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Dr.Dsouza is right she might cookup story for the delay and also the delay is not much…she can say the delay is because i have to understand the whole judicial process.

The success rate is not much as HC will not consider quashing of an FIR only on this ground. HC only quashes FIR u/sec 482 c.r.p.c if you prove that the FIR is false and have no relavance to the incident which is being narrated by your wife in the FIR.

Ravikant – Could you pls advise which part of India you stay and where the FIR has been lodged ? Also I would suggest you start collect proofs, bills, photos, mobile records, etc as these will be very handy for you.

One thing you must understand that at no given point of time whatever the situation would be you should not give up and have faith in almighty.

I too have approached HC for quashing and have got satisfactory response. If you wish you can send me a detailed email on my email id

Regards, Amar