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Thts what I already said/pleded/ asked the counselor both in Court as well as Women Cell, Akola. Both had no answer to the same. The PI of Women Cell Akola said that I Cant guaratee but we will sign a bond and we will not remove/dismiss the case for next one year, but at that moment my wife was not ready to sign the bond whereas I showed the willingness to do so.

Also, the Counselor in Family Court said that they will continue the case for next three months where we will be called every month for counseling.

My wife was crying in front of counselor that I was only showing willingness to take her back in court and his not interested in me…………will spent lot of time with his family rather than her…………………bla bla……also will let our duaghter to be with my family for most of the time…………

The Counselor tried to convince her saying that nobody could restrict anybody for spending time with anyone..its individual choice…if you think that he doesnt love you or not have any affection for you than better you go for Divorce but in peaceful manner instead of putting allegations.

Even the baby will require her grandparents………its her right to get love from all. Even you (Wife) should try to give love and affection from (Bahu)Duaghter in Laws prospective. Its the requirement of Baby to have Grant Parents……and all that gyan to my wife……but I doutb that my wife hardly had understood.