Reply To: Victim of Harassment by my inlaws

Welcome Forums Advice 498A Victim of Harassment by my inlaws Reply To: Victim of Harassment by my inlaws


thanks for the reply. I don’t want her at all as i don’t want to be tortured for the rest of my life.

We did not ask for the money ever so there is no question of them having any proofs that we demanded dowry, whereas we have audio clips to prove our innocence.

a lawyer whom we visited recently suggested not to go in for legal cases at this time and to speak to my wife to settle this amicably, will this be the right approach ? he also suggested that the FIR cannot be stopped in any case, so filing for divorce etc will also not help in this case.

what are the pros and cons if i dont file a dowry case and domestic violence as suggested by you now ? please let me know.

also what should be my approach in the women cell and what should i give in my statement ? should i just hand over the complaint given to the dcp instead ? someone suggested i should also give a transcript of one of the recording i have so that the dowry cell cops will also think twice before making a case.

also, if i file for defamation since they accused me of sleeping with my mother, will it help ? how much time does it take to solve a defamation case and how much damage recovery can i expect ?

please suggest.