Reply To: Case against 498 wife

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Thanks Mr. Dsouza,

i was expecting reply from veterans like you, Adv Kachave and few others who are regular users of this biased law. Thanks for your reply. But few things still not clear from your reply.

–> you advised me to file only divorce case, why? If it is coupled with criminal and defamation together case it will be added advantage for me, isn’t it. Is the success rate is low? Whats your opinion.

–> shall I combine defamation and criminal case together and file. (point 3 above)

–> please also comment on my 1st and 2nd point above. After going through IPC and CRPC laws only I found these suitable sections. But which of them are really effective in punishing or putting the case on board. My case of 503, 504, 323 is not criminal case and since last 8 months it is trapped in court for various complicated n lengthy procedures.Hence i dont want another case to follow the same suit.

–> I’ve already collected many citations about false 498, DV Divorce & 125 cases from But i didn’t get any counter case which is filed by men. Are there any such citations? please send me. this is required only for boosting my morale in my case