than the natural way any species curbs its growth rate. Maybe only those who can survive parasitism, pollution and immune deficiency should survive in order to strengthen the species. But when reproductive intervention becomes a necessity, not an option, surely the danger signal is present as it was for the DDT’d birds who saw cracks develop in their eggs. The solution to our reproductive failure is not to find ever more artificial ways to conceive, to give birth, and to care for damaged babies. The solution is to fix the old fashioned way; to safeguard the natural way.

New discoveries, Inventions, Scientific breakthough all made human life machanical, Instead we live longer and healtheir, it made life misrable, Humans are not only Walking Virus,bacteria and Parasite Banks but Walking TOXIC containers, it is not only shortened our Life but we made wombs empty too.


Content taken from the Book: Cure for all Diseases By : Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D.,N.D.

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