harrasement for money by doctor wife

Welcome Forums Advice Divorce harrasement for money by doctor wife

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    • #169

      Dear All,

      I need advise, RCR filed and Alimony granted last month to her. She is BAMS doctor but not practicing.

      My background : Only son, mother only, unemployed due to recession, living in Mumbai.

      Marraige Details: Married on Feb 2004, She left me on Jan 2006 with shocking news that the test is positive (against my consent) and now I don’t want to stay with you. Since then we are separate. Baby girl was born on 2007.

      In meantime I always use to call and understand where things have gone wrong. I have the recording of 10hrs wherein I can prove she has left for her own comfort without reason and due to I me and myself attitude.

      Now she wants 20 lakh for agreeing to divorce that I can’t pay, or she want me to take her back as every trick of theirs have failed.

      I have decided not to take her back firmly.

      Need advise on flat:I was a struggler in 2005 and was unable to get loan. Have purchased flat in her name with hope that the loan will be granted to her. But finally loan was granted to me only and still I am paying the loan. But she is the sinle owner in the flat.

      Can I create cross holding of the flat favouring my sister or mother that now they are helping me financially (I am jobless) and they also have right in the flat. So that I can save this flat.

      Filing divorce petition:Since we are staying separately for more than two years can I file divorce petition in Mumbai. She is staying with parents 500km away inMaharashtra. Can she get the case transferred.

      Demanded 20 Lakh: During one meeting for settlement they have demanded 20lakh 4 months back. Can I still file a case of attempt to exort. Will it be favourable in my side?

      Please advise me. I don’t know how to turn the tables. My local lawyer there seems to have joined hands with them. And I am yet to decide whether I shud file divorce petition or not! Please advise.

      Latest update is Alimony granted last month end to her. RCR will start

    • #1138

      Seems that you have made big mistake by purchasing flat in her name… for rest you can contact local chapter in mumbai..

      jinesh- 09820241589


    • #1139

      Seems that you have made big mistake by purchasing flat in her name… for rest you can contact local chapter in mumbai..

      jinesh- 09820241589


    • #1140

      On what grounds are you filing for divorce? You haven’t given any reasons for the breakdown of marriage.

      As far as the flat is concerned, who has present possession. Please remember, in property matters possession is 90% of the law. Keep record of all payments made against the loan.

      As far as demand of Rs.20 Lakhs is concerned, it seems to be just a opening gambit. Your wife does not seem to be too keen on a divorce. I hope you have concrete evidence that she has been living separately for the last two years. That way you can file for divorce on the basis of desertion.

    • #1141

      Yes, trusting is my weakness. I should not have purchased the flat in her name.

      And after understanding the life and circumstances, she wants to come back but I don’t trust her any more.

      The possession of the flat is with me. I am staying in that flat. She is staying with her parents.

    • #1142

      You told that ur wife left in Jan,06 & she born baby in 2007, how it is possible. So if u r in Mumbai come with papers, i will try to understand ur problem.

    • #1143

      Dear Mr Kachave,

      That is my mistake. The baby was born on Aug 2006. I will came and see you sir. Thank you very much for adv.

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