Reply To: Case status RTI denied: reply under investigation

Welcome Forums R T I Case status RTI denied: reply under investigation Reply To: Case status RTI denied: reply under investigation


Yes, it is common answer. Instead of asking case status. Ask questions which will give favour to you. Like: in my wife complaint my wife accepted that she has given dowry. Please give information is a case under section 3 of dp act register against my wife. If not under what section it is exptempted.
Did the stridhan list given by wife is according to dp 3 act. If not under which section it is exptempted.
My wife in her complaint said she was beaten by me on that. In this regard did she submitted mlc.

Such questions will help you your case.

Now to know case status i think best for you to put your question in legal forum of mynation. RTI would not do much help here.