Need Help for IPC 498a

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  • This topic has 26 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 12 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #635


      I got married in 2009. There was some disputes. The FIR was done & complaint was done under IPC 498a in 2011 in delhi. After I got a copy of the FIR, came to know that the facts were not real. I wanted some information from the police through RTI but the police did not give information as it was said that information cannot be given. The Investigation has not been done.

      Before the FIR, I had done RCR case.

      List of cases:

      1. RCR is going on.

      2. IPC 498a which is pending .

      Need urgent help.

    • #3427

      on what reason you filled RCR ?

      what details you asked in RTI ?

    • #3428


      I have filled RCR on the ground that I want my wife to join me & live a happy married life .

      I had asked for Jurisdiction & on what grounds the dowry case is registered .

      Actual fact is that there is gap of 6 – 9 months after she left matrimonial house. Thee was no medical done saying that my wife was beaten. We are staying separately from 2011 to till date.

      Since I have RCR, how can I get advantage of it & have ex parte decision. How can I get information after RTI failed.

      Need urgent Help.

    • #3429

      Gagan, RTI is powerful tool you can use that. if PIO not given then put complaint against then follow RTI.

    • #3430


      What is PIO . Where can I complaint . Are there any sections in RTI that says that Information cannot be given to husband side or disclosed to anybody .

      Please let me know.

    • #3431


      Good Morning,

      What is PIO . How can PIO help me. If I put RTI, it will take min 1 month time. Is there any way that I can get information fast or in less time. Can I make RTI Online or not. Whatever information I need through RTI, can I email and ask them to send it through email or to a particular Address.

      Please let me know ASAP .

      Thank you

    • #3432

      PIO = Public Information Officer

      read more about RTI

      She filled 498a before your RCR or after.

    • #3433

      She has to file reply to your RCR, but most of the time they try not to take RCR notice; so they can deny of your RCR. if notice is served and she has not replied anything then you can ask judge to convert RCR into Divorce and also your can counter her maintenance demand.

    • #3434

      Hello Sir,

      I read your reply. Thank you. first of all, let me tell you that my wife filled 498a after my RCR.

      Second thing is that My wife has not replied to my RCR but she has come to court 3 – 4 times only. she is only telling that She wants to come back to me. She herself is telling or she is being told by the lawyer to say this in the court. Can I get the record : how & when she came to know about my RCR case.

      I came across this site : ” rtination. com ” is this website proper or not .

      Looking for your reply . ASAP

      Thank you

    • #3435

      in RCR court serve the notice to her. once she came that means court recorded she came; you can get that record fom Roznama or court Record book.

      tell judge if she wanted to come back why she filed 498a after your RCR, that means she do not want to come,but for say only she says she want to come.

      dont use that site to send RTI, check for sample RTI and also you can ask our members in local chapter for guidence.

    • #3436


      Thank you for your reply. After my RCR case, she has done IPC 498a case. At present, in RCR court, she is telling that she wants to come to her husband.

      Where can I do complaint against PIO & how.

      There is no communication between my wife & me. As she is coming to court for RCR, I cannot ask the judge to convert my RCR into Divorce case .

      Looking forward for your reply .

      Thank you

    • #3437

      complaint against PIO ?

      if PIO is not giving information then you can file RTI with 1st appelate Authority; most of the time 1stAA is senior of PIO.

      if she is coming to court then she has to file her say in writting.

    • #3438


      She is coming to court. She has not given any reply in written. Only in verbal she is telling that she wants to come back to me.

      The judge has put the case for mediation. How can the mediation fail . I do not know whether RTI is done or not. As RTI was put up by my lawyer. He is telling in verbal that police is not giving any information.

      I also want to know that if any female goes to police station to lodge dowry case, does police check evidences or not. Do the police record the conversation of the girl or not .

      Through RTI, can I ask for the evidences which my wife has given to police or not .

      Looking for your reply .

    • #3439

      They have to do investigation; if they know you have knowledge of Legal system and police guidelines about 498a and other investigation they will do enquiry correctly

      check this circular

      it is better talk to our Delhi members; they will guide you.

    • #3440

      there is way to ask RTI details;

      you cannt ask






    • #3441


      I would like to know that since IPC 498a has not started, can my wife take back the case or not . My wife made me promise over the child & said that i will not keep any contact with my parents or sister or brother. I have lost my family & i ask her to leave her parents , she is not ready to do so.

      What should i do now …..

    • #3442

      if its in FIR state then she can take it back.

      she can take it back only if you agree after that.

      forcing you to abandon parents is cruelty, make a note of it, it may help you IF you are going for Divorce.

      see this news

    • #3443


      Good Afternoon,

      I have read your reply Thank you. I would like to know that I do not have any written evidence where she said that I would not keep any contact from my parents, brother & sister. There is chat conversation where she had me that I m staying away from my parents with my happiness. I had said ‘ Yes’ . That time I told because of unborned child who is my extension. And my wife is capable of hurting herself & the child in anger. Before marriage. my wife had told me verbally that long back, she had tried to kill herself. Can they use that conversation against me.

      If I do not want to travel to delhi & take back RCR and then file for divorce. is it possible or not .

      I would like to know that I was given wrong information about my wife’s education . How can I use this point against them.

      Can I file divorce on the basis of the too much interference of her parents & brothers.

      Can I file Divorce on the basis that my wife has deserted me ( I do not know what proofs to give).

      What can I do if my wife or wife’s parents demands for the money which they had spent in the marriage .

      Looking for the reply . ASAP .

      Thank you.

    • #3444

      threat of suicide or hurt herself also cruelty on you; there are judgments on that too

      please check in its sitemap section. which are very useful; read it, then you will know which citation you can use in your situation.

      if you take back RCR and go for Divorce then court will force you to give her maintenance.

      if you have proof of wrong info or any other evidence you can use it in defence of your Divorce with other main reasons of Divorce.

      Did you ask them to spend money….? then they dont have any rights to demand spent money. as in every marriage both parties agree to spend as per their capacity and as per their rites and customs.

    • #3445


      Good Morning,

      I read your msg. Thank you. We did not ask them to spend so much money . We kept telling that Pls do all the arrangements according to their pocket. But they spent money Lavishly.

      I also want to know that since IPC 498a, is open and it is in FIR state. Then can we show evidences & proofs to police and get IPC 498a cancelled or something by the police . If we have to get IPC 498a quashed which is in FIR state then do we have to go to court.

      Once IPC 498a is quashed, can my wife again put IPC 498a or not . If yes, then after how much time can she do so.

      Looking for your reply .

      Thank you

    • #3446

      If police convinced to your proofs and think her statement is false then they can dismiss the FIR or if you have stronger evidence and police is not listening to you you can approach court to quash FIR.

      Even after dismiss/quash she can file again ; They are empowered to file case N number of time unless you get the order from Court.

    • #3447


      Good morning,

      I told my lawyer to to go to police with evidences so that he can convince police and IPC 498 can be quashed by the police but my lawyer said that it is not possible . Can u please furnish me with details .

    • #3448

      Lawyers always says its impossible, whatever we says, coz they mis the customer.

      its not lawyer job;

      you have to co-ordinate with police and give them proper proofs and details.

      Write to SP or higher authority if local police are biased or not listening with CC to police.

      show them you know the law, and there are direction to Police from TOP how to handle 498a cases soem circulars are listed in on DOCS section

      for more call our members and attend weekly meetings; They will guide you

    • #3449


      I received your reply . Thank you. I fear that police might arrest my parents & me . And harass us . How can we convince police.

      Looking for your reply …

    • #3450


      I received your reply . Thank you. I fear that police might arrest my parents & me . And harass us . How can we convince police.

      Looking for your reply …

    • #3451

      Dear Gagan

      I’m trying to reply to your post at

      >>>>>She is coming to court. She has not given any reply in written. Only in verbal she is telling that she wants to come back to me. <<<<<<<<<<

      IF you are fighting the RCR yourself request the judge for written replies … from your 498a wife

      She has to file written reply to your Original petition …request the judge (very politely) that she (wife) has to reply in writing

      However RCR is a little bit of a tricky strategy IF you are really NOT READY TO live with the wife !!!!

      where can RCR be helpful ??

      1. IF wife says she will come back use that in 498a !!! Tell the police and everyone that you are innocent …otherwise how will she come back to a dowry seeker …murderer ??

      2. IF wife delays the reply in the RCR case request the judge to decree noting that other party has NOT replied within time granted

      3. whenever 498a inquiry , investigation is taking place keep telling that you are NOT the deserting spouse …. you are willing to live with her and she is deserting you as you have file RCR and your wife is dragging the case

    • #3452

      General reply to Gagan

      it is NOT possible to understand ALL strategies over E MAIL

      you have to meet people face to face

      YOU HAVE TO understand nuances …intricacies … delicate strategy …FACE to face !!!

      attend SIF meetings

      Dr D Souza has done and excellent job of lisiting all help line numbers on his website !!

      please see for help line #s

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