Newly Married Bride Left Home: Seek Advise

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  • This topic has 5 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 13 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #492


      I am working in Bangalore. I am newly married to a wealth manager girl in Delhi. She lied at lot of things about herself before marriage that I came to know about after marriage.

      1. She was in relationship with someone.

      2. She used to drink from a long time 3 years. She told me that she drink only 1 -2 times. Actually her mother told me last week that doctor asked her to stop drinking. I was shocked.

      3. She was spending time with boys at her home in Delhi. She used to lie with me that she was sleeping but I saw pictures of her with boy in her laptop. She said that boy is friend of her friend. I did some background check and found she was lying. The boy was her colleague and used to come at her room during our courtship period at night and drink.

      It was arrange marriage and I told her about myself. I am from a conservative family. I do not lie. I do not like girls drinking at night with boys. I asked her to be with me as I am working in a MNC.

      She started mentally abusing me after marriage. She started calling me physco and all… I tried everything, right from giving all my money, doing all the work at home as well..

      She got a promotion in Bangalore but she used to plan 7-10 day official company trip each month to Delhi without informing me. When I found about her lies of spending time with boys, I asked her to come back to Bangalore. And I asked her to move with me to my new assignment in Australia. She rejected it. I told her that I am ready to forget her past and we can move to Australia and start again. She left me and moved to New Delhi.

      My whole life saving is gone. She left me when I said that I will tell all this to your family. She shouted and said she will give me divorce but it has been 15 days no response from her.

      My mother-in-law said that I should forcefully take her back. I am very scared of her. I told her that I am not that kind of man. I can not ask someone to forcefully love me. If she is in love with someone, I am willing to let her go. She made me fool in past and took all my happiness and money. I am very scared about her next move.

      Can I apply for divorce? Please advise.

    • #3049

      You can file petition for Divorce after 1 year of marriage. if its mutual then you can file any time still it will be dragged beyond a year.

      read about Divorce and other issues here as per your religion

      Whatever her or your past and any such issues you have to settle out before your marriage, now crying over split milk is not use and no one will listen, even if you have proof of her past encounters now you cannt do anything and useless.

      if she still keep in touch with old flames then only you can sue her with adultry in divorce.

      As she left you, and you do not have any false case aginst you so far then report it to police, get copy of your report dully signed by police, let her tell police that she left her own; else if she approch police before that you abandon her/kicked her out then you will be in trouble.

      update us farther development if any.

    • #3050

      yes u are really married to a wealth manager who knows very well how to live a connoisseur life by managing husband wealth. Sir; but this may not be ground for divorce! all u r proofs of her promiscuity/fling is useless or saying these things b4 court making u r self a liar who’s intention to damage the modesty of women or disrespect to the great INDIAN DEVI. perhaps u would be able to prove her adultery ( MIND IT- IT IS ONLY BY DNA TEST- which nor ur case). u can get rid of the nagging headache on ground of desertion/ cruelty– Wife prime duty is to come under the umbrella of matrimony to bear the pain/ pleasure of life. if u r ready to prove her desertion in continence of more than six month by filling RCR. Till 1 year u have to face the heat but use this period with delicacy/ diplomatic way otherwise there is fuel to the fire under court-police-layer network

    • #3051

      What help are you seeking?

      If the proofs are enough, then maybe dicvorce is a way out, but be careful as soon as you would submit the divorce petition, they might respond with DV/ 498-a and all.

      In Delhi you would be called to attend mediation and all.

      In case you need any help in Delhi, feel free to call me @ +91-8010850498 after 6PM

    • #3052

      So even if she left the home. She was misbehaving with me from last 4 months. I am guilty. What kind of law is this? She is now saying to her family that I have a bad character. Her family asked me to come. I have refused. I said I am not able to take leave. I am not coming. You can come and meet me.

      I will not be able to live with this woman ever in my life. Can she forcefully come and live with me?

    • #3053

      so you are not aware whats going on with indian married men.

      till you are trapped under women biased laws of India.

      yes she can come to stay with you by force, even kick you out your own house

      force you to pay even you are not earning that much money.

      Thats current situation.

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