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I had appeared to court and she also apperead before court. Court has given next date of hearing on 18th january 2012. We had tried to settled case out of court and move ahead. She started blamming me for all and sayiing you didnt came to bring me back even though she knows that we had done many attempt to bring her back.

Finally my lawyer did counselling with both of us along with her relative and told us to go for a lunch together and to take final decision. Even in restaurant she was violent and blamming my mother and family members without any cause and was asking me to leavemy parental home and get seperated in rental home. I refused her. She want me to leave my parental city and to locate to other city but i refused and she was clam. I had gone to her home as per her wish and had taken snacks and came back.

Yesterday night she called me up to talk and we had a talk for 2 hours but finally she told that i have to leave ahmedabad and should start searching job out of ahmedabad with good efforts. I refused her saying that i cant leave my parental home and i promise you that i will fulfill my duty towards parents and wife as required but she cut my phone call and now she is not answering my call.

I have not yet replied to her complian filled for RCR u/s9. So pls guide what should be my action now

1. Shall i request court for anticipatory bail as she has already put alligation against me and family member for domestic violenece and dowry and i m having fear that she will file criminal case against me.

2. Shall i submit my reply to CIVIL court in reply to her complain along with wrong alligation

3. Marriage was happened in Ahmedabad. So what should i do to enforce jurdiction to be Ahmedabad.

