Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.


For nearly three decades the world got brainwashed into thinking that only men were the perpetrators at domestic violence.

The world got told that only men were rapist, molesters, paedophiles, and the feminists used all sort of adjectives under the sun to describe men, in a derogatory terms.

Thirty years is a long time, a generation of people under the feminists dictatorial system were born, only to understand the evil that it has created, and the way it has touched their lives, by ruining it.

Countless men paid the price with their lives as a result of feminists lies and deceits.

Since the advent of feminism, the domestic violence issue has turned into a multi billion dollars business on a worldwide scale. A plethora of various professionals are making a nice and comfortable living on the back of miserable men.

The divorce rate has reached such hights that, it is now almost unfashionable to ask whether a person is married, but, rather whether one is divorced or not!

Children from broken homes are roaming the streets, pillaging every conceivable thing, to feed their drug ravaged young and tender bodies.

Parental alienation is rife and used to keep the children from their loving fathers.

False allegations are churning and spitting apprehended violence orders in an un-imaginable numbers, to keep men from getting a fair and equitable asset distribution, during the divorce proceedings.

Excessive child support orders are creating a new breed of “nouveau pauvre or new poor men, not having any chance to re-marry again, they find themselves in the marginal section of society and hence unable to re-build their lives, and in a state of gross despair, they decide to terminate their lives and sometimes take their children and ex wives, with them.

their zeal to support this totalitarian and marxist ideology, and for fear of retribution, our politicians are bending backwards, to please the feminists.

The religious books are being re-written to show God as either genderless or as woman. The sacro-saint religious rules are constantly being defied and arbitrarly broken, as in the case of apppointing feminist indoctrinated woman priests and gay theologians.

The New World Order is taking shape where, the definition of a family is now including gay and lesbians couples and where single parenthood, mainly single motherhood, is now actively promoted as the inn thing.

Hollywood and the media is turning out male hating and violence towards men into either comedies or novels or films.

Becoming a primary school teacher for men is frustratingly a taboo profession less they are labeled as paedophiles or child molesters. Thus, children in their early years are being deprived of a male role models.

The lace curtain is ever vigilant about woman and feminist criticism and in constant fear that a weekly here or a newspaper there, might slip one or more such articles. Writers and commentators who dare to criticise feminists are prone to severe retribution and stygmatisation.

The term politically Correct is ever exacerbating punishment for those brave enough to utter the word hostess instead of saying a flight attendant.

The ever increasing women work force participation and encroachment into traditional male work areas, are creating resentment for the lack of similar jobs given to men in the past. The Affirmative Action is covertly trying to say thats ok to discriminate against men and as if this wasn`t enough the feminists are trying to push and in some countries have introduced Positive Discrimination in favor of women. What I fail to understand is how a discrimination of any sort can be a positive one?

The discussion topic equal pay for equal work seem to be gathering steam as the gap between woman and man earnings are down to a narrow 8% in Australia, according to a report woman in Australia 2007 just out.

The law has not escaped from the feminists tentacles either.

More and more women are now becoming criminals and by reason of either insanity or provocation or surprising as it may seem, because of simply being a woman they escape from being punished and in more cases than I care to remember, they are being set free!

I may continue to list countless other injustices, inequalities and unjust changes. Suffice to say that, these changes are hurting men worldwide and causing untold hardship and deaths.

What started as the Womens rights are human rights or Equal rights for women protests and marches, turned-out to be a complete and utter, farsical, sour joke and a well choreographed lie.

The irrevocable truth is Feminism wants total control of state and subjugate and marginilise men. This was their goal, and to a great extend they had a spectacular success,because, we men, BELOVED them.

As a result of this belief, the world has changed for the worse and we men, are and have been in a defensive position ever since.

However, having said all that, we should now ponder very seriously as to what

extend, we as men, and the world at large, are going to do, to reverse this terminally dangerous trends, and what means and ways are we going to use to create a more just world for the future?

Yours in arms.
Harry Stanton

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