Reply To: Victim of Domestic Harrasment by wife and her family members

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my wife and me are both government servant. my wife has been alotted a quarter on her name and hence i m living with her only. because of some problem between us, i left my home one day and stayed with my mother who stays nearby in the same city. when i came back to my own home, i foind that lock of the house were changed hence i could not enter my home. befor that in morning i sent sms and tried to call my wife as where is she. she did not replied on contacted. ans hance after putting an application in police station i m living with my mother since a week. under what law this situation can be seen,. if i complaint against my wife what will be the law and if my wife and her parents try to put 498a against me and my family(mother and two elder sisters), what the stepa shoul i take to tackle the situation or steps should i ytake.

pls help