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  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 14 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #322

      My wife has deserted me . We had a marriage of 4 years and during this time she had left my home for quite a number of times and everytime I have to go his in laws house and tolerate humiliation and abusive languages and then got my wife back .My wife has made it a habit and now I am tired of doing the same. In short she has made my life miserable.

      She always demands for a huge alimony and also says that if I am not ready to pay she will claim interim maintenance and fight a strong case againist me .

      Also she threatens me to put behind bars using 498A.

      She is 32 yrs of age and she knows the law much better than I do as I get a salary of 45k she demands 35% of it.

      Now my question is as I am under financial pressure due to a house loan . Can the court grant her alimony although she is well educated ,have a chance of remarriage, donot have any child and also our marriage can’t be considered as a long term one as it is <10yrs. And above all she has deserted me and says that she can’t stay with me although she refuses the statement in the court . How can I prove that as verbal communication between husband and wife are never recorded as I never anticipated that my wife is such a good actress and continuosly making false statements in the court and it seems her tears in the court have already done the trick for obtaining a sympathetic attitude.

      Show me please the way out of this as my lawyer also says that she will get a good alimony.Today helplessly I feel wud have been a clever act to record all the statements that my wife made to me.

      Is getting married in this country is something like a trap if u r not married to the right person.

      As I was surfing got the following link

      Which says that woman who has deserted is not elligible for alimony ..IS that true? I am not sure under what circumstances it happened.

      I know the law has strengthened woman’s rights , but do we men have the right to live life in peace ,does our legal system in India give us any right.

    • #1680

      As per the facts, you may approach before the court for divorce on the ground of desertion & demand huge amount of alimony with threatening of filing cri. prosecution like 498(a), you have no need to be worry. Ifcri. case will be filed or thr is apprehension to be filed, ant. bail provision is thr. You do not be emotional , be reasonable. We r wth u. 9821387099, 9224799546

    • #1681

      Thanks for the reply .

      But the problem is all the statements that I have written above are true but verbal statements that my wife issued against me but denies in the court of law.

      My case is running in Kolkata … Any further direction or help is highly appreciated.

      The reason for my being emotional is because my father also passed away very recently and instead of supporting my mother I myself is into another disgraceful situation . I donot know how to come out of it.



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