
Welcome Forums Advice Maintenance maintenance

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    • #465

      My husband has deserted me for the last two years.i was married on march 2005 I have a minor daughter and i am staying with my daughter at my parents house. My in laws did not turn to us neither my husband try to meet his daughter for te last 2 years.During the course of marriage i found my husband is very close to his brother’s wife and as his brother is physically and mentally unfit to conduct his matrimonial affairs. So i could not tolerate their intimacy. my all in laws family did not care about this and mentally torture me a lot. I returned at my parents house on 25 june 2009. they did not try to contact us .Than i have file maintenance case on him on 19 may 2010 and my husband appear at the time of passing of the interim order on 8th january 2011 and the court has decided to give me and my daughter the interim maintenance.Than my husband has filed an affidavit on 22 jan 2011 in support of his defence saying that he has many other responsibilities and his father mother brother are ill and i am a working women, but thats not true i am not working anywhere as my daughter is very small.After filing this affidavit he has stop coming to the court to pay maintenance and also stop coming to fight for that defence affidavit. Everytime his lawyer took the new date of hearing.My husband also file te divorce petition from the city where we use to live witout my acknowledgement to get one sided divorce. But i got tranfer the case to the home town. Now on 11 march 2011 i have also file the petition for arrest in view of disobedience of interim maintenance orders. but they are not receiving the summon of this petition intentionally at their home .All my in laws members are very clever and hide themselves and convey message that there is no one in the house. Some people are saying that he has went abroad now. Wat would i do now..i don\\\\\\\’t want to go in DV act…How much time will the court take so that i could get the justice.How could i trace my husband.

    • #2601

      You say

      “My husband has deserted me”

      then you say

      I returned at my parents house.

      so then he is not deserted you, you deserted him. if there is any mental cruelty, you have to prove there it self in front of his/your parents and elders and meet a amicable solution.

      When you involve in legal battle, you lose your valuable time/life and money. for few hundred rupees of maintenance. and if you are educated/capable you will not get that also.

    • #2602

      If you are working women then you are not entitled to get any maintenace; if court ordered then may be your husband is not aware of it, or his lawyer is involved with you and cheated him.

      refer such judgment on

    • #2603

      Sir i would i like to ask since the first day of my marriage i have tolerated my husband relationship with his brothers wife. I just remain quite perhaps he might improve himself and leave that lady.but tha does not happen ..even after the baby he did not change…so what could i have done it..only option was to leave him. and return to my parents house…not a single time he and his parents were interested to call me back or see their what would you it not desertion from him?

      why i am not entitled to have maintenance?…i know i am qualified but i am not capable to work because i can’t leave my daughter alone… also how much can i earn suppose my income is 5000 permonth and my husband is earning more than i lakh than also i am not entitled to maintenance? what about my daughter’s he is not responsible for giving maintenance to his daughter?…..

    • #2604

      Im not saying you are not entitled for maintenance, but there are already orders,no maintenance for capable/educated women.

      from 1st day you tolerated and you knew, you should not have allowed to come to you and bring innocent child to this world. you should have told him chose her or me on 1st day itself. as you left after child born then anyone can think “teel mai kuch…”

      now you have prove he deserted you to get maintenance.

      when you are not capable to raise your child, Child father has right to ask for her cusotdy, and if you get her custody he will pay his share of responsibility.

    • #2605

      Thank u for your illogical suggestion….you seem to be quite illiterate in your professional duty…

    • #2606

      When someone shows all your fault then it always seems ILLogical; Indian women always want husband money but she do not want him. that we can seen from your own words.

      keep it up bounty digger.

    • #2607

      ha ha ha…money money money….

    • #2608

      Dear gulati.k19,

      I find your story similar to Rekha_s. Do you have solid proof of his affair with his Bhabhi?..

      you cannot stop his action as long as she is in the house living within joint family. even if you do not have if you have been illtreated by inlaws your stand to leave your husband’s house is justified. do not regret for it. Your husband has married you and you & child is his primary responsibility.if he is abstaining from having physical relation with you and neglecting you over a period of time.this too amounts to cruelity.

      having physical relationship and child is part and parcel of marriage. and expressing your displeasure towards his extra marital with bhabhi is geniune you being his lawfully wedded wife. he is not faithful to you and why should you suffer for his act ? do you not have right to have a companion? if he was having affair than why did he wilfully married you? and have a child? why not questions to your husband????why should his acts not condemned??? the person who is showing u fault . is he absolutely clean person?? .. without a single fault??

      although woman is educated and capable of working she may not be able to earn like her husband because she might not be working after marriage and will be underemployed. if there is a vast difference in income you are still eligible for maintenance. there are judgement in support to it. as the child is minor you will have her custody and he has to pay you child support which will give you some relief.

      Get the whereabouts through your common relatives & friends and his present job details. and send the orders to him thru registered post or thru baliff to his address.

      do not get demorilised by the posts here which will discourage you. be strong.. you have to fight for justice. it is very unfortunate for your child. do what is best for her.

      why should Indian woman not fight for maintenance if her husband wilfully does not perform his duties as a husband and father and also neglects/illtreats her to such an extent that she is forced to leave her matrimonial house.

      if you are physically raising the child it is his duty to maintain and secure his child’s future. (here he has not even shown any interest for even visiting his child)

    • #2609

      Chor-Chor mausere bhai……nahin behene (Sisters). Ek hi jagah par hazarr jhoot. Husband agar Bhabhi ko support kare tau he has physical relations with his bhabhi. Yeh apne jija ke saath so bhi jayen tau bhi yeh sati savitri. This Gulati has sprinkled salt on my wounds and reopenned them. My wife was also like that. She didn’t spare her own elder sister even. One should not be so suspicious that the pious relation of Devar/Bhabhi has not been been spared. She herself should have given mental support of her Jethani, if her husband is mentally ill. I’m sure this Gulati must have instead made the life of her husband hell that could be the reason, he is not willing to see her. Instead of supporting the family who is going thru the agony of the elder son being mentally ill. She increased their pain. How hard hearted this lady would be, I can’t even imagine. If she was not able to raise her child there was no reason she should have taken her along. Am sure, she must have gone in ego, that this act will bring her husband to her feet, which didn’t happen now Khisyani billi khamba noche. But the law has given them so many teeth and claws with which she can scratch anyone from in laws side.

      Girls/ladies, we don’t need you here, particularly 498 A type and liars. We warn you to stop using this forum and go ask your lawyers, they will tell you 101 ways to harrass your husband. Rekha, Human being now some Gulati, be advised to get your own web site created and interact there. I am sure these 498A ladies don’t need any help from our side. They are like parasites on their hubbies and again stealing the resources which we have created for our purpose. They are self sustained in terms of money and intelligence. I’m surprized they can earn themselves but envy the husband because he is earning more. They want the same status but live separate, just bcoz law is with them. Please don’t forget there is some one above this law of land, the almighty.

      But now who studies the epics and has the sanskar of becoming a dutiful wife. They won’t share the burden of the husband, they themselves become the burden. Wah are aaj ki Saavitri……….Woh husband ke pran bacha ke lai thi, these whores are asking ways to kill them.

      We have enough trouble for ourselves and don’t need more shit from you.

      Dr. Dsouza please see if something can be done about this.

    • #2610

      Gulati has not yet filed 498a/DV. which she cud have used if she wanted..


      there are such things happening in the closed doors and not reported. and with the changing times people are coming forward and reporting without fear. Newspaper are flooded with crime against child and woman.

      what if she is saying the truth.what is wrong if we believe her and give advice.

      there can be some incidences of misunderstandings which cannot be ruled out.

      If there are no more saavitri then are also no more satyavan.

      you mean this forum is only for man and no woman with marital problems should come in this forum for advice or guidance.

      Is DOCTOR Dsouza and admin are the same person.

    • #2611

      whether girl child or boy child they are raised equally by their parents in the modern times.

      Husband who has been working continuously will obviously be in a better position than the wife who has left her job after marriage for any reason or for raising the child. one cannot guarantee that she will find suitable job later when she wants to take up job so easily in this competitive job market though she is qualified and competent. she may loose her experience being out of touch in the job market. don’t u think if she had not left her job she wud have been at par or far more better position than her husband.

    • #2612

      if they are raised equaly then why not pay maintenance to husband if wife is working and earning…?

    • #2613

      wife cannot claim maintenance from unemployed husband and wealthy wife has been ordered to pay maintenance to husband.. such orders have been passed in the past.

    • #2614

      Dear Gulati,

      he cannot escape from interim maintenance/child support as the orders have already been passed. take advice from your advocates for the next course of action and keep track of his job profile and whereabouts?

    • #2615

      such orders are one in million, and passed only after fighting upto SC.

      but why most of the working women also file for maintenance, even they know, they are not eligible. and win; coz some men do not know nor their lawyers will not tell them working capable women cannt claim maintenance.

    • #2616

      and we also track him and tell that she is working and she has no right to claim maintenance.

    • #2617


    • #2618

      Thank u humanbeing for your support….

      Mr sgrover 1973, i don’t know why are u so tenzed….very sad….i’ll ask you what is the definition of dutiful wife…i know you will have in your mind either your mother or sister…If this could happen to our own sister than what…will you count your mother and sister in the category of mausere behne……

      Yes i could have file dowry or DV act case on my husband but did not do this just becoz…he is father of my child unfortunately…(kaash main vidvah hi hoti)..

      Yes i have seen my husband with his bhabhi in same bed several times….becoz his bhabhi is married to an impotent man…

      Even his bhabhi committed this to me also that i have been physical to your husband just becoz to have a baby

      I cried a lot at that time and scold her for this thing…but she said don’t tell me all these things are done with the permission of our mother in law…i was shocked…even i told to my parents about this but they always said me to adjust it your husband will improve he will leave that lady soon if you conceive …Than i thought this could change my husband..but not at all,.. after the delivery of baby…he left me on delvery bed several times to meet his bhabhi…he even did not interested for his child…for one year i try to develop love of my daughter to his father but no…he is always thinking about that lady…he did not give money for the milk to his child also i have to borrow money from my parents….he use to travel every week alone to meet that lady from job city to hometown…

      I am not working anywhere in fact i am preparing for my higher studies so that i can lead a better life with my daughter …I just need maintenance becoz my daughter is very small i can’t leave her alone to earn money…

      For every single penny i have to ask from my parents…

      Soon i hope i would get a better job after i finished my studies but it will take many years …i would have not been interested to take money from my husband…he should better give to his mistress…bhabhi ke naam par dhabba….God will not forgive him…yeh ek ma ki baddua hai…

    • #2619

      Gulati, humanbeing just like you; another side of same coin, no wonder she will support all women who file false cases and allegation just to get money from husband.

      now it’s clear, you not only want husband money, but indirectly praying for his death saying ….kaash main vidvah hi hoti.

      your profile says you are dietitian, but here you say you are not working, and with parents single penny you cannt go for higher studies.

      we are very well aware how our wives blamed every women around us having relation with them and you are no different.

      and it clearly says women vs another Women

    • #2620

      If it is true that summons are not served upon your husband, you have to take steps in court, if address is same & he is not receiving , you have to apply for substitute service & paper publication, your problem will be solved, your advocate should know it, be in contact with him. 9821387099, 9224799546

    • #2621

      aise pati ke hone se na hona behtar hai… but the fact is he is there to give you more problems.

      you are educated and good that you are not wasting your time and using it for further studies. you seem to be very young and its very unfortunate that you will not be able to stop your husband. once he has child from his bhabhi he will not think of his own child. as it is he is not bothered to see the child. try to find a better advocate and get in touch with NGO who can help you. if your husband & inlaws are acting very smart why should you not use the law which is for protection for such distressed woman. you are doing right as long as you are honest and not misusing law but see to it that you have enough proof. You have to fight for your maintenance/child support RIGHTS as you are not working and child is very small and dependent on you. Do what Adv. Kachave has advised. your child is your emotional strength. you are not alone she is with you remember.

    • #2622

      dsouza does your profile say you are a qualified DOCTOR?? being a admin/member you have advantage to find the ip and other details. are you not misuing your position as a member to dig the information which is not relavant to you.

    • #2623

      All the man against whom the cases are filed will always say it is a false case. true or false is ascertained later.

      what has been actually seen and not heard cannot be said “blame”. and in your case his bhabhi has accepted it.

    • #2624

      I did not called her / or your with names; when online we can do that too.

      i wrote what she wrote in her profile.

      it is said.

      those who have yellow fever……..look yellow….

      so moral of the story. you have differences with your beloved husband and you think others also listen to you, and dance as you say. gone those days for sure sooner than later we will defeat feminism.

    • #2625

      Dr dsouza….all women are not the same…i am not about money of my husband only..i just want to sek justice…i did file the case becoz i thought perhaps my husband would regret soon and realizes his responsibility for his daughter…but no,..all went vain..yes i am a dietician but i am not working anywhere….i am doing phd from the scholarship and also using the money which i earn in UK when i was in job…my parents also help me…but i feel very awkward to ask from them…i don’t know why this happen to me why did i got separated from my husband..(.isse to accha hota god mujhe vidva bana deta )as you know its difficult to convince your own child where his father is….

    • #2626

      wish we could also see your profile. whether you have mention DOCTOR as your qualification/profession. and whether you are honest or not. whether it is true or false how can u say by just reading the profile.

      it is begining of the story: fate of a irresponsible husband/father who has distroyed two lives for whom he is responsible?

      fight injustice whether it is done by a man or woman.

    • #2627

      We are not aginst women who are harassed by their husbands. as there are judgments, saying capable/educated and working are not eligible for maintenance, including those who were working before. knowing this asking for money, shows they are after husband money. and i never said he should pay for child support.

      Rekha you were on the path to be moderator in this forum, as per admin, as this is a equal oppertunity forum. and you are one of the sand paper for the men who treat them as sex object bla bla (as feminist say). but unfortunatly you lost it. just now.

    • #2628

      dear gulati.k19,

      it is of no use trying to justify yourself stand here. world is not so good. you have a long life. think about what you should do than about why it has happened to you. there is no life without problems. we are only protected when we are a childrens. once we are married we have to face the real world. in this journey you will find good people and bad people. take this situation as your challange and now your education will have its real value. crying/ worrying will make you unhappy as well as to your parents and your child. you have one responsibility with you. just move on your life and forget the past once you get child support. child is his responsbility too.

      In this forum except for one or two members no one will believe your story and try to demoralise you and try to put forward all the points giving justification for your husband’s action though it was unethical or immoral.. some members who talk so harsh is only because they have been other side of the same coin. their injury has not yet healed or still living in past.

      those who have yellow fever……..look yellow….

      why not look out for cure for yellow fever instead

    • #2629

      i am sure even rekha was not here for moderators post.

      dsouza. at the moment she is not able to work as her child needs care of mother. and she is using time to acquire further qualification for better job and better living standard. is she not tring to do her best? instead of depending on her parents what is wrong if she claims from her husband money for her and child till such time she finds a job and laws is already in her favour. why should a husband who is legally married is not understanding his responsibility towards his wife and child. so make him legally responsible.

    • #2630

      and there are some feminists here who trying to prove they are right even after filling false case, and begging for money even they are not worth..

      They think only man has to understand responsibility when they forgot theirs. thier parents never told them what their responsibility is. now they trying to prove they right always

    • #2631

      i represent a woman and if i am sand paper. your wife, mother, daughter is also sand paper according to you

    • #2632

      so you dont know what sand paper is.

      yes my mother is a sand paper to me. because of her i reached to the best place with morals and knowledge.

      sand paper is used to polish things to make it fine and smooth.

      now you why i say aurath ka akkal gutne ka nich…..

      they dont even know for what they are compared. hahaha

    • #2633

      are u wise enough to differentiate between woman who is feminists and non feminist. false case & true case.. right to be maintained & begging for money. worth/not worth. what is resposibilities/duties of man and woman in present times. are you done with your responsbility/duties before pointing fingures to others? first question yourself.

      did you not say : those who have yellow fever……..look yellow….. it is only when you see that person who has turned yellow than you can conclude he has yellow fever. right.

    • #2634

      and you are one of the sand paper for the men who treat them as sex object bla bla (as you said).

    • #2635

      now you why i say aurath ka akkal gutne ka nich…..

      and that aurath can be your mother, daughter sister…

    • #2636

      why did you marry for the second time? if aurath ka . you still wanted “aurath” right. your better half without which you were incomplete.

    • #2637

      yea man is incomplete till marriage.

      once married he is FINISHD.

    • #2638


      aurath ka akkal always gutneka one is exceptional.

      but as per NCW/WCD mother who has male children are not women.

    • #2639

      and so you still prefered to be FINISHD. knowingly.

      so aadmi ka akkal kaha per hota hai DOCTOR??

      but we do what our heart says right.

    • #2640

      You have a heart ? i doubt…

      if you ever had one, you never filed all those false cases, just for money.

      and crying in the name of child.

    • #2641

      human being

      plz cut the crap.u always support women na. so now listen to my story

      i never dated a girl.i never looked to a girl. i was shy to talk to them. i

      showed them all respected.

      then i got married.was on top of my life. i used to love her too much.this

      lasted 4 fine day she faked a suicide by showing to cut her wrist on

      14th. i got inlaws stared threatening to file cases and asked us

      even if they are false u have to prove the same in court.

      my father got stroke(all this happened after 10 days of a family outing to a

      famous beach resort).

      parents of girl came to my place on 16th.

      17th was my bday.she gave me a present,her parents wished me.they asked me to go

      to my native to see my ailing father.i went to see him.

      in after noon i came to know from neighbour they have left

      18th i came back,saw full house is empty,all valuables taken.

      they went to their place filed DV,498A,377,504,506,34 on my parents and me .my

      parents used to love her more than my sister

      bythe way she is an engineer.

      now she is telling i didnot allowed her to work and cut her hand

      so this is the truth of how girls are these days.

      before shouting at men u should understand their point.if u can search what ipc

      377 says u will know what my wife did to me….

      and u want we men to be quite why??????????????????

    • #2642

      human being

      one thing is for sure

      she can cut me ,she can bleed me,but i will make sure to get it even.

      i was one who is looked upon as an example in society from childhood.never broke any rule ever.

      i will fight with truth and thats what i will prove

    • #2643

      gulati ji

      my sincere advice, i donot want reply,u should do introspection

      1. are u ready to lose ur husband to ur bhabhi(so that she get what she want0? (considering what u told is true)

      2.will u be happy with the money? is money everything?

      3. are u so week that u cannot take away ur husband from her bhabhi(only if what u said is right) using your charm?

      4.what answers your child will ask u in future?

      i will say u can still save ur marriage.i know u have the capability. for me try for atleast once. best of luck

    • #2644

      Blue, Telling your story to these deaf feminists is total waste; its like playing pipe in front of buffalo

      They think all men are villain other than their lover/brother and Father.

      we have RTI replies from NCW/WCD saying they will not take our mothers/sisters,old parents complaints;

      they only entertain Legal terrorists only.

    • #2645

      thank u mr blue for your advice..i”ll try my best…but what would be the guarantee of my life…will my inlaws keep me safely after all this happen in my life…will my husband bhabhi spare me…i am now scared…but lets hope for the best

      Yes money is very important in life…you can say money is everything…without money you can’t do anything…even for religious purpose you need money…

      dr dsouza..i feel very pity on you…you r really against women…i will say again all women are not the same..see your mother or sister…they are so good people ….i wish…

      keep it up humanbeing 2…

    • #2646

      Where i said All women are BAD…?

      Im only aginst those who file case to get something or harass.

      Those who claim which they are not worth.

      and those who brand themslef SAINTS even after making mistake and dont admit it.

      to those who never know their responsibility in marriage but preach others.

      and those who belive whatever they do is right and others are wrong.

    • #2647

      Dsouza,- how can u be so sure whether it is false case or not? R u god?how can u assume all the cases filed are false???money or maintenance is childs right and fathers responsibility-nothing illegal.

      “Blue, Telling your story to these deaf feminists is total waste; its like playing pipe in front of buffalo. They think all men are villain other than their lover/brother and Father.”

      -Dsouza- story of woman(all) who come to this forum for help also falls to deaf ears here. y to think all women as vamps other than their lover/sister and mother”-

    • #2648

      Mr. Blue- I am against injustice whether it is done to man or woman. if your wife has filed so many false cases DV,498A,377,504,506,34 why cannot you prove yourself not guilty?? why was she not working if you had no objection?

    • #2649

      gulati ji

      we are all human. we make mistakes and we correct ourselves.everything can be acheive. no one can gaurantee life.

      plz try for once atleast,but it should be forgeting abt past and getting ur husband back,not by force but by love.if a woman wants she can do that.

      men will never obey u with force ,they are hungry for love.plz understand this.ur life will be smooth and easy.

      good bless u

    • #2650

      my sincere advice, i donot want reply,u should do introspection-


      1. are u ready to lose ur husband to ur bhabhi(so that she get what she want0? (considering what u told is true)


      2.will u be happy with the money? is money everything?



      3. are u so week that u cannot take away ur husband from her bhabhi(only if what u said is right) using your charm?



      i will say u can still save ur marriage.i know u have the capability. for me try for atleast once. best of luck


    • #2651

      We are human being first and than man or woman. How many of us agree our mistake and try to correct not repeat. We all have one life. Has he expressed to mend himself and ready to get alongwith you for child leaving behind his past and present???. Love is not something which you can take by force it is blind. One who is getting the love from outside marriage why will he come to u. who does not want to be loved whether man/woman/child/mother. Child support you will get by legal fight if not by verbal talk.

    • #2652

      human being

      first: she had left job 1.5 years before marriage and got engaged with me by telling she is working.i found out, she cried,i give her mercy and we got married.i

      i tried my level best to find her a job,but she will never attend a interview but will cry for job.god only knows what she wanted. she is still not working and wants money to sustain herself though she is an qualified engineer.

      second: i wil prove myself innocent but it will take years bcoz thats how indian law works.i have enough evidences.

      third: she left house not sparing even my underwear and shaving cream.

      fourth: plz donot break someone’s life if u cannot make it. its very easy to provoke someone in the mind frame of ms gulati.we should try to save marriages.

      fifth: do u know what is ipc 377,its sodomny,thats what she alleged.even in medical exam she told medical persons is u cannot get 377 charge him with 376(rape). so thats how my wife is

      sixth: i am not against women.i am against the misuse of law.why she had entangled my parents who donot stay with us.allegations on them are,they instigate me to beat per law do thy deserve 498a?? no

      seventh: she is a well qualified lady,donot want to do job,just sit and enjoy money,cried every where to send me to jail.even divorce judge told her that u r saying lies,go with him,she said u do ur job and give me divorce

      eigth:she is as tall as me and much healthier than me,she alleged that i tied her hand and then did intercource forcefully and sodomny is done daily from date of honemoon

      ninth: she alleged that i used to lock her in room and go to office. where as she used to go to parlours

      tenth: allegation,i doubt her and did not allow her to call anyone. when i recharged every month her mobile with 350 rs

      so madam… u tell me what should i do, pamper her,lick her feet bcoz she is female… sorry i cannot do that.

      i still respect all ladies,so advicing gulati ji to try sincerely

    • #2653

      What a silly question

      if your wife has filed so many false cases DV,498A,377,504,506,34 why cannot you prove yourself not guilty ??

      Everyone knows, Indian women no need to prove anything, her crocodile tears and sob story is enough for indian legal system.

      if women says her husband is beating her, no one ask for evidence, burdon of proof lies on man.

      and if man is beaten by wife also and Man complain, no one will beleive in him, coz again burdon of proof lies on man.

      Rekhal i say you raped me, can you prove you did`t raped me…?

    • #2654

      with so many false cases will you still try to patch up with your wife? will u try to save ur marriage.

      what is use to save marriage without foundation.

      you have to first prove the allegation then rekha can defend herself if she is not guilty? defence is based on how the allegation is proved?

    • #2655

      Indian legal system do not provide men any defence against crocodile tears and false alegations of women, thats why supreme court called it LEGAL TERRORISM.

      Indian women can prove anything coz she has immunity from Indian Government sponsored by NCW/WCD

      I can show you our all members wives complaint and none proved that their husband demanded dowry, all Chargesheets are filed just on words.

    • #2656

      i want her back due to my unconditional love for her

    • #2657

      My feelings r also the same as of mr blue….its true whats the fun if you want your spouse back and they are not interested to live with u..(unka dil kahin aur hi laga ho….)

      i got very upset after knowing that the wife of mr blue has not spare his parents also…its very sad…people should not misuse the law…

      Cheers! for humanbeing2 …

    • #2658

      Mr. Blue,

      do u still love her? y .. even after so many allegation. don’t u have self respect and dignity? what if she hates u and does not love u will ur marriage withstand with such negitive attitude. would u want to spend rest of your life with such unfaithful partner. is your future, career and life secure with such partner?. what if you had child and had this happended after. can you trust her ? you could have saved your marriage if these cases were not filed. and if the arguments/actions which resulted in the filing cases had been avoided. if problems between u were sorted out with discussions. every action has reaction. if she has falsely file so many cases she is having revengeful attitude which is more dangerous and it is surely result of some grave injury either it is emotional or physical. ur estranged wife will anyways not get maintenance as she is still capable of earning and educated ( as per law)money cannot be only reason

    • #2659

      she was my first still some where i love her. i agree with ur all points.

      but i cannot find any better reasons for her doing so,she has already taken all gold of our family. now she wants divorce as soon as possible with a huge allimony.

      why will she do that.

      i asked her before marriage that if she donot want to marry me,she is free.but she said r u doubting me,i donot have any affair.

      also whenever i ask about his old pals or past life after marriage she will start quarelling,though she is comfortable to ask and listen mine.

      today got info that she is now spreading roumours that i had burned her and was admitted to hospital. and again that she was recued by some stangers from my home after listening/reading her letter thrown outside.

      now u tell me what is this?

      she never allowed me event to touch her mobile but used to check mine. now i donot know what was her past and cannot see anyother motive except money.

      as a lady of good brain.u tell me what was my mistake. was it to marry a engineer.she is claiming that i had not permitted her to work after marriage,whereas she had left job well before marriage.

      i think her parents are behind this or her lawyer. donot know.

    • #2660
    • #2661

      mr blue…i would say this is onesided love…your wife is not interested in you from the first day of your marriage…she must have married you for some starnge reason …and most important …i don’t think one’s parents are involved in this…no parents want their son/daughter life would spoil like this…everyone wants that their child would settled….its human nature….

    • #2662

      Rightly said Gulati;

      thats what todays women are, they are not ready for married life, thats full of responsibilities, they marry for strange reasons, that money,

      Mr.Blue now you heard it from women. so forget your bitter half and move on.

      crying over splitmilk is total can do better without women.

      read this and you will know the TRUTH of life.


    • #2663

      Todays women are groomed to work and manage home. with education & confidence she should be able to withstand all the difficulties. loss of companion can also be due to death or some other reason. what about them. with child as a additional responsbility it is difficult for a women for some time to manage work and child.

      Dsouza himself is married for second time and he is advicing man can do better without women

      reconciliation needs efforts from both the partners. you have no choice but to move on..may be u will find someone like u want someday… time will not wait for anyone

    • #2664

      YES man can do better without women.

      The reputation/money/fame and respect i earned not because of the women i married. she married to me because i am having all this.

    • #2665

      Gulati after all tu tu me me here is legal point to your problem.

      Kiran Mandal Vs Mohini Mandal:

      Where a wife is found to be of bad temperature and makes false allegations against her husband that he had illicit relations with his brother’s wife. It amounted to an act of cruelty.

      Find judgement here.

    • #2666

      Dr dsouza…i would again say…its not an easy task to stay at one’s parents house with a child…nobody wants to break her own house by stupid false alegations and waste her time and money.

      Don’t worry …in my case i have a very strong proof i.e.proof about illicit relation of my husband and his brother’s wife.

    • #2667

      dr dsouza…its true a women marry a man because of its reputation/money/fame/respect…

      no parents would marry their daughter to a (kanjar);so don’t be arrogant….but if the man is involved in bad things than he would loses all these things….

    • #2668

      Women use men for their upliftment in each area i.e. fame, respect, money, status. The girls who were not given sufficient money by their parents, start getting full control over the house and money earned by her husband and because of this their ego rises and when this becomes a habit then they start showing ego to her husband and when Husband reacts, they use the power given by the law to them. If her parents are not rich, they too join her eyeing the money from the person. This ego is big enough to initiate wars, murders, suicides and offcourse break the own house.

      With the change in language and use of filthy words in your post The same is pretty visible with you too here.

    • #2669

      women marry a man because of his reputation/money/fame/respect…

      marriage is a Conscious decision both man and woman. if woman marries man seeing his qualification/wealth/position. man too sees physical appearance, education and other qualities in a woman before deciding to marry. but once married she is a equal partner and she will bear the child (legal heir). This is how family civilisation forms. Hindu culture or any other culture does not permit extra marital affairs which will break the family and distroy childs life.

    • #2670

      then y does wife leave her husband inspite of man having reputation/money/fame/respect… will she not continue to live in luxury had she not left him.?? bear all injustice?no educated woman will bear injustice. and y she will/should not use laws which protect woman and live in peace with dignity.

    • #2671


      u r telling a hopothetical option.

      if that is true then why did my wife put me under false allegations.

      now she is telling in her society that she left me becoz i have a second wife. when she came to know about this i along with my so called second wife tortured her and was rescued by passerby with help of police.

      now tell me does your rule applies to this case

      actually what u said may be true in few cases but not in all cases.

      my dad used to love her more than my sister.never objected in my 4 months married life to anything she do or say,instead he used to tell me to adjust with her as she has come to our family leaving her own.thats what is culture in my family.still she roped my parents in all cases.

      bcoz she wants money and may be want to get married to someone else.i donot know why and we shared happy moments just 10 days before she fled.

      we could never thought till date that she can do this to our family.

    • #2672

      Now again we proved with teir own words saying women marry for men money and reputation.

      and still they ask

      “then y does wife leave her husband inspite of man having reputation/money/fame/respect.”

      once she married to a rich man, she enjoy his money, thinking he is just ATM for her.

      and as women nature and with help of indian biased laws she think like below story.

      Women and her Golden egg laying goose

      everyone knows this goose story.

      she want all his money at once, not by begging everday.

      Right Rekha/Gulati. ?

    • #2673

      her actions show that she has revenge attitude as she has filed more than one cases. she is not happy with u and deeply hurt. she will any how not get money as she is not eligible for maintenance. if she has someone else u can easily make out as she will try to avoid physical relation and show no interest towards u. there is something somewhere wrong. is she from poor family? even than such cases are rare.

      i too agree not all woman r same and not man r same. you can not generalise.

      my husband filed divorce petition without my knowledge and tried to show extra goodneess so that i do not file any cases against him. what dirty games are played by estranged partner with what motives it is difficult to understand. later he said everything is fair in love and war.?

    • #2674

      she can still enjoy money staying with him. why should she struggle working hard. she will anyway not get maintenance. how can that be possible?? so she does not responsbility, money and husband too??

    • #2675

      No one will tell you that they are going to shoot you.

      nor you told your husband when you filed dozens of cases…

      if wife is doing her duty husband has no problem giving her money. todays women refuse to take their responsibilities but demand money form husband. when husband question, she knows the way out. when there is ample legal support for her.

      coz there is no punishment for telling lies;

      filing false case;

      Even court order money even if she run away with her lover or has child from her lover. We have a such Bombay HC judgment.

      thats what called women empowering by disempowring men.

    • #2676

      dr are not golden goose rather women r golden goose(lol)…You say men… are not having problem in giving money to their wives..ha ha ha…are you joking…despite doing so much work at home by wives… men r not interested to give a single penny to them ….why becoz they don’t trust them without any reason….they provoke them…in my case my husband does not give a single penny… even for the milk of my child he has to ask his mother and his mistress….

    • #2677

      K.Gulati has rightly said that:-

      dr dsouza…its true a women marry a man because of its reputation/money/fame/respect…

      no parents would marry their daughter to a (kanjar);

      because I have seen many KANJARS who marry their daughters to wealthy men just for milking their money

      phir voh KANJAR KI BACHCHII kai jhuthe case laga kar (125, DV,, 498a vagairah) keemat vasoolti hai kuchh raton ki

    • #2678

      Women is golden goose…? what a joke.

      actual she is dharthi ka bhoj to her parents, they find a Bakra, aur uska gale band dethe hein.

      once she find out how much she rib from husband home, she start all her drama which ultimatly ends in divorce.

      No parents marry of their daughter to a kanjar, they knows incase marriage fails she will get handful of money without efforts, thats why they try to find wealthy man. no matter how ugly/dumb/old he may be. they just look for his wallet

    • #2679

      Parents who themselves are KANJARS look for wallet of men to marry their KUT$$$. Just to fetch money by stealing from KU###s’ husband’s house and if caught while steeling of if KU### is caught having relations with some KAN### KU### false cases are gifted to that good man for milking more money. Gulati.K19 is right that nobody marries his daughter to KAN### but KANJ### marry their daughter for earning money only.

      I’m confused why these KANJARs are allowed to continue a topic for long seven pages and seven days.

      Please block it.

    • #2680

      Restrain from calling names.

      No one blocked for expressing their views unless violating posting Rules.

    • #2681

      is woman dharthi ka bhoj?? can u imagine world without woman? d souza are u born out of thin air??educated working woman if working also contributes income towards the family. she need not ask for her expenses also. every parents give education and get their daughters married. man who marries a women also take a Conscious decision and agrees for union. one cannot predict whether marriage will fail or not. but it definately effects woman/mans happiness and also childs future. while getting their daughter married any parents looks for financial stability and also family principles and values. members here with daughter will also opt the same.

      woman who are married to ugly/old/dumb because of money may not be happy in true sense. will that marriage work?will a educated and earning woman prefer such man???

    • #2682

      Show me how many women make a house their own ? they just want husband house which he built with his all life earning. (Coz women think its husband responsibility)

      Show me how many working women buy furniture and things for house ? (Their money is deposited in their account only)

      Show me how many women married to a man who is having lower status than her.(coz she get nothing if marriage fails)

      Why no girl family want to get married their daughter to less previlaged man ?

      Show me single women who buy property and make it in her husband name (they want all husband property in her name only)

      and last but not least.

      Show me single women give something to husband family from her earning….

      i can list like this million points…

    • #2683

      Dr dsouza this shows your mentallity…why should women take all the resposibilty…rather i say it should be shared….i was the women who has given large sum of money to my husband (after doing job) to purchase the flat and now he is not giving me a any payment of that rented flat…giving all the money to his mistress….

      its true no parents would marry their daughter to a less previlage man…not becoz they know the marriage would break …and would get money…(this is your thinking)but becoz they love their daughters and can’t see them depressed after marriage…i would say again no parents would see their daughter breaking their own house…its our indian society…not a western society…

      humanbeing you have rightly said…dr dsouza is born out of thin air….rather i would say out of Bakra….ha ha ha

      Dr dsouza you need immediate psychatrist counselling..

    • #2684

      For ages man built house with hsi efforts, and paid all the bills of women, when i said its time for women to share same, immedietly feminists counter it saying ” IT SHOULD BE SHARED” thats shows double standred and twist of their boneless tongue.

      You gave money to your husband….?

      Girls parents are not ready to get married their daughter to poor man, coz they love their daughter, and she will depressed. that means they marry to money not with man. haha. what a logic. anfter getting married to wealthy man he will depressed for sure.

      Study shows Todays most of the marriages are broken because of girls parents interference, and Feminists movement. and in india specialy because biased laws [ read this ( Delhi high court : Parental intrusion ruining couples marital life ) ]

      yes i born out of think Air, coz i expose your true lies. and i do not admit your sob stories….

      ………..angoor katta…. hope you heard this story.

    • #2685

      marriage means union of two person to form one family unit and birth of child completes it. why do you think your money or her money. this attitude itself will trigger the conflict. when you say better half means she is your equal partner. if you contribute in terms of money for buying a house because u r working and she is not then she is managing your house and may be contributing in terms of labour that you cannot see . because it is not valued in terms of money. but if she is working e then she is also saving part of your income by not asking for her expenses. and if she is saving (in bank account)then also it is will go for family infcome( for the child expenses or future expenses of the house). what if woman who has been working stops working as her family needs her full time attention. is it not that her career and income is curtailed.

      Dsouza if you have a mental block you cannot see beyond certain things and you remain in your own world.. there are many women who also contribute to homeloans by being a co-applicant now a days to buy a house property as you get higher loan eligibility. it is how your treat your wife as a slave or servent OR EQUAL is all attitude. if my husband gives gifts to my sister then I too feel I should give some thing to his sister. but can i give if i am not working? then I have to take money from my husband and give. what if my husband does not give money. relations are to build and nortured.

      are you cooperative and broad minded??

      I will definately buy a house someday for sure as i do not have permanent accomodation. why not.? whether me or my husband it is finally going to go the child? r u going to take anything with u when u die?

      In general why man does not want to marry a ugly woman/handicapped??? or a woman who cannot give birth to a child?? or prefer not to marry a widow? or a prostitute??. but there are very few exceptions where courageous man have come forward to marry such woman. which cannot be denied.

    • #2686

      dsouza, are u not concerned about your child health, education & his future? suppose if you had girl child from your second marriage? and how do you plan to get her married when she grows up? what will be your preference while searching groom for her. what if she has marital discord after marriage? how will you try to resolve???

      After being a parents yourself how can you just abuse girls parents for your concious decision of marriage. whether it love or arranged is it not your decision also.

    • #2687

      why this theological words comes now saying “marriage means union of two person…”

      thats what i asked How many women you find who contribute and build house their own…

      i can show you 99% men do.

      dont teach me “equal partner” slave and servent” these words comes when man question women responsibility.

      if money should not be issue or argue over it then see what gulati wrote ” she gave money to husband she says”

      in india, situation is like, husband has to pay when they are togather, and he has to pay even she run away then no women is thinking about equality/marriage/union bla bla as you say WHY ?

      Never compare a Prostitute to todays modren women or legal terrorists, they are far far better than you feminists who suck mens/husband blood. now question is who marry whom, but you are trying to twist the logic and do not have answer to what i asked.

      who says man dont marry ugly women. i married twice, when there were many beautiful out there. but i know beauty is skin deep.

    • #2688

      “why this theological words comes now saying “marriage means union of two person…”

      -it is universally accepted words to define for marriage when many people including man like u do not understand.

      “thats what i asked How many women you find who contribute and build house their own…

      i can show you 99% men do.”

      – so do you have statistical data to show how many woman continue to work after having childrens & how many continue to work and also manage house and contribute to family income.

      “dont teach me “equal partner” slave and servent” these words comes when man question women responsibility. if money should not be issue or argue over it then see what gulati wrote ” she gave money to husband she says” in india, situation is like, husband has to pay when they are togather, and he has to pay even she run away then no women is thinking about equality/marriage/union bla bla as you say WHY ?”

      -why do you want to pinpoint/question her responsibility? r u acknowledging your responsbility towards her? do you treat her equally with respect and love in true sense.

      -gulati replied to your question- she said she has contributed money and hence she is one such eg.- so what is wrong. it is a answer to your question. but her main issue is that her husband is not showing any responsbility to towa rds their marriage. money is offcourse one aspect. and she is not working and they have a child which is in her custody.

      “who says man dont marry ugly women. i married twice, when there were many beautiful out there.

      but i know beauty is skin deep.”

      – is your present wife not woman of modern times?you illtreat her she is will also file cases?

      r u yourself a handsome person?does everyone thinks the same way you think. can you see skin deep beauty when you go to select girl for marriage?

      “Never compare a Prostitute to todays modren women or legal terrorists, they are far far better than you feminists who suck mens/husband blood. now question is who marry whom, but you are trying to twist the logic and do not have answer to what i asked”

      –modren woman knows her legal rights. fight for injustice against them.

      given a choice would you prefer to marry a physically/mentally challenged woman or under previlaged woman.

      you have not replied to my question either: if you had a daugher??

    • #2689

      My wife is A modern women, but she has head over her shoulder, she knows her responsibilities and she read all what i write here. and she is not LEGAL TERRORIST. And i treat her same.

      she was in rented house and now she stays in 50L worth house.

      thats mutual

      give and you will get it.

      try to rob and demand your rights, you will kicked out.

    • #2690

      hi all,

      I read all eight pages, all I can say is

      1. everybody wants stability in his/her life. Everybody wants to get settled and be happy.

      2. It’s very easy to say all good things, and might be diffcult to act good.

      Now coming to the point. Ask yourself

      1. Am I happy?

      2. What else I want to be happy?

      3. When I’ll be happy?

      There are laws which empowers women for injustice (few women misuse it also).

      ms gulati: when u r sure that ur husband is not worth and he’s busy with someone else. Think what may make you happy in longer term and go for that. If fighting 125 makes you happy, go for it. When ur husband is not with you, he’s not ur husband and you can never survive on somebody else’s income. You should look for some other options. Every father takes care of his child, he’ll take care if the child is with him or he’s also involved in the developement of child. But if you want only money for this purpose, there are chances, he’ll never give. There are laws but it doesn’t mean, it should be used always.

      Dr dsouza is a smart man, he’s settled in life and then may be fighting cases.

      Mr blue, don’t repeat the mistake, she’ll never make u happy. You can talk to me if u want.

      Humanbeing2 : what’s ur status and what course of action u r taking?

      Life is great if ur partner is with you. With ur partner, you may enjoy facing challenges of life. Fighting cases with your partner is the worst thing, as I feel. fight brutally against women 498A women. Almost all cases are false.

      Would like to know more about humanbeing? Why she’s hanging on here?

    • #2691

      For me, child is Girl or boy i will not deny them from any of thier rights, i will treat boh of them equal, may be raise girl more carefully. if im lucky to have a child, as in my whole family none bore girls.

      and when they marry we will not find their partner, let them find, coz its their life, and when they are old enough to marry they should old enough to judge bad or better.

      as Rekha says “modren woman knows her legal rights. fight for injustice against them” now you know why Divorce rate in India raised from 4% to 30% in last 10 years. coz they want reap where they dont sow.

    • #2692

      dhed shaaNi, hope puneri will understand this marathi word

    • #2693


      If you are educated and working while living with your husband

      1. Why do you claim maintenance saying that you are not working from your husband when you leave him?

      2. Why do you file case against the whole family when u r not staying in combined family? why not only your husband?

      I agree to point is Woman is important in this world but so is man. If u think man is given birth by woman and not get into this world out of thin air, but can woman give birth without man…

      It is important that two should live together. If due to some circumstances, they decide to go their own ways, why do put all these cases and try to settle them with money. If money is important factor while seperation there is no requirement for woman being educated. Two families can have their family members (Panchayat) sit together, settle between them selves and go their own way. Atleast in that case none of families are hurt to extent as it is when cases are filed and both have to go to court.

      In my case, I fought more then half a dozen cases for more then 5 years. My wife was working when she was staying with me. But she left her job and filed these cases. She joined MNC again and started working but in court she kept on saying she is not working. she claimed equal amount of salary which is earning in MNC.

      I had earlier salary account which was shared with her moment we got together but she never got her salary account shared with me. It is shared even today even though we are legally divorced now. She used that account details in court to prove my salary.

      What do you think she has intention except for money ? what values she owns or provided by her Parents? At this time asking for money filing maintenance cases, they are poor woman. All values and creditability of modern and educated woman gets drained.

      When girls family is approached or they themselves think of getting it settled outside the court if cases specially divorce case filed by her is hanging, why do they ask for handsome amount of money?? Is it not greedyness??

      Are they asking for extra money as interest or charges of night she spent with me??

      If she does not want to continue the relationship why to make tamasha in whole world?? why not to sit and get settled.

      With growing cases with this so called modern girl, do u ever think, we are leading to single Parenting? If you want to see the future of it, look towards the west.

      If you are educated why don’t woman work and maintain themselves after seperating instead of asking for monthly maintenance? why do u need money from us?

    • #2694

      Mr achieve stability in life you need money…its true my husband is not mine now…but at one time he was …my husband has used me so many times…demanded money, gifts from me and parents everytime..I did not want to concieve initially…becoz i was afraid of his behavior but he did not listen me..and forcibly wants me to have a baby boy…And now i have a girl child…if i’ll give him the custoay of my child he would give her child to her mistress who might make her a servant..why should i give him the custody..

      yes i am very very happy to file the maintenance case on him …i don’t mind it becoz i haven’t done anything wrong and i want to seek justice which is my rights i haven’t yet file any other case viz;(498,dv act or dowry) which was suppose to be done…i don’t mind if the case would run for several years or might i lose my time/money…the so called my husband should be severly punished as he has deserted his daughter…

      If my husband did not want to stay with me..and he’s interested in his mistress than atleast he should provide with financially stability to his child…

      Dr dsouza now you say…you would not deny any rights for their own children.whether bad or good…why.. becoz they are your children?…what about those children who could not find their partner in their life… than

      they need their parents..who would find the same good spouse….nobody know what would happen next

      Have you seen any parents who has destroy their daughter’s life aftre marriage …

      if you say yes…than i would also say..husband’s parents are also very much involved in breaking the relationship of marriage…(for example in my case)My in laws actually needed the servant…which i could not prove myself and they thrown me out with the child…still you would have mercy on men?

      Why its a worst thing to fight case with your partner if some injustice is there..If something is wrong done by him which is injustice to his wife…(to aap uski aarti to nahi utarenge)

    • #2695

      Hi Mr. Arun,

      i may be blocked if i answer your question in this thread.

      Life is not great if u have a partner still with you who is unfaithfull, not trustworthy and have manupulative tendencies. .. is it not better not to have such companion at all?

      well, in my case I have not filed the cases first he did it and I responded to his actions after several warning & councelling.. . I am working and also claiming maintenance for the child which he is giving me religiously at the moment. I am able to save money for future and take care of our child.

      I am here to help to save family from distruction and support women who really are in distress and need help who come here for advice like Rekha & gulati. …and offcourse i am against misuse of law.

    • #2696

      and also help man who are in distress and put forward woman’s point of view

    • #2697


      you really know what is going in your wife’s head after reading your posts. you do not show any respect to woman irrespective whether she is victim or not that is very clear from your post. you talk as if they are altogether different species.

      everyone who do not have their own home has to live in rented house or accomodation provided by the company where u r working. woman who have been illtreated and injustice done leave crores of rupees worth house and try to rebuild their life from scratch( after leaving matrimonial house). when u talk about equal partner you should say WE and not SHE stays in 50L worth house.???This itself shows ur attitude. nobody demands rights unless he/she is deprived off. who r u to kick? r u god? or she is servant/slave? r u not taking law in ur hands? and showing criminal tendency??

    • #2698


      woman/man who had faced marital discord and separation cannot always be stable/settled and be happy whether remarried or not. you may have to make several compromises.

      it is very easy to give advice but it is difficult to act in same way it is easy to say but actually difficult for a woman to adjust in a matrimonial house of different environment without support/love and affection.

      mr. arun, r u happy now? for me happiness is not my target. we have one life and instead of giving up we have to lead our life and take responsibility of life of the people whom we r directly responsible. happiness/unhappiness is part of life journey in the same ways as sucess and failure.

    • #2699

      (i)why i am not entitled to have maintenance?…i know i am qualified but i am not capable to work because i can’t leave my daughter alone… also how much can i earn suppose my income is 5000 permonth and my husband is earning more than i lakh than also i am not entitled to maintenance? what about my daughter’s he is not responsible for giving maintenance to his daughter?…..(i)

      (b)You should NOT demand maintenance because you are an educated woman. You have the ability to get a job. You cannot give your daughter as an excuse. Yes, your daughter needs to be maintained but NOT you. If your income is 5000, it is your problem. You can enhance your education and skills and not be like an extortionist demanding your hafta from your husband just because you were married to him. Marriage is not a bounty and method of money-making. Husbands and men are NOT ATM machines of women. You can seek maintenance for your daughter by all means; but not a single pie for yourself.

    • #2700

      inhumanbeing; i did`t told her what i have done for her. and she is happy.

      she got what she wanted, she dont question or demand more coz she got more than what she dreamt.

      nor i demand to return for whatever i have done for her. and she dont question. coz she knows if she trying to bang her head to rock, she is the one who break her head.

      same rules apply to you too; in your husband home you got more than what your parents has but you wanted more and control your husband, result you deprived your child.

      your husband has right to file for Divorce and you too, but you filed case on him, he did`t still you justify you are right and he is wrong. you women harass men and push them to file Divorce coz if you file 1st he can question you and it will be problem getting maintenance.

      i blame Women 90% for every Divorce.

    • #2701

      ur daughter is his daughter too. it is fact. now ur husband has not shown any responsibility to take care of the child who is dependent on you for care. he has cheated you(committed adultary in marriage)and mistreated/neglected you and the child. why he should not be to be punished?. suppose you had filed cases he would have to spend money to defend and take anticipartory bail. what is stopping you?? IS HE THINKING ABOUT THE CHILD???

      whatever he is earning he will have to give certain portion of his income for the child care which he is not paying (comitting one more crime). you can claim maintenance for yourself on reasonable (taking care of minor) grounds you are not taking up job even though you are qualified to take care of the child. You can take help of good advocate for this. Child should be taken care by mother atleast. poor child atleast let the mother be by her side if not father.

      But if you have a good support from your parents to take care of the child in your absence look out for a part time job. you may not be lucky to get job equavalent to your qualification. somewhere you have to start & Keep yourself busy atleast you will be out of depression.

    • #2702

      Abducting child from fathers home by women is biggest CRIME than not paying maintenance to child.

      coz Indian Law support such misuse; terming only mother is capable to raise the child.

      If Father take the child away from mother thats ABDUCTION if Women do that SAINTLY deed.

      what a bias.

      coz as per Feminists when women fail to get maintenance, she can demand in the name of Child.

      its shame on women, who demand maintenance. when they are not capable to pay for childs milk money why they want child. and if Father pays what is the guarantee she will spend that money for Child.

      There should be Law, child should not be taken away from the house where she is at the time of seperation.

      and only half spending should be awarded to Father and Women should give proof of other half Child maintenance money, if she is failed then she should not be awarded child custody.

      thats neutral Law.

    • #2703

      it is better if she is depressed, so Father can get child and raise in better enviornment.

    • #2704

      you r wrong. my parents and my in laws are of same financial status. my husband prospered only after our marriage and even if i had married some other person he will not be earning less than me. so we cud have maintained same financial status had i been working. I had never controlled and never interfeared in his financial affairs and in fact i used to save money what he gave me and i used to give back to him during difficult time. in his friends circle, he found someone more physically attractive person who was desperately in need of emotional support and money. so all his attention got diverted and he got involved with her. and when i found the truth he just deserted me as he cud not show his face. and was trying to stop me from leaving the place as he wanted the child to be near to him. he got entangled between two relation one the other woman and his child. i cud not stand the loneliness and cheating and my health detoriated i came to my parents with the child.

      mr.dsouza, i hope i am not breaking the rule by discussing my personal issue in this thread. this is answer to your question. as the administrater do not try to prompt someone to break the rules and then later block them. shall we start a new thread to discuss my case.??

    • #2705


    • #2706

      d souza, you are very UNHAPPY AND DEPRESSED eventhough you are married again.

    • #2707

      as per me posting rules are;

      ask legal remedies and you will be answered accordingly without dragging other person issue in your topic or compare with someone else issue and mislead and argue.

      Dont judge others.

      and you are free of write what you think right about you and your views

    • #2708

      Economics says Human want are unlimited.

      that means no one is happy.

      depression is a State of mind and all are born equal

      so both applies to you too.

    • #2709

      good reply i agree with u. so what is justice and injustice?what is a womans place in the society?

    • #2710

      although woman is educated and capable of working she may not be able to earn like her husband because she might not be working after marriage and will be underemployed. if there is a vast difference in income you are still eligible for maintenance. there are judgement in support to it. as the child is minor you will have her custody and he has to pay you child support which will give you some relief.

      Who is forcing women to sit at home or stop working after marriage? When women are equally educated, it is the woman’s responsibility to take care of herself. Infact, in this era of gender equality, the man need not work and has the right to sit at home while his wife can work if she wants to. If there is a vast difference in income, it does not matter. It is the MAN’S INCOME. Not a hafta for the woman! If there are judgements to support such hafta and mamool, such judgements are wrong and can be contested. It is also illogical for an educated woman to seek alimony and maintenance. Afterall, alimony and maintenance were meant for women when they were not given education and were inside the four walls; certainly not for the 21st century woman who has learnt the art of misusing this system!

      why should Indian woman not fight for maintenance if her husband wilfully does not perform his duties as a husband and father and also neglects/illtreats her to such an extent that she is forced to leave her matrimonial house.

      so only the husband has duties and the wife doesn’t. This wife has fled her matrimonial home and hasn’t she gone back on her duty? How do you know that the husband has not performed his duty? Is the husband here to explain his part of the case? Just because the wife alleges extra-marital affairs, does not mean that she is telling the gospel truth. Moreover, please explain the duties of the wife – not just her rights. Rights come with equal duties. Tell me what should a husband do when his wife takes away his child from his home and then refuses to come back and seeks hefty alimony for having stayed for a few months with him?

      if you are physically raising the child it is his duty to maintain and secure his child’s future. (here he has not even shown any interest for even visiting his child)

      why should the woman physically raise the child? Give the child custody to the man. He will do it. Are men only sperm donors and ATM machines for women?

    • #2711

      other than justice is injustice.

      i will tell whats women place is if you answer.

      eating Sh*t in freedom is better or gold in Slavery…?

    • #2712

      Who is forcing women to sit at home or stop working after marriage? When women are equally educated, it is the woman’s responsibility to take care of herself. Infact, in this era of gender equality, the man need not work and has the right to sit at home while his wife can work if she wants to. If there is a vast difference in income, it does not matter. It is the MAN’S INCOME. Not a hafta for the woman! If there are judgements to support such hafta and mamool, such judgements are wrong and can be contested. It is also illogical for an educated woman to seek alimony and maintenance. Afterall, alimony and maintenance were meant for women when they were not given education and were inside the four walls; certainly not for the 21st century woman who has learnt the art of misusing this system!

      what if in laws do not want her daughter in law work as they are happy with the present financial status. or make a home condition non cooperative for her to take up job. and then she faces separation for whatever reason. what will be ur verdict??

    • #2713

      Gulati has not yet filed 498a/DV. which she cud have used if she wanted..

      the way you women are misusing the law, very soon these laws will lose their meaning. Its like the false alarm being raised which would eventually destroy the trust and reputation of women. Already women have lost it aplenty and have some shame.


      there are such things happening in the closed doors and not reported. and with the changing times people are coming forward and reporting without fear. Newspaper are flooded with crime against child and woman.

      what if she is saying the truth.what is wrong if we believe her and give advice.

      there are so many things that happen behind closed doors very often women and wives indulge in those extras. But you only quote one-sided allegations and make everybody believe that it is all that is. Newspapers are flooded with crimes against women because any allegation by a woman {without proof] is taken as the gospel truth. On the other hand, the crimes committed by women on men is not even reported as our stupid society believes that women are all sitas. No wonder that male suicide rate is much higher and it increases after marriage. I personally know many men whose lives have been destroyed by their wives. Its time for men to fight this nonsense of women empowerment which is nothing but male slavery.

      Married men are twice as vulnerable to suicide due to Domestic Violence compared to married women:-

      The suicide statistics for the year 2009 for India are out as published by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) – a unit of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

      A glimpse of the figures is

      Unmarried boys – 17738.

      Unmarried girls – 10063.

      Husbands – 58192

      Wives – 31300

      Widower – 2848

      Widowed – 2674

      Divorcee (male) – 635

      Divorcee (female) – 613

      Separated (male) – 2058

      Separated (female) – 1030

      1. Total (male) – 8147 2. Total (female) – 45680

      Ratio: Male : Female Suicides 2009=178 males :100 females.

    • #2714

      Parenst should not direct children life, it should be between couples. if son has no capacity to make his own home. and staying with parents, coz his wife is not able to contribute half to build another house then all have to compromise and stay together as per understanding. which mutualy agreed in begining to avoid future tutu meme.

      if women is working, and pays half of hosue hold expensus and staying in husband parents house then she has some responsibility towards her in laws too.

      and she should treat her in laws as her parents and do their things, as in old age they have to mind their own business and rest.

      thats what 21st century as per me.

    • #2715

      what if in laws do not want her daughter in law work as they are happy with the present financial status. or make a home condition non cooperative for her to take up job. and then she faces separation for whatever reason. what will be ur verdict??

      Most in-laws today want their wives to work because of high costs of living. If there are some remote cases where the in-laws do not cooperate, its better for the new couple to make a separate house. This is nothing new as it is very common in this generation. Infact, in-laws cannot stop educated women from working.

      The bottomline is that marriage is not a bounty and not for gold-digging by women. There cannot be a hard and fast rule that no woman is eligible for alimony or maintenance. But same time, educated women should not expect alimony and maintenance when they are capable of taking up a job. Men are NOT ATM machines and money spinners for women. Nor are they sperm donors. They are human beings with equal rights and fathers of their children.

    • #2716

      eating Sh*t in freedom is better or gold in Slavery…?

      -freedom is better than slavery. freedom you have choice. it is your outlook whether it is sh*t or not don’t you eat pork? what does it eat?

    • #2717


      what is your advice for gulati. if we believe her story and accept that her husband has established physical relation with his bhabhi and not mere allegation and because he lost interest in her and now deserted her and his girl child as he does not want to take their responsibility. what wud you advice her and to the best interest of child and taking into considering the basic human rights.(without misusing law) if she files 498a/DV is it wrong?

    • #2718

      whether girl child or boy child they are raised equally by their parents in the modern times.

      then why do women seek for well-settled men for marriage? Why are so many men unable to marry simply because their earnings are less? Why are taxes for women less for the same amount of income? Why is interest on loans less for women while interests for women on deposits more simply because the estrogen runs in their blood? Why do women seek rich men for marriage? Its time to alter this and make the feminists accountable for the change.

      Husband who has been working continuously will obviously be in a better position than the wife who has left her job after marriage for any reason or for raising the child.

      If husband is working continuously its because of the stupid culture that we have which expects men to be the protectors and providers of women and society. Not because men love to work and be the money-making machines of women and tax payers of society. Nor does it imply that women can take advantage of this. Who is asking women to leave their jobs especially in today’s high costs of goods? Educated women cannot be forced or compelled into anything. They are majors, of sound mind and have the right to vote. Then what the fuss about being compelled to leave job to take care of family?

      one cannot guarantee that she will find suitable job later when she wants to take up job so easily in this competitive job market though she is qualified and competent. she may loose her experience being out of touch in the job market.

      For your kind information, its much easier for women to get a job than a man because of various reasons such as:- 1. Company’s policies on gender. 2. HRs having soft corner for women. 3. Social obligations and political correctness.

      don’t u think if she had not left her job she wud have been at par or far more better position than her husband.

      who is asking women to leave their jobs in the first place? It is a serious allegation without any base. Moreover, I think if women feel that their jobs would be threatened because of marriage, let them start seeking unemployed men for marriage so that men could be househusbands. Why do women seek rich, well-placed and well-settled men?

    • #2719


      what is your advice for gulati. if we believe her story and accept that her husband has established physical relation with his bhabhi and not mere allegation and because he lost interest in her and now deserted her and his girl child as he does not want to take their responsibility.

      Such stories are common place in today’s society when women seek to get alimony and maintenance from their hubbies. Such stories create sympathy and our pro-women courts would give whatever asked for and beyond! Strangely, our legal system and society does not make it clear what the responsibilities of a wife are. They are merely talking about the responsibilities and duties of a husband forgetting that women should also have equality in terms of responsibilities.

      I ask you this question. What if this story is false and a cover-up for seeking alimony and maintenance?

      what wud you advice her and to the best interest of child and taking into considering the basic human rights.(without misusing law) if she files 498a/DV is it wrong?

      first of all, both 498A and DV are against the basic principles of law and human rights. These two laws are passed because of vote-bank politics and to encourage the business of extortion. They are inhuman, unconstitutional and against the fundamental principles of law. These laws would be applicable to only illiterate women in villages. Not the educated women in urban areas. Certainly not. 498A and DV are extortion laws!!!

    • #2720

      so only the husband has duties and the wife doesn’t. This wife has fled her matrimonial home and hasn’t she gone back on her duty? How do you know that the husband has not performed his duty? Is the husband here to explain his part of the case? Just because the wife alleges extra-marital affairs, does not mean that she is telling the gospel truth. Moreover, please explain the duties of the wife – not just her rights. Rights come with equal duties. Tell me what should a husband do when his wife takes away his child from his home and then refuses to come back and seeks hefty alimony for having stayed for a few months with him?

      why did she fled? what should be her duty according to u? cheating a wife itself is wrong in marriage? what if she is telling the truth and is here for advice. if wife has been illtreated and is tempted to leave her matrimonial house as she cannot bear anymore and also takes the child as he has always been in the care of the mother since her birth. and now needs money to raise the child? what should she do?

    • #2721

      I ask you this question. What if this story is false and a cover-up for seeking alimony and maintenance?

      she has a child from this marriage. child is a equal responsibility of father and mother. so you mean father should not give any child support???

    • #2722

      inhumanbeing How do you know Rekhas id is blocked, unless you are same ?

      and now you know, how much general knowledge you have

      you say “don’t you eat pork ? what does it eat ?”

      pigs are raised in farm with proper animal feed. i know what you are thinking, coz you cannt think beyond that limit, coz your capacity is that much only.

      Women always failed to undestand actual meaning of words, as i said before about sandpaper and sh*t now; thats why i call them dumb.

    • #2723

      you say ” child is a equal responsibility of father and mother” so father will pay his responsibility thats half, you pay other half.

    • #2724

      then why do women seek for well-settled men for marriage? Why are so many men unable to marry simply because their earnings are less? Why are taxes for women less for the same amount of income? Why is interest on loans less for women while interests for women on deposits more simply because the estrogen runs in their blood? Why do women seek rich men for marriage? Its time to alter this and make the feminists accountable for the change.

      this policies are for upliftment of woman and there will be time when this will be abolished. can you not see the changes in society for sati system to present modern women.

      it is easy to say estrogen runs in blood of a woman and testostrone in man’s blood. what is the effect of estrogen in the body? life is created in woman’s body. can you change this? who bears the pains of child birth man or woman?. what ever be child is the product of man and women . marriage comes with duties and responsbility.what should the wife/husband do if their spouses have not cared about the responsbility??

    • #2725

      if like freedon more than gold, women should not marry. coz she think marriage is slavery. and she dont want to eat Sh*t

    • #2726

      pigs raised in farm eat what they r fed(animal feed) what about the pigs which are not raised in farm. what do they eat. but still people consume pork. they play important part of eco system. sh*t can be used in a better way and earn money to buy gold. it is only your approach and thinking.

    • #2727

      why did she fled?

      She says she fled because of her husband. But we don’t know the real fact because we don’t have her husband here to tell his side of the story. But I know of many cases where the wife has extra-marital affairs and turns it against the husband. I am not saying that this case is like that. But I am showing you how stories are weaved to perpetuate a lie and several lies.

      what should be her duty according to u?

      the law is very ambiguous and unclear about the duties of a wife. It merely specifies the duties of a man. Is that fair? You tell me what according to you are the duties of a woman?

      cheating a wife itself is wrong in marriage? what if she is telling the truth and is here for advice.

      we don’t know who has cheated whom. Cheating wives very often turn it on the husband. Many cases exist that way. Nobody is against alimony in genuine cases, but everybody is against alimony and maintenance to women who are educated and have the ability to earn.

      if wife has been illtreated and is tempted to leave her matrimonial house as she cannot bear anymore and also takes the child as he has always been in the care of the mother since her birth. and now needs money to raise the child? what should she do?

      Why assume that men are always the perpetuators of hate and torture against women and women are always the victims? Your above quote is best suited for a different era and I agree that in such genuine cases women needed alimony because they were not educated and were not allowed to work. But now, women should support themselves. They should not expect a hafta from the man. However, the man should support the child whether it is with him or with the wife. Just as much as the wife should do so. But why should the wife take away the child when it equally belongs to the husband? Its kidnapping.

    • #2728

      she has a child from this marriage. child is a equal responsibility of father and mother. so you mean father should not give any child support???

      When the child is equal responsibility of both parents, why should the woman alone have custody? Are fathers mere ATM machines and sperm donors?

      I never said that the child is not entitled to maintenance. But certainly not the woman!

      By the way, what if this story is a cover-up for getting maintenance for herself? The child is in any case entitled to it. But it could also be a cover for getting herself a bounty

    • #2729

      this policies are for upliftment of woman and there will be time when this will be abolished. can you not see the changes in society for sati system to present modern women.

      you haven’t answered the questions raised. why do women seek for well-settled men for marriage? Why are so many men unable to marry simply because their earnings are less? Why do women seek rich men for marriage? What has these got to do with policies for upliftment of women? Moreover, what about upliftment of men who have been oppressed and suppressed by society, not allowed to cry, weep, not allowed to express emotions, being considered disposable etc.? You want to rob men of their rights and pay women? This is inhuman and men’s activists will oppose it.

      it is easy to say estrogen runs in blood of a woman and testostrone in man’s blood. what is the effect of estrogen in the body? life is created in woman’s body. can you change this? who bears the pains of child birth man or woman?.

      this is one big excuse of child birth that has been used by women to get undeserving privileges for themselves. In the past, when getting food was difficult and dangerous, would involve tackling wild animals and vagaries of nature, and when providing food for society and family involved threat to life, women used this excuse of child-birth and made men protect and provide them, very often at the cost of their lives. Women were very happy to be inside the four walls of the house then. Now, with industrialisation, mechanisation and with threat of nature having receded, women suddenly want to compete with men and are blaming the men for playing the role of protecting and providing them as a form of their “oppression”. Enough is enough! Child birth is not as painful as it is projected to be. Do you know what it takes a man to preserve his sperms and semen? Do you know the quantity of blood needed to form semen? Life is created in the man’s body too; not just the woman’s.

      And because woman gives birth to a child does not mean concessions in tax. What equality are you propagating when you have double talks? You want equality of convenience and not true equality. This is unacceptable!

      what ever be child is the product of man and women . marriage comes with duties and responsbility.what should the wife/husband do if their spouses have not cared about the responsbility??

      what should the man do when his wife acts like a feminazi the way you are doing now? What with most women today having been brainwashed into becoming feminists? You are talking about duties and responsibilities. Can you spell out the duties and responsibilities of a wife?

    • #2730


      when you were a child. did you consider your father as ATM machine for spending money for your education and expenses??

    • #2731

      you haven’t answered the questions raised. why do women seek for well-settled men for marriage? Why are so many men unable to marry simply because their earnings are less? Why do women seek rich men for marriage? What has these got to do with policies for upliftment of women? Moreover, what about upliftment of men who have been oppressed and suppressed by society, not allowed to cry, weep, not allowed to express emotions, being considered disposable etc.? You want to rob men of their rights and pay women? This is inhuman and men’s activists will oppose it.

      not all women coming from poor family seek wealthy man. nowaday women seek man who are compatible and well settled and also man marry only woman who they find attractive and think they are perfect match. wealth can increase or decrease after marriage. but parents in the arranged marriage want to see their loved one is not deprived of life she enjoyed in her parents house.

      upliftmen of women comes into picture when incidences of injustice/crime against women raises.who is stopping man to express his emotions and considered as disposables? what rights have been robbed from you? how many woman remarry after separation having child? has her life not ruined?(geniune cases).

    • #2732

      Father spend money on his children to enable them to reach a standered normal life. coz he care for them, child do not ask Father why he us not buying airoplane for him. child is happy with the toy plane.

      i never know from where all the food comes, when i was small i was thinking shop owner gives it just like that, coz my Dad never told he paid for my chocolate.

      it is women demand in the name of child.

    • #2733

      my question is for Mr. rohan who talks more sensible and to the point

    • #2734

      Kya Rohan, ek din mai patadiya….


      i can give you his phone number. he is in Pune.

    • #2735


      when you were a child. did you consider your father as ATM machine for spending money for your education and expenses??

      I am referring to women who seek alimony from their men thinking that it is their birthright. Child support is different from wife support. Don’t ask the same questions again and again.

    • #2736


      can u share ur agony with us?

      is there a chance to live with ur husband once again forgetting the past?

      u seem to be well qualified independent lady. Try to be an example for those who are agitated.embittered.

      try to forgive everything and lead your life peacefully.there are other good and important things in this world than fighting with spouse.



    • #2737

      Dr.Dsouza sir

      good sense of humour

      but i think as she has still forgotten her past and moved up in her life so she may get offended.Hope u understand.

    • #2738

      not all women coming from poor family seek wealthy man. nowaday women seek man who are compatible and well settled and also man marry only woman who they find attractive and think they are perfect match.

      You have contradicted yourself. You say that not all women seek wealthy men. Then, you say women seek well-settled men. My question is why do women seek well-settled men when they are well-educated and well-earning themselves and when this is the era of equality? When women seek well-settled men, you call it their right. But when men seek well-settled women, you call it “dowry”. Isn’t this a double standard? Regarding attractive women which men seek, I say assure you that the opposite is also true. Many profile I have come across where women seek attractive men. Don’t bring in the issue of looks here. We are debating on issues of money, wealth, roles and maintenance.

      wealth can increase or decrease after marriage. but parents in the arranged marriage want to see their loved one is not deprived of life she enjoyed in her parents house.

      If the parents of the girl wants to see that their daughter is not deprived of a good life, they should educate her well and make her get a good job instead of hunting a wealthy and well-settled groom. Grooms are NOT ATM machines!

      I can take you argument and say that same thing to the sons. Parents of sons are then justified in seeking dowry because they do not want to see their sons being deprived of the lifestyle they enjoyed! Would you agree with that? When a woman seeks a well-settled man, you try to justify it but when a man seeks a well-settled woman, you call it dowry. Is this gender equality?

      upliftmen of women comes into picture when incidences of injustice/crime against women raises.

      what about the injustices against men? What about the crimes against men? Look at the suicide picture. Men’s suicide rate is more than 5 times the number of women. Isn’t that an indication of injustice and serious wrong?

      who is stopping man to express his emotions and considered as disposables?

      The social norms, social values, social concept of masculinity suppresses men with regard to their emotions, communication.

      It is the society which considers men as disposable and that is the reason it doesn’t ask men what their problems are inspite of their suicide rate being much higher. Everytime there is a crime or mistake, the men are the first to be blamed and suspected. It happens in schools, in colleges, just everywhere. Read “The Depths of Male Disposability”

      what rights have been robbed from you?

      The right to express, the right to cry, the right to be empathised and sympathised, the right to equality with women in terms of morals, the right to be free from socially imposed rules of masculinity.

      Men Are Oppressed Too!

      how many woman remarry after separation having child?

      You have to file and RTI application for that. I don’t have the statistics.

      has her life not ruined?(geniune cases).

      Do women only have a life? What about men who get separated and divorced? Aren’t their lives been ruined? Your statement of women’s only perspective is a glaring example of the male disposability. You don’t even think for a moment what happens to the lives of men who are divorced or separated by the woman. You only talk about the lives of women getting ruined. Now do you understand what male disposability is all about? Men don’t matter is the underlining statement of our society at all times.

    • #2739

      Father spend money on his children to enable them to reach a standered normal life. coz he care for them, child do not ask Father why he us not buying airoplane for him. child is happy with the toy plane.

      i never know from where all the food comes, when i was small i was thinking shop owner gives it just like that, coz my Dad never told he paid for my chocolate.

      it is women demand in the name of child.

      The last sentence says all! That is exactly what these women are doing. They mix up child support with wife support and say wife support is also child support. The same way as the women and child development ministry is misusing the funds allocated to children’s welfare by giving it all to the women’s groups to spread feminism and hatred of men.

    • #2740

      Kya Rohan, ek din mai patadiya….


      i can give you his phone number. he is in Pune.

      Seems she has found me more colourful [with my emboldened and non-bold texts] and aggressive than you! :)That shows that women also seek good looking men!

    • #2741

      Do you consider marriage as a institution? How it is based and arranged is irrelevant once the marriage has happened. There is difference between legitimate and illegitimate relation which is also based on the social norms, social values, social concept. Do you have statistical data ready with you on how many man marry after separation. And how many woman with child marry.

    • #2742


      What is your advice to gulati considering it as a TRUE story.

      What she should do now?

      I would advice her to file cases (without wasting time) for having illigitimate relation and cruelity and child support (with all the proof).

      she should also acquire qualification and take up good job.

    • #2743

      Do you consider marriage as a institution? How it is based and arranged is irrelevant once the marriage has happened. There is difference between legitimate and illegitimate relation which is also based on the social norms, social values, social concept.

      Whatever you have stated or asked has nothing to do with the argument that is going on here. The issue is about alimony and maintenance to educated, employable women. And, my point is that no woman should be entitled to it [with exceptions]. Whether I consider marriage as an institution or a non-entity, about legitimate or illegitimate is NOT the issue. Why should men pay alimony or maintenance for having got married? Is marriage a crime for men? It seems so with all the anti-male laws!

      Do you have statistical data ready with you on how many man marry after separation. And how many woman with child marry.

      How does statistical data help here? The debate is something else. Not about how many men or women re-marry. Nobody is stopping man or woman from re-marrying.

    • #2744


      What is your advice to gulati considering it as a TRUE story.

      What she should do now?

      I do not consider her case as genuine because I have seen many such stories which turn out to be something different.

      I would advice her to file cases (without wasting time) for having illigitimate relation and cruelity and child support (with all the proof).

      As I said, I don’t accept it on face value. But, I would support for the child and its financial needs, emotional needs etc. Definately not wife support. Having said that, there should be 50% child custody for the husband; husbands are NOT ATM machines and/or sperm donors. They are fathers.

      she should also acquire qualification and take up good job.

      Better if all women do it than extort from their husbands.

    • #2745

      Divorcee women easily get men to marry;

      Just go out and say im Available, many will follow. i seen in my own office a Divorcee girl married a bachelor(she traped him in her Love trap, when he found out it was too late)

      same here is best example, how pathetic some men are [ Ref : ]

      When Divorced man want to marry, Girl family will evaluate and gurantee from that man, if that marriage also failed girl will get huge sum of money. that shows todays modern girls family interested in money only.

      Now you know, how many divorced men and women get marry again. no need of any statistics.

    • #2746

      educated employable women should not ask for maintenance there is no arguement/debate about it. when you say with exceptions. a woman with nursing child without support has taken a decision not to work for sometime for taking care of child. do you consider her eligible for maintainance.

      she has a legitimate child (from a marriage ) for which she is asking child support. is her husband more responsible for her or his bhabhi with illegitimate relation. is marriage misery/crime for this woman?. adultery is crime for which one should be severly punished when you have a legitimate child. it is question of basic human rights.

      i have asked the question about statistical data to show majority of woman with child have dim chances of remarriage and have to lead a lonely life where as man remarry and move on. separated spouses with child living in separate location will have custody with one parent.

      will you marry a divorcee with a child?? marriage is a commitment not crime.(for both)

    • #2747

      most men will say NO to marry a women with strings, unless he has one or he did find suitable girl.

      but there are some pathetic men as i wrote in my earlier post. or he has acquired huge sum from previous husband, like Elizabeth tylor

      she has legitimate or illegitimate child, father should be responsible only 50% of child maitenance. only after if women prove that she spend all that 50% on child only. if she cannt handle another 50% let her give child to father, he will employ better women for less than 50% and he will take care also.

      most women take child, coz they want to claim money, keeping child as a RANSOM.

    • #2748

      when you say with exceptions. a woman with nursing child without support has taken a decision not to work for sometime for taking care of child. do you consider her eligible for maintainance.

      Who asked the woman to take such an irresponsible decision to sit at home and not to work? The woman is not socially, morally or legally obliged to do it. Is the man resigning his job after the birth of his child? NO, then why should the woman resign?

      she has a legitimate child (from a marriage ) for which she is asking child support. is her husband more responsible for her or his bhabhi with illegitimate relation.

      You are mixing up child support and wife support. They are different. Child support is perfectly fine but you cannot seek wife support in the garb of child support. You are making child support as an excuse to get maintenance.

      is marriage misery/crime for this woman?.

      Its a crime for men; not for women. That is why men end up paying hefty alimony, maintenance and all laws are screwed against them. Have you heard of women paying alimony and maintenance to men? Where is the equality?

      adultery is crime for which one should be severly punished when you have a legitimate child. it is question of basic human rights.

      Agreed. But then how do you assume that the man is having an affair with his bhabhi? Just because the wife says so does not mean that. It may be a different story too.

      i have asked the question about statistical data to show majority of woman with child have dim chances of remarriage and have to lead a lonely life where as man remarry and move on.

      You are referring to the society some 50-60 years ago. I personally know many cases where woman with a child has re-married. You are living in an era where widows were ill-treated. This is the 21st century and women who are widows care a damn about it. Dr dsouza has also clarified it.

      separated spouses with child living in separate location will have custody with one parent.

      Then why should the woman get the custody? Let the man get it.

      will you marry a divorcee with a child??

      Not if she is a feminist. Not if she is a gold-digger and on an expedition.

      marriage is a commitment not crime.(for both)

      But unfortunately the feminists and the govt. of India think otherwise; they believe that its a commitment only for men and a reward for women.

    • #2749

      Do you agree that when the child is woman womb she should take care of her and child inside?that is responsible decision right? and the woman is socially, morally or legally obliged to protect the child instead of aborting it? So why should she not take care of the child when the child is born & needs the mother care. Is he not dependent on mother for nourishment and mother thinks that she socially, morally responsible for the childs welfare in absence of father then? Why should she not get child support and wife support(till specific time/or when she is employed) . Here there is denial of even child support.

      If it is crime for man to pay hefty amount after separation, it is also misery/insecurity for woman+child after separation.

      Here adultery can be proved and it is not merely assumption. What if it is not a different story but true story.

      Even today divorced woman with child does not get remarried. There are very few exception but majority do not get married and remain single all their life with so many challenges and it is very true. Why should you assume all women r alike.

      what if the child does not wish to be with father and father does not want child’s custody. should he child be with mother or abandoned just because mother cannot look after. who will protect the child?

      Do you think jobs are easily available. Then y so many qualified people are unemployed??

      So your answer is YES for a divorced woman with child who is not feminist but has filed genuine cases against injustice and opted for separation from husband with crores worth of property?

      What if man is not committed but his wife is?is the divorce only solution? Then Who should get the child custody?

    • #2750

      Do you agree that when the child is woman womb she should take care of her and child inside?that is responsible decision right?

      That is for 9 months and even companies give maternity leave for that. There is no need for a mother to resign for it and then use it as an excuse to file alimony/maintenance [read extortion] charges.

      and the woman is socially, morally or legally obliged to protect the child instead of aborting it?

      This is not a debate on abortion. Does protection mean resigning from one’s job? All companies and organisations provide maternity leave. It is a crime if a company does not give it

      So why should she not take care of the child when the child is born & needs the mother care. Is he not dependent on mother for nourishment and mother thinks that she socially, morally responsible for the childs welfare in absence of father then?

      Who says the mother should not take care of the child? But taking care is different from resigning from the job. By the way, all companies provide maternity leave and it usually gets extended a little beyond the date of delivery. Western societies provide for paternity leave too where the father also takes care of the child. Nobody resigns. Don’t use child-birth as an excuse for your extortion demands.

      Why should she not get child support and wife support(till specific time/or when she is employed) . Here there is denial of even child support.

      Nobody is denying child support. But you are using child support as an excuse for getting maintenance for yourself! Give child custody to the man of the house and let him take care. It makes better sense because you are FREE from the worries of taking care of your child. It would be the duty of the man to provide child support and also take care of the kid.

      If it is crime for man to pay hefty amount after separation, it is also misery/insecurity for woman+child after separation.

      I wish it was a crime for a man to pay alimony to women, but unfortunately, our laws make it perfectly legal. Infact, our laws have legalised extortion by women in the garb of child support and other such nonsense. Why should it be misery/insecurity for the woman? Is anybody stopping the woman from taking up a job? Societies in the past used to prevent women from taking up a job and alimony was justified then. But now, women get reservation and preference in jobs. Then, why expect man to pay alimony? Women have to take up jobs and fend for themselves. They should not use child-birth as an excuse for extorting money.

      Also, let the woman give child custody to the man so that he can financially support the child. What prevents you from that? Give child custody to the man instead of demanding alimony.

      Here adultery can be proved and it is not merely assumption.

      Show me the proof then.

      What if it is not a different story but true story.

      What if it is a fabricated story? What if the lady in question has an extra-marital affair and when the family opposes it, she resorts to this defaming campaign by weaving false stories of adultery?

      Even today divorced woman with child does not get remarried. There are very few exception but majority do not get married and remain single all their life with so many challenges and it is very true. Why should you assume all women r alike.

      Divorce has become a business now. There is a new term for the modern women who are on a divorce spree. They are called CAREER DIVORCEES. A career divorcee is one who traps men into marriages and then after sometime, files for a divorce with hefty alimony, maintenance and property claims. They have made divorce a career option. Afterall, it is easy money and the best way to gain property. Your reference to divorced women not finding it easy to get remarried is related to traditional societies. I would agree with you if this was the 1970s. After the 1980s, things have changed and westernisation has set in. The very fact that many women walk around in revealing clothes these days shows the extent of change in our society.

    • #2751

      what if the child does not wish to be with father and father does not want child’s custody. should he child be with mother or abandoned just because mother cannot look after. who will protect the child?

      I am referring to cases in general where the child is not having any preference nor does the father mind taking custody of the child. Each case is different and that is the reason why there are courts and judges to decide on case-to-case basic. But my point is with regard to women demanding alimony/maintenance using child support as an excuse.

      Do you think jobs are easily available. Then y so many qualified people are unemployed??

      There are reservations for women everywhere. There are certain social obligations that all companies and institutions try to fulfill so that they can claim to be pro-women. It is much easier for a woman to find a job in today’s feminist society where women’s rights have gone through the roof!!!

      So your answer is YES for a divorced woman with child who is not feminist but has filed genuine cases against injustice and opted for separation from husband with crores worth of property?

      Don’t twist my statements. You asked me whether I had any problems marrying a divorces woman with a child and I gave you my answer. I never said anything about property and alimony. You are putting words into my mouth.

      What if man is not committed but his wife is?is the divorce only solution? Then Who should get the child custody?

      There has to be equality of laws with regard to child-custody or alimony or property. If a woman is entitled to alimony and maintenance, the man should also be entitled to alimony and maintenance from the woman.

    • #2752

      what is your advice to this SPECIFIC case of Ms. Gulati, assuming what she is say is true? and father/husband neglected/abandoned the child/wife.

      you are wrong with raise in population employment problem has still aggreviated and not only divorced woman but also young unmarried people find it difficult to get job. not all the company have woman favouring hr policy.

      litracy rate has increase and also competition.

      do you consider man fool and woman too intelligent to trap man and have childrens to extort money? is it not concious decision of husband and wife to have a child? Institution of marriage has lost its significance in modern times.

      laws have been formed based of prevailing situation in our country and to maintenance of law and order. time and again it is amended accordingly. criminal punished will not favour law which say he should be punished. there will criticism and favourism.

      if you say this is not a prevailing situation (majority) then prove it?

    • #2753

      woman is socially, morally or legally obliged to protect the child in the womb(child support) instead of aborting it . father is also socially morally and legally obliged to give a child support which he is not giving. what she should do??????? so she should give the child custody to father who can give the child support and walk away move on and marry some one else. she is nothing to do with the childs once it is out of the womb??.

    • #2754

      If a Women think marriage is HOLY and Institution of marriage as you say, she will never leave her husband.

      Both promise at the time of wedding both will be together in “pain and pleasure”

      but for todays women,she says to her husband, take your pain to you give me pleasure only.

      thats the significance of marriage in modern times.

      before we think about man abondon his wife, we have to think why he Abandoned her.

      if he has not taken any money from her or demanded then there is no question of making money.

      he left her, coz she will not leave him but harass him, and if he is togather he will die half age.

      may be she is not giving him marital happiness

      she is doing her responsibility

      she is grumbling and murmuring whole day without reason.

      she fights.

      she is not cooking or cleaning which todays most women call it Slavery (assuming she is house wife)

      she is working still think that husband has to pay all her bills.

      she harass him

      she give threats of filling false cases.

      she has Affair or had Affair

      she told lie at the time of wedding about her

      she hide her past

      she cheated

      bla bla.

      there should be some reason to leave. coz no man will run away from his marriage; unless force him to do.

    • #2755

      unborn child is not your property to abort. its not yours. and one of our member sent his wife to jail for doing same.

      and in India its CRIME. killing unborn child.

      Child is in your womb that not mean that you can do anyhting.

    • #2756

      that is what i am saying child should be protected and cared in every sense. child is not property. if husband is not paying child support send him to jail.

    • #2757

      He dont want to pay, he want to look after the child.

      Why law is not giving child to him.

      coz there is no guarantee that women will spend that money on child.


      1st 5 year let it be with mother and mother will pay all, then another 5 years with Father and father will take care.

      when child is wise enough and grownup he/she will decide whom to honor.

      let it be 50/50

    • #2758

      thats the significance of marriage in modern times.

      before we think about man abandon his wife, we have to think why he Abandoned her.

      if he has not taken any money from her or demanded then there is no question of making money.

      he left her, coz she will not leave him but harass him, and if he is togather he will die half age.

      may be she is not giving him marital happiness.


      she is doing her responsibility- IS HE DOING HIS RESPONSIBILITY

      she is grumbling and murmuring whole day without reason.- IS HE NOT ABUSING AND PHYSICALLY ASSAULTING.

      she fights.- DOES HE NOT FIGHT.

      she is not cooking or cleaning which todays most women call it Slavery (assuming she is house wife)- IS HE PROVIDING AND PROTECTING?


      she harass him- DOES HE NOT HARASS

      she give threats of filling false cases- DOES HE NOT GIVE THREAT TO KILL OR DESERTING


      she told lie at the time of wedding about her- HE TO LIED AT THE TIME OF WEDDING ABOUT HIM


      she cheated- HE STILL CHEATS.

      bla bla.-

      there should be some reason to leave. coz no man will run away from his marriage; unless force him to do. BOREDOM/GETTING ATTRACTED TO SOMEONE WILL BE ONE REASON THEN .


    • #2759

      He dont want to pay, he want to look after the child.

      Why law is not giving child to him.

      -can u prove u can look after better than ur wife?

      coz there is no guarantee that women will spend that money on child.

      -can you guarantee you will spend 100% money on the child and take good care of child??


      1st 5 year let it be with mother and mother will pay all, then another 5 years with Father and father will take care.

      when child is wise enough and grownup he/she will decide whom to honor.

      let it be 50/50 .

      – will the child detach himself from mother to come to you? taking the child by force is good for child and mother??

      can you divide the child 50/50. is it right?

    • #2760

      when there is a matter of child support. you mix up matter of child custody when there is no issue of child custody in the case. if you want you can open another thread to argue.

    • #2761

      What do you expect in MARITAL HAPPINESS

      or as per you what man has to do to you.

    • #2762

      what mans RESPONSIBILITY ? as per you

    • #2763

      if he PHYSICALLY ASSAULTING you then you can report it to police, even he is not PHYSICALLY ASSAULTING also you can report and they take complaint.

      Will they take if man say same…?

    • #2764


      may be he is spending less than what you spend your inch thick makeup. why dont you stop using makeup and save money for future

      drinking or not that you have to decide when you get marry.

    • #2765


      check all courts judgments. who file for divorce saying there was a domestic violence, even there was none proved.its not men, its women.

    • #2766

      she harass him- DOES HE NOT HARASS

      how your husband harassed you ?

    • #2767

      d souza,

      in short what you expect from other do you also give?

      In every new thread u come back to talk on marital discord why it happens. but not on how it is to be prevented and resolved.

      each case will have different reason. same way not all man are same and not all woman are same.

    • #2768

      When i revert same question you asked, back to you all of a sudden you say.

      “each case will have different reason. same way not all man are same and not all woman are same”

      so you proved another thing that tongue has no bone and you can twist as you wanted.

    • #2769

      tongue is controlled by brain remember. whether you youself are a good human being to point out to others their responsbility/mistake this is what i wanted to tell.

      one has to face the consequences for your actions (both for woman). every action has reaction..

    • #2770

      what is your advice to this SPECIFIC case of Ms. Gulati, assuming what she is say is true? and father/husband neglected/abandoned the child/wife.

      I do not believe it to be true. Period. Hence, I do not want to encourage such false cases.

      you are wrong with raise in population employment problem has still aggreviated and not only divorced woman but also young unmarried people find it difficult to get job. not all the company have woman favouring hr policy.

      litracy rate has increase and also competition.

      Population problem may have aggravated but same time the opportunities are much more than earlier times. And, all companies are having pro-women HR policies because it is politically, socially and legally correct to do so. It is easier for women to get jobs than for men to get it. P

      do you consider man fool and woman too intelligent to trap man and have childrens to extort money? is it not concious decision of husband and wife to have a child?

      Men are fools to be living in the medieval era of the15th century protecting and providing women while women have moved onto the 25th century. Most men still think that after marriage they want to have a child and they think its a social obligation of continuation of the family [a medieval mindset]. Until men wake up and move on to the 25th century, these problems will continue. This issue is also about confusion between traditional values and modern values. This confusion is being made best use of by the women to get what they want.

      Institution of marriage has lost its significance in modern times.

      this is the only thing I agree with you. I think the feminism is a major contributor to this loss of significance because one of the main objectives of feminism is to destroy the family system as it is being looked upon as an oppression of women.

      laws have been formed based of prevailing situation in our country and to maintenance of law and order. time and again it is amended accordingly. criminal punished will not favour law which say he should be punished. there will criticism and favourism.

      Laws are formed by corrupt lawmakers keeping in mind their vote-banks and the amount of moolah they can get by using the people and system under them to extort. Laws are made for the common man alone with the intention of harassment. Justifications given are all excuses for their shady deals.

      if you say this is not a prevailing situation (majority) then prove it?

      The proof is already there. Lawmakers are corrupt and they have huge money involved and laws are made to extort in the name and garb of helping some people. Vote-bank politics is also a very big factor in making laws. You want me to prove these?

    • #2771

      Action or reaction but you are unable to answer my question i asked.

      that show you agreed to my points and you are guilty.

    • #2772

      woman is socially, morally or legally obliged to protect the child in the womb(child support) instead of aborting it .

      This debate is NOT about abortion. We are discussing about child custody and the evil of alimony.

      father is also socially morally and legally obliged to give a child support which he is not giving. what she should do???????

      What else can the father do when there is misuse of child support by the lady? No father is against child support. But every father should be against its misuse.

      so she should give the child custody to father who can give the child support and walk away move on and marry some one else. she is nothing to do with the childs once it is out of the womb??.

      Child custody does not mean the mother cannot visit her child. She gets visitation rights. It also allows her to be free from the burden of taking care of the child which enables her to find a job and earn. Besides she can look for a remarriage. Anything wrong in it? Is it wrong for a divorced woman to remarry? Is it a crime for a woman to earn?

    • #2773

      He dont want to pay, he want to look after the child.

      Why law is not giving child to him.

      -can u prove u can look after better than ur wife?

      Its all about gender equality. Its not about who looks after better or who does not. Gender equality implies that both men and women are equally capable of everything. Period

      coz there is no guarantee that women will spend that money on child.

      -can you guarantee you will spend 100% money on the child and take good care of child??

      It is the man’s money. He earns it and it is his privilege how he spends it. If a man has custody of the child and the wife is made to give child support, then the wife has every reason to ask where her money is going or is the husband spending money on himself. In this case, the husband has custody and it is his money. Nobody can spend all money on the child because the husband also needs to upkeep, his food etc. But then, it is HIS money; not HERS.


      1st 5 year let it be with mother and mother will pay all, then another 5 years with Father and father will take care.

      when child is wise enough and grownup he/she will decide whom to honor.

      let it be 50/50 .

      – will the child detach himself from mother to come to you? taking the child by force is good for child and mother??can you divide the child 50/50. is it right?

      Equality of gender simply means equality in child custody rights too. Most cases, the father ends up being the ATM machine and mother brainwashes the kid into believing that the father is the monster. Is that fair? Our society needs to grow and think of husbands are more than sperm donors and ATM machines.

    • #2774

      when there is a matter of child support. you mix up matter of child custody when there is no issue of child custody in the case. if you want you can open another thread to argue.

      It is all about equality. Why should men alone be made to pay for child support and women alone be given child custody? Are men inferior to women? Are men lesser parents?

    • #2775

      In short according to humanbeing2

      ” all men are customers,who should pay for the service they get”

      ” all women are service givers and they should get paid for the services to their customers”

      ” the by products are the liability of customers for not taking protection and thus fines need to be given “

      if thats marriage, then no need to do marriage in India

    • #2776


      Are you in Sales or marketing department ?

    • #2777


      I am into analysis feild sir

      but why?

    • #2778


      i am saying this because not only these ladies are fixing their rates that too without any service but to the enjoyment they received in due course.they will say my ovum never came to fetch ur sprems ,its sperms which came inside and intruded my world,so u pay for this common enjoyment.

      donot worry my wife filed 377 , so she is claiming money and that to without her ovum getting involved.

    • #2779

      one word explains what you wrote in 3 lines. thats prosti####

      ten you analysed correctly

    • #2780

      Most indian women are not doing anything in intimate act than just spread their legs.

      they enjoy sex but man endup paying.

      they think they are doing great social work, and blame husband for not giving marital happiness.

    • #2781

      Mr say men should be given the custody of child….what about the men who are living with mistress…what would be the impact to the children of these parents…i did not left my matrimonial home but thrown out of the house with child by husband mistress in a conspiracy….What could i do it….my parents supported me and my daughter…You believe or nor …this i don’t care it…you are a men so u would take side of such people .(THIS IS NOT AN OLD STORY)…..I have faced it…

      its true men are treated as Atm machines by most of their wives…this saying is built by men…

      What about mothers who ask money from their sons and sisters who ask money from their brothers..than also you would say men are not atm machines ….

      Why most of the men marry if they are having intimacy with someone else …even i would say if any of the spouse is having such rellationship should be severly punished

      Many say …alimony or maintenance should be discarded for educated or capable women ..ok ..just pray for it that it should banned…than what …what would be the punishment of such men even for women also…

      becoz money is more important to be for their mistress not for their child….

      If all women are prostitute..what about men….why do they go to these protitutes…they want to enjoy sex without money…how could it be possible….if women spread legs..than these son of the bitches also enjoyed these spread legs….they r not satisfied with one pair of spread leg…but want variety of spread legs…they don’t see faces…(unka to man kare woh apni maa par bhi chad jaye) I thin k it would be a better idea…free mein hoga..

      In my case my husband has even not spare his brothers wife…Bhabhi which is another mother word…

    • #2782

      Gulati you are asking to punish Bhabi or whoever who has relation with you husband. but she is excluded.

      same think you have affair and your husband found out but it is your lover punished under indian law, not you.

      we asked Indian Government/ncw/wcd to punish both many time but they turn blind eye, even they know to clap both hand are needed.

      so we are not responsible for your problem, its other women.

      so moral of the Story women dug women grave.

    • #2783

      Mother has right to ask money from her children, as she raised them and there is law and judgment too too to look after them. and brother giving to his sister with love coz they have blood relation, it is other women jelous when your husband gives his money to his sisters.

      When he is giving you Roti/kapda/makhan you have no right what he do with his money. same if you are earning after giving your half share to run home, you can spend your money on your lovers and he has no right to ask you.

    • #2784

      Gulati we knew before how much your husband suffered in your clutches now you proved yourself with these words .(unka to man kare woh apni maa par bhi chad jaye)

      Wife is not free sex, man pay more than what a prostitute charge. and they are far far better than todays feminists and Legal terrorists, they want money without any service. Blood suckers.

      Land of Krishna and Kamasutra most men feel like they sleeping with DEAD BODY, who do nothing than spreading their legs.

    • #2785

      Mr say men should be given the custody of child….what about the men who are living with mistress…what would be the impact to the children of these parents…

      You cannot say something in the air and get yourself alimony and maintenance in the name of the child. You have to prove the allegation. Moreover, this is the era of equality and hence custody of a child cannot be given to women alone. It has to be shared between husband and wife.

      i did not left my matrimonial home but thrown out of the house with child by husband mistress in a conspiracy….What could i do it….my parents supported me and my daughter…You believe or nor …this i don’t care it…

      These are the same sob stories that we get to hear in false 498A and Dv cases. Allegations don’t mean anything. It needs to be proved

      you are a men so u would take side of such people .(THIS IS NOT AN OLD STORY)…..I have faced it…

      This is the feminist era and all men are demonised. Just because I am a man does not mean I support the misdeeds of other men. But since I am very much aware of the horrendous problems which many husbands are facing, I would say that this is a cock and bull story. However, I haven’t concluded. You need to prove.

      its true men are treated as Atm machines by most of their wives…this saying is built by men…

      Sayings don’t come from nowhere. We men are experiencing it. Experience speaks louder than words. It has greater impact. STOP TREATING MEN AS ATM MACHINES.

      What about mothers who ask money from their sons and sisters who ask money from their brothers..than also you would say men are not atm machines ….

      As I said, men are treated as ATM machines by the society. Society includes everybody – mother, father, sister, govt. That is the reason why govt takes men and relaxes women. Because govt also treats men as ATM machines!!!!

      Why most of the men marry if they are having intimacy with someone else …even i would say if any of the spouse is having such rellationship should be severly punished

      You should ask those men who have intimacy with some other women. Not me. I need to tell you that if a woman has an extra-marital affair, the laws do not permit prosecution. Section 497 is anti-male and protects bitchy women. Where is the equality?

    • #2786

      Many say …alimony or maintenance should be discarded for educated or capable women ..ok ..just pray for it that it should banned…than what …what would be the punishment of such men even for women also…

      becoz money is more important to be for their mistress not for their child….

      You need to separate out the issue of alimony or maintenance and the allegation of adultery. They are two different things. First of all, when a woman commits adultery, the laws are silent about it. No laws permit the prosecution of women living in adultery. So men alone are being prosecuted for adultery. Is this fair? The law has to be equal for everybody. There needs separate laws for dealing with adultery. That is the solution according to me.

      If all women are prostitute..what about men….why do they go to these protitutes…they want to enjoy sex without money…how could it be possible….if women spread legs..than these son of the bitches also enjoyed these spread legs….they r not satisfied with one pair of spread leg…but want variety of spread legs…they don’t see faces…(unka to man kare woh apni maa par bhi chad jaye) I thin k it would be a better idea…free mein hoga..

      There is a wrong notion in all societies, especially, in the Indian society about prostitutes. All societies, especially, the Indian society has wrong notions about sex. It has suppressed sex to a great extent leading to all kinds of crimes, a misinterpretation of all religions and texts. Sex is a basic physiological, mental, emotional and even a spiritual need of the body and the soul. I have respect for prostitutes because they are providing sex, a basic need of a human being. Why should anybody look down upon them? No religion or culture should go against the laws of nature – breathing, eating, sleeping, procreation/sex, excretion. So, why look down upon somebody offering you these? Do you look down upon the cook who prepares food, the hotelier who serves you food, the companies that provide you with toilet sinks? This is because of the confusion in values. Now, let us not get into this side-debate of prostitution and sex. Many countries such as France have legalised prostitution. I see nothing wrong in it. I see nothing wrong in male prostitution either.

      Having said that, it would be wrong to co-relate or draw a parallel between 498a misusers and prostitutes. People who file false charges of 498A, DV, rape or those educated women who file alimony or maintenance or claim unreasonable rights in property are EXTORTIONISTS AND BLACKMAILERS. A prostitute has her rates fixed and pre-determined.

      However, there are many prostitutes and call girls who have got into this business of extortion which is more lucrative and high yielding. Many such unscrupulous women are into various women’s groups and commissions. Afterall, its about money.

      In my case my husband has even not spare his brothers wife…Bhabhi which is another mother word…

      That is your allegation. You need to prove that. Moreover, even if I assume it to be true for the moment, you cannot assume that the man alone is responsible for it or initiated it. There are many cases where the women are the initiators.

    • #2787

      Thank you Mr rohand for your advice…i have already proved it in the court about my problem…it was not the difficult situation…Yes you r right women are the initiaters…my mil,sil were the initiaters to this problem..they supported my husband…The judge has already passed the interim orders …Now my husband can’t escape from this…He has done wrong thing…he should be punished…punishment is very pay maintenance for his daughter …i did not ask for myself…..

      Men do not create all the situations that women endure…it is also mothers and fathers along with society who set the role models that children tend to learn and emulate. To blame all men for what has transpired in the past is incorrect. To punish or hate all men for any abuse a woman has recieved at the hands of a man is to ignore the fact that it was one specific man. I myself have had a few bad encounters with males as I have with females in different situations. For me to hate all women for what one woman or many women have done to me is unfair to all women. For me to hate all men for what one man or many men did to me is unfair to all men. This can further be extended to any animal, human, business, or entity. Granted often the majority of people have problems which sometimes can hurt or interfere in life we are overall responsible for our own lives and the choices we make. I have known many wonderful men as much as I have known many terrible men. The same for women. But in general the majority are about the middle to good. Not too many extremely good or extremely bad men or women have I met. Before I go further into bad or good I would like to explain that it is not so much that a person is bad or good it is that they have some habits or behaviors that are a problem for me as they are not behaviors or habits I find unacceptable. I am sure at some time the same has been thought of me.

      At the end i would say…

      A Man before marriage is – Superman. After Marriage – Gentleman. 5years later -Watchman. 10 Years later – Apne Hi Jaal Mein fasaa hua Spiderman. that’s why its better to be a Hanuman.

    • #2788

      gulati ji

      i will still advice you to try to reconcile with your husband and stay with him. at the end of the day u only will be happy. this interim maintainance will only satisfy your ego, at the end of the day u will be loser.plz try to understand this.



    • #2789

      Her husband said, he will not take her back, at any cost. for falsely accusing, there are better women out there.

    • #2790

      There is a wrong notion in all societies, especially, in the Indian society about prostitutes. All societies, especially, the Indian society has wrong notions about sex. It has suppressed sex to a great extent leading to all kinds of crimes, a misinterpretation of all religions and texts. Sex is a basic physiological, mental, emotional and even a spiritual need of the body and the soul. I have respect for prostitutes because they are providing sex, a basic need of a human being. Why should anybody look down upon them? No religion or culture should go against the laws of nature – breathing, eating, sleeping, procreation/sex, excretion. So, why look down upon somebody offering you these? Do you look down upon the cook who prepares food, the hotelier who serves you food, the companies that provide you with toilet sinks? This is because of the confusion in values. Now, let us not get into this side-debate of prostitution and sex. Many countries such as France have legalised prostitution. I see nothing wrong in it. I see nothing wrong in male prostitution either.

      – rohan, i agree with you on this subject. i am sure you will agree with me that sex is a integral part of marriage. is she not denied this basic need?? will he give her that basic need which binds the marriage.

      if you live in society. you have a set norm,ethical and unethical. pros** offer in exchange of money. is it right to take from anyone who is offering you sex. even from bhabhi/sister/mother/child or a minor child of someone. so you cannot say no. man also use force to get it but it is different thing that you refuse to believe though it is common? so your refuse to believe news story that their is no rape of girl by her own what way woman is a intiator? if you encourage pros*** our future childrens will not have family ( father & mother)

      gulati, you have asked for child support and your husband does not want child custody. which you will get it. there cannot be reconciliation even if you have a child. broken glasses cannot join. other basic need you can get even if you are unmarried/divorced. You will be deprived of sex that even otherwise you were not getting.To teach such man a good lesson is to intiate a legal action which are there to protect you. he will have to anyway spend the same amount(child support) to fight the cases to defend himself. it is no use of discussing/complaining here. law should not be misused but used when it is required to be used.

    • #2791

      if 1 woman(bhabhi) is cause of your misery. then 2 man (your husband and brother inlaw) r also cause of your misery. forget about the cause think about the effect to your family( you, your child and your husband).you and your husband are adult and can take care of themselves. child need to be cared by mother in the intial stages of growth. you cannot defy nature. it would be cruel to give away the child to father if you can better take care of the child. if you have taken good care of the child when it was inside you and you can also take care outside too.

    • #2792

      Thank you Mr rohand for your advice…i have already proved it in the court about my problem…it was not the difficult situation…

      Unfortunately, the laws being heavily in favour of women, the burden of proof is on men and when they fail to prove their own innocence, they are automatically termed guilty. Your husband has termed your case false and he doesn’t want you back. What do you have to say for that? Don’t tell me that you have proved in courts because the laws, courts, rules, police, judges, media are all in favour of women. When everything is women-centric and favouring, the man is bound to get falsely implicated.

      Yes you r right women are the initiaters…my mil,sil were the initiaters to this problem..they supported my husband…

      When you accept that women are the initiators, why are there laws like 497 which treat women as abla naris?

      The judge has already passed the interim orders …Now my husband can’t escape from this…He has done wrong thing…he should be punished…punishment is very pay maintenance for his daughter …i did not ask for myself…..

      judges and courts always favour women. Their interim orders and whatever always favour women. No proof is required and does not matter whether the woman is working and earning high salaries. There was a case I know where the wife was earning 80k a month. Husband was earning 15 k and the court passed an order for him to maintain his wife. In that case, the couple did not even have a kid. Is this fair? Is this gender equality? In fact, the wife has to pay alimony and maintain her husband!!!

      Every day 30 to 40 Delhi Husbands are loosing their Home in protection of Women Domestic Violence Act, 2006.

    • #2793

      A Man before marriage is – Superman.

      Because he believes in impressing the women around him to get his sexual needs met. A lot of male feminist lapdogs fall in this age group. 15-30 years.

      After Marriage – Gentleman.

      The wife makes him her slave – what women call “gentleman”.

      5years later -Watchman.

      The wife treats him like a watchman – a dog.

      10 Years later – Apne Hi Jaal Mein fasaa hua Spiderman.

      I agree that most men complicate their own lives by marrying women. Its better to remain single. Afterall, marriage is a life-threat to men!!!!!!!!!

      that’s why its better to be a Hanuman.

      Better to remain a bachelor and not sign one’s own death warrant.

    • #2794

      will you refuse to also accept/believe that there domestic voilence in most of the family in every section of society…and woman are verybally and physically abused? assume if there is a drastic raise of domestic voilence and woman are physically assualted. what should be preventive/corrective action? what should Indian Govt. do?

    • #2795

      so what accordingly to you is marriage?then why does every individual desires for marriage? why does the man again remarries?

    • #2796

      is she not denied this basic need?? will he give her that basic need which binds the marriage.

      From the husband’s point of view, the allegations of the wife are all untrue. It may be a totally different case. I don’t believe that the wife was sex-starved.

      if you live in society. you have a set norm,ethical and unethical. pros** offer in exchange of money. is it right to take from anyone who is offering you sex. even from bhabhi/sister/mother/child or a minor child of someone. so you cannot say no. man also use force to get it but it is different thing that you refuse to believe though it is common?

      You mean to say that the wife who offers sex to the husband is entitled to alimony and maintenance just because she is doing it?

      so your refuse to believe news story that their is no rape of girl by her own what way woman is a intiator?

      I don’t refuse to believe but many stories are false too. Media is unscrupulous. Period. Regarding initiating, I was referring to any form of initiating – not just with regard to an extra-marital affairs. I personally know many women who have initiated an extra-marital affair. Section 497 needs to be changed in tune with the changed times we live in. Very often, women initiate extra-marital sex. 497 IPC treats women as abla naris.

      if you encourage pros*** our future childrens will not have family ( father & mother)

      When you make family and marriage unfriendly by initiating anti-male laws, the better option for the man is to go for sex outside the ambit of marriage. Feminism is an anti-male, anti-family and anti-marriage ideology. Moreover, more and more men are getting caught in these anti-male laws because of various reasons, chiefly, because they are sexual slaves. This sexual slavery can only be altered by having a free sex society.

      gulati, you have asked for child support and your husband does not want child custody. which you will get it. there cannot be reconciliation even if you have a child. broken glasses cannot join. other basic need you can get even if you are unmarried/divorced. You will be deprived of sex that even otherwise you were not getting.

      This is a one-sided view. The husband has a different story to tell.

      To teach such man a good lesson is to intiate a legal action which are there to protect you. he will have to anyway spend the same amount(child support) to fight the cases to defend himself. it is no use of discussing/complaining here. law should not be misused but used when it is required to be used.

      So you are instigating Gulati to misuse the law to teach her husband “a lesson”. You want her to file all kinds of false cases so that her husband will enrich some lawyers and come for an out of court settlement and make Gulati a rich extortionist. Wow. This goes to show the mentality of today’s women. I think the husband should take legal action against you for this.

    • #2797

      will you refuse to also accept/believe that there domestic voilence in most of the family in every section of society…and woman are verybally and physically abused? assume if there is a drastic raise of domestic voilence and woman are physically assualted. what should be preventive/corrective action? what should Indian Govt. do?

      There is a complete misconception that domestic violence is man to woman. In reality, it is both ways. But laws across the world treat man as the perpetrator and woman as the victim. Society treats women as the weaker sex. This is the root of the problem. Your comment also shows this bias. Men are very often bigger victims of domestic violence such as nagging, financial violence, sexual etc.

      Laws are needed to counter the violence by women too.

    • #2798

      if 1 woman(bhabhi) is cause of your misery. then 2 man (your husband and brother inlaw) r also cause of your misery. forget about the cause think about the effect to your family( you, your child and your husband).you and your husband are adult and can take care of themselves.

      The husband has a different story to tell altogether.

      child need to be cared by mother in the intial stages of growth. you cannot defy nature. it would be cruel to give away the child to father if you can better take care of the child. if you have taken good care of the child when it was inside you and you can also take care outside too.

      Why is it cruel to take away the child and give it to the father? How is it against nature? Moreover, what happened to the concept of equality? Your concept of equality seems to be an equality of convenience rather than genuine equality. Are fathers lesser parents or incapable of parenting? This is rubbish and anti-equality.

    • #2799

      To teach such man a good lesson is to intiate a legal action which are there to protect you. he will have to anyway spend the same amount(child support) to fight the cases to defend himself. it is no use of discussing/complaining here. law should not be misused but used when it is required to be used.

      So you are instigating Gulati to misuse the law to teach her husband “a lesson”. You want her to file all kinds of false cases so that her husband will enrich some lawyers and come for an out of court settlement and make Gulati a rich extortionist. Wow. This goes to show the mentality of today’s women. I think the husband should take legal action against you for this.

      whether you believe it or not is your personal opinion. I believe her as i have myself experienced the same. I have advised her clearly NOT TO MISUSE LAW. BE HONEST & FILE TRUE CASES (WITH PROOF) & SHE SHOULD DEFINATELY USE LAWS TO PROTECT HER RIGHTS and wait for whatever judgement happens and abide by it. If out of court settlement happen it is still better she can use it to support life of their child and secure her and her childs future. he can very well initiate legal action i will defend myself as always.

    • #2800

      and wait for whatever judgement happens and abide by it. If out of court settlement happen it is still better she can use it to support life of their child and secure her and her childs future. he can very well initiate legal action i will defend myself as always

      The laws are filed mainly for an out-of-court settlement which is another name for extortion. You have only mentioned about the settlement but never ever spoken about the custody of the child. it means that men should be atm machines to the women who get child custody rights and easy money.

    • #2801

      in this case, there is no question of child custody. it is child support which is being denied.

      out of court settlement does not always happens? but even then it is always initiated by husband to get away from the case.. divorce case is filed by her husband u/s13(a). if he does not come out and fight he cannot get divorce and if he comes out he has to pay maintenance otherwise go to jail. how many days he will escape from law. I hope gulati has already initiated search to find him with passport no. Pan no. etc. he is also making his life & life of his relatives (including his mistress/bhabhi) insecure

      if he is honest and true let him fight the cases.

    • #2802

      Thank you so much human being for your support…yes very much true i haven’t misuse the law..its my daughters right to get maintenance from her father….from the beginning i was mentally tortured from my InLaws family ..i could have File DV or 498 a case…but i did not…

      Even my in laws members and husband are not interested to take custody of their children…My husband has files divorce case from another side to get one sided divorce…he did not even think of his daughters future…I don’t want to divorce him…even if i could not get maintenance from him…i would wait for him to turn towards his daughter and leave his mistress…Even i would say he should meet his daughter atleast once a week .i don’t know dr dsouza and rohand are thinkiong that i am greedy…yes in some paras i have used some filthy language i am sorry if it hurts the sentiments of someone…but its not like that i just want to seek justice…many women might implicate their husband in false case…that does not mean everywomen are of same…might mr rohand think my problem is like a story….but these are facts..i would say again…

      who i am to teach the lesson to my husband. by legal way…its only GOD..who can see what is right waht is wrong…..

      Cheers to human being…

    • #2803

      It’s not Story; whatever men says is Story to women. And they think they are telling truth and world should believe in them.

      Coz we all gone through similar situation;

      My Ex accused me having sex with my every neighbor and all women in my office and even i was not having video player she told that i used to bring blue videos and asking her to do as in blue Films. And everyone from her family believed in her words. Coz i was popular with neighbor’s kids, as i was teaching them sports, early morning jogging, cycling, trekking, and mountaineering. Good hobbies like stamp/coin/note collecting than roaming around. And their mothers were happy felt safe when their kids are with me. And even i challenged these ladies in cooking and we used to exchange sweets and dishes i made of my native.

      Result my Ex blamed me may be some of those kids are mine. That’s women mentality.

    • #2804

      omg…Dr dsouza ha ha ha… i could not control my laugh…lol…wat would i say about your ex wife…stupid ….

    • #2805

      coz i found out her collage Affair when i questioned her she bombarded like this.

      so moral of the story.

      it look yellow to those who have yellow fever.

    • #2806

      dr dsouza…if you don’t mind..tell about your present wife…howz she…is she better than your ex wife…

    • #2807

      There is 99% similarity in both.

      Names are same for both (im lucky if i call 1st one name in dream 2nd will not offend)

      Nature is same for both.

      Everything is in same place as in 1st.

      both get angry if i tell call my mom once in blue moon, but i have to call her relatives.

      Expect no comments on her relatives but she can bark anything about my relatives and that they think OK.

      I have to pay but should not ask where they spent.

      2nd one better than 1st in cooking and household things but get angry if i do same thing/work in half of their time.

      1st one very fond of MAAS, 2nd one only eat grass.

      ego was going in front of 1st one, 2nd one follow ego.

      both leave dirty utenciles in sink till next morning.

      and lastly, Expected melons but got lemons in both.

      anyway 2nd one is somewhat better than 1st one (majburi se bhol raha hoon)

    • #2808

      Dr Dsouza…if there was so much similarities in both of your wives…than what was the problem…why did you left your 1st wife…kaam chala hi dete…ya maas khane se problem thi….

    • #2809

      unless you cut the fruit you never know there is worm inside, only after marriage we will find out the truth.

      sab kutte ka poonch thedi hai.

      i did`t let out my 1st one, but she could not forgot her 1st one.

      anyway Man cannt STOP

      Flowing water;

      Blowing wind

      and run away women

    • #2810

      sab “KUTTE”(male dog)ka poonch thedi hai.?? whether dog is male or female you cannot change thedi poonch. so accept each others weak point. & yes this is only your part story… may be your wives have different story to tell about you.

    • #2811

      so you agree; your husband has True story than what you told us.

    • #2812

      I do not consider him as dog first of all. he has his thinking and I have mine.

    • #2813

      How come now dogs started to Think ?

      im not talking about dogs, i said he has True story to tell than your sob story and you admited it.

    • #2814

      by dog or dogs tail. i meant habits and thinking which cannot be changed. If one cannot bring positive changes in his/her habits/thinking y to expect changes in others. whether it is true or sob story we know it better. also, I had no reason to tell sob story when there r supporting evidence. whatever it is whoever has done wrong has to pay the price. and i strongly believe in it.

    • #2815


      We Foundout that Even today women know that they are not eligble for maintenance, they will file for it; most of the time they take Children coz if they fail to get money from husband they can demand in their name.

      Thread starter Found to be educated and she has some claims against her husband but not proved in Court of law, but she is caliming maintenance.



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