Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Children’s development in Fake Case environment

We must understand the effect on matrimonial issues men and children. Due to EGOISM on a trifle issue, women run to file fake cases of dowry, harassment, cruelty, blah blah…. on Husbands and their families; many don’t even spare distant relatives of husband and shamelessly file fake cases on everyone they can (there are few instances where they included pet animals in their complaints).

Higher share of matrimonial cases is shared by fake ones. The law made for protection of women are grossly being misused by these #FakeFeminists by virtue of their EGOISTIC NATURE.  Fake cases can also be associated with a rise in depression, anxiety, hopelessness and other mental illness. The financial reality of fake cases is often hard to grasp mentally: the same resources is now expected to support almost twice the expenses.

These fake cases have also shown negative effects on children.  The fake cases wives generally take away children along with them in the wake of earning money in the name of maintenance of children. However, also do not let the children meet their fathers and paternal grandparents and relatives. These wives feed negativity in the minds of these children in order that they refuse to meet either and by this these wives can create emotional harassment on the husbands and their parents and relatives.

As a result, the children develop negative personalities. They suffer social and academic adjustment problems. Symptomatically boys are more extrinsic whereas girls are more intrinsic. Boys become more aggressive, show angrier, frustrated attitude and hurtfulness. They have troubled schooling, fight more with peers and parents. Girls are more internally distressed and lack in trust factor.

In an attempt to survive in the hostile environment, children often tend to take side of the fake case mother –  unknowingly of good and bad, true and untrue. These wives set an obvious mind for refusal to talk to husbands and their parents and relatives.

The discussion over human behaviour whether determined by the environment, either through prenatal preaching or during a person’s life learnings, or by a genes of a person has always been taken and is called nature versus nurture. The expression “nature and nurture” in English has been in use since long back to medieval French.

Nature relates to thinking of people as prewiring by genetic inheritance influence and other several biological factors. Whereas, Nurture relates to influence of external factors such as exposure, experience and learning on a product or individual.

Have you seen the Bournvita advertisement of mother looking towards development of child? that says;

Hindi wordings:

“Mere bete ko jeet ki aadat tab lagegi,
Jab wo muje harayega
tab nahi,
Jab me use jitne dungi,
aakhir adate naa ek din me banti hai naa aasani se”

English meaning:

My son will get used to winning when he will beat me,

Not when I let him win….

After all, habits are not formed in a day, nor easily.




The above advertisement refers to a positive psychological development, where the boy (child) will also learn to struggle and win and will not blame anyone for his failure.

Whereas, on the other hand, above stated wives teach their child the other way. At the early stage of life, the child wants emotional care. These wives as mother teaches the child wrong like they care most and over fulfils their child’s emotional needs.

When these children grow up and step into the real world with added responsibilities feel exhausted and often encounter failures and behave like the world is wrong, developing a mental/psychological illness.

So the question arises,

Are children being misused?

Is their Growth being hampered?

Who is responsible?

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