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Thank you for the reply.

I have collected proofs like her recording, videos etc. I told my wife that i don’t want to continue this relationship anymore but she is not agree for that. She told me that she will not leave me so easily. Also i have talked to her parents about this for several times. Her parents are saying that If you do not want to continue with her then don’t tell us. u and your parents take care of this issue else you bring her back to our home permanently but they will not come here to take her back and any further discussion. Now before going I told her that for few months just stay along with your parents as she doesn’t like to stay with my parents but she straight away refused and told me that i will stay here only. i don’t find difficult to stay alone here. my planning was once reaching there i will not be in a contact with her and will not take her there. i wanted to discuss all these issues before going there but i am scared if she done some thing wrong then i will not be able to go there. Now is there any way by which I can stay there alone without any legal issue? My wife is not having any idea abut exactly where am i going and in which company? If i break contact with her after going there then what kind of legal actions she can take against me? and if she takes then are there any precautions which i can do for avoiding future consequences?