Reply To: Does judgment of first motion for mutual consent divorce safegaurd me?

Welcome Forums Advice Divorce Does judgment of first motion for mutual consent divorce safegaurd me? Reply To: Does judgment of first motion for mutual consent divorce safegaurd me?


seens to be like that they have first make you agree on mutual divorce by showing lolipop of no alimony and now they are planning to blackmail that if you don’t give so much will not proceed with second motion..

now a days this tactics are used widely and guy is happily jumping when first motion get filled and dreaming that his life will be peaceful again and in few years he will be marring some good and beautiful girl, will have kids and so on and in second motion all is taken back in single moment.

certainly they can file 498a and DV against you before divorce decree, but less effective for conviction and you may easily get bail by showing first motion records, get 4-5 certified copies from court and keep them handy.

even if they move for second motion be careful with judgement that they have no loop holes to file 498a against you even after divorce.

I think you can opt for judicial seperation, that you both have already mentioned and agreed in your first motion petition. that you both are not staying together since so and so date.