Ex girlfriend forcing for marriage IPC 375, SC ST ATROCITIES ACT

Welcome Forums Advice Rape Ex girlfriend forcing for marriage IPC 375, SC ST ATROCITIES ACT

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      After a year long relationship I decided to break up with my girlfriend, however she was not willing to let go. She threatened me of suicide, and later on she made a cooked up story of being admitted to hospital which I checked and found out to be shut since Covid. In this story her ex boyfriend also helped her.
      Subsequently she texted my parents with all the story and pictures, and humiliated me. But my parents also stood by my side so she finally filed a complaint with the police of R
      Sexual Harrasment and also of SC ST Act that I verbally abused her of casteist remark (I belong to the general category while she’s an SC). Police adviced me to stop her from continuing with the complaint because I shall be put behind bars. Therefore I gave in writing that I’ll marry her, on the basis of which she withdrew her complaint.
      But later on forced me to have an MoU for the same.

      I found out from her friend that she’s done similar thing with one of her previous ex as well, but there was no legal case then.

      The lawyers are advicing me that because of the SC ST ATROCITIES ACT, I won’t even get anticipatory and she can also take my family down. Therefore the easy way would be to marry her and later on if possible divorce her.

      I am somehow delaying the marriage but I don’t know for how long can I do the same.

      Her parents are also fed up of her and want to get rid of her and that’s how I become an easy option to shift their liability.

      And yes, she does have our pictures and texts.

      Please advice me how can I get rid of her, and face no legal consequence?

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