Reply To: Harassment by wife and her in laws 498a , 406

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1. Install a call recorder in your phone
2.Call your wife from the phone politely and gently and tell her that you love her. No matter what and however she is provocative and abusive, don’t say anything bad.
3. Keep all the phone call records thus made for giving proof in court.
4. If your eife ever loved you, she wouldnt have left you no matyer what happened. Accept the fact that she is os not your partner any more.
5. If your wife is working collect evidences from linkedin or some sources for her job so that you don’t have to give maintenance.
6. If you have kids, do send maintenance amount every month for them.
7. File a guardian ward case for the children if possible.
8. RCR can be filed if you wish your wife to come back. It may not be useful but you can wait and see if she is filing any contradictory affidavits in court and then obtain a certified copy of the affidavit and give it to court to expose her lie.
9. If she has evwr harassed you using social media or whatsapp or any internet technology, you should be able to file 66a case against her.