Reply To: Petition to Rajya Sabha for Section 498A IPC

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24. FIR of 498A, Should not be reason for Divorce/Maintenance or Custody

is not correct. It will be big harrassment for husband as he will be forced live

with his tormentor. FIR should be reason enough for divorce. And if the reason

for FIR is frivolous divorce should be without maintenance.

Also we need to add that

judgement (even for Anticipatory bail) should contain the list of evidences

submitted by both the parties to support their claims. Many times judges simply

ignore the profound evidences submitted by the husband and base the

order/judgement on vague statements/evidences submitted by the so called wife


In my case s/he actually accepted before judge in front of everybody that s/he

had not undergone a (crucial) medical test recommended by lady gynaecologist. It

was shocking in addition to so many other instances. Medical report consisting

of two lines didnot even had panel doctors signature. Till date we do not have

individual medical test details.

Even during the medical examination few doctors who were known to (transgender)

wife’s side shouted on gynaecologist and warned her dire consequences.