legal duties & responsibilities of an unmarried independent daughter

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    • #26

      What are the legal duties & responsibilities of an unmarried financially independent daughter above 21 years of age towards her parents?

    • #720

      Section 20 of the Hindu Adoption & Maintenance Act, 1956 provides for maintenance of the children and aged parents. Under the provisions of the said section, Hindu is bound, during his or her life time, to maintain his or her legitimate or illegitimate children and his or her aged or infirm parents.

      However, a child may claim maintenance from his or her father or mother so long as the child is minor, i.e. a person who has not completed 18 years of age. When a Hindu male dies intestate his property devolves around his legal heirs. Section 10 of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 gives in detail the list of Class I heirs who are go be given first preference while dividing the property of the deceased. Rule 1 of this Section provides for a share of property for the widow of the deceased. Rule 2 of this Section provides for a share each for the surviving sons and daughters and the mother of the deceased. In your case though it is not clear whether the deceased has a surviving widow and mother but in case there are only two surviving daughters and a son each one will get a share each i.e. 1/3 of the undivided share in the property.

      In case one of the sisters of your friend is willing to relinquish her share in favour of the other sister, she can do so by executing a relinquishment deed in her favour. However, in case your friends father has left a residential house, which is occupied by your friend and other members of the family, then under Section 23 of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956, his sisters can not claim partition of the said House till the son (i.e. your friend) chooses to divide the respective shares in the said house.

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