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Well, Vinayak pls find below the summary..


1. Im fighting cases of Sec 9 of HMA which was filed by me first on 2nd April 2011.

2. to Counter this the opposite party filed case in Police station u/s 498a but it was not converted to FIR, as it was referred to the mediation center………..Women Protection Cell.

3. On 15th june 2011, the opposite party filed CrPC 125 in Akola FC. Interim Order was passed of Rs. 5000/ on 5th Jan 2012… bias order………….current status is that Im leading my evidence. Next date will be my cross examination.

Let me tell u that I was harassed by the Police, Judge in FC Akola, but with the help of Mr. D’souza, Mrs. Dhavale, Mr. Rajesh Vakharia, Mr. Atit, Mr. Kailash Khairnar and many other fighters I have been able to fight my cases….

Also to mention that I have filed the petition u/s 407 against the Principal Judge Family court Akola in Bombay HC which is pending.

Police were pressuring me to bend down to the foots of the Legal Terrorist, Judge was also doing the same…….