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Rinascerò, Rinascerai – Roby Facchinetti – PLEASE FORWARD


If you can, please send this song to all your contacts. For every time you send this song, the St. John XXIII Hospital in Bergamo will receive few Euro for the equipment needed for the coronavirus patients. The hospital is badly in need as its supplies are finishing.

A song born in support of the coronavirus emergency, especially for the city of Bergamo seriously affected by Covid-19, all the proceeds from downloads, copyrights and editorial rights (Facchinetti / D’Orazio) will be totally donated to the hospital Papa Giovanni XXIII in Bergamo for the purchase of medical equipment.

It is also be possible to make spontaneous donations to the bank account of the hospital
Papa Giovanni XXIII in Bergamo
IBAN IT52Z0569611100000012000X95 BIC: POSOIT22

(if requested) Reason for payment: Progetto Rinascerò, Rinascerai FOLLOWED BY NAME, SURNAME AND TAX CODE

Rinascerò rinascerai
Quando tutto sarà finito
Torneremo a riveder le stelle
Rinascerò rinascerai
La tempesta che ci travolge
Ci piega ma non ci spezzerà
Siamo nati per combattere la sorte
Ma ogni volta abbiamo sempre vinto noi
Questi giorni cambieranno i nostri giorni
Ma stavolta impareremo un po’ di più
Rinascerò rinascerai
Rinascerò rinascerai
Abbracciati da cieli grandi
Torneremo a fidarci di Dio
Ma al silenzio si respira un’aria nuova
Ma mi fa paura questa mia città
Siamo nati per combattere la sorte
Ma ogni volta abbiamo sempre vinto noi
Rinascerò rinascerai
Rinascerò rinascerai
Rinascerò rinascerai
Rinascerò rinascerai
Rinascerò rinascerai
Rinascerò rinascerai
Rinascerò rinascerai

“Rinasceró, rinascerai” has been arranged by Danilo Ballo with the mixing of Marco Barusso, the choirs has been sung by a group of voices from Bergamo gathered thanks to the collaboration of Daniele Vavassori, and by the wonderful voice of Valeria Caponnetto Delleani, while the guitars on the finale are played by Diego Arrigoni, guitarist of Modà.

Roby (author of the song) says:

«After having seen on TV the images of the army trucks carrying the bodies of my fellow citizens I was overwhelmed by emotion; tears and anger brought me to the piano and in a few minutes the music was born and the title of

Rinasceró, rinascerai “.
It was an inspiration and an immediate need, I felt that I had to do something, in particular for my city, so heavily hit … I called Stefano asking him to support me in the project and entrusting him with the text, which perfectly expresses what I felt, a perfect marriage between music and words.

The song is the desire for rebirth and hope, a dedication to those who have left us and their families, thanks for all those who work incessantly for the good of others: doctors, nurses and all hospital staff, are the heroes of these days. A prayer for a city that doesn’t give up ».

«A few days ago Roby called me in a voice broken by tears» continues Stefano «between a breath and a silence he told me about the excruciating vision he had just witnessed … half an hour later I was already looking for the most suitable words to match with his music, words of pain, of trust, of redemption. Bergamo is my second city, a city that has adopted me, welcomed me and where I spent my best years of work.
“Rinasceró, Rinascerai” wants to be a simple way to play our little part too: we know how to do this, the Music, for a hymn to the future of a wounded city that “when everything is over, will return to see the stars” » .


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