Wife living separated after child birth

Welcome Forums Advice Divorce Wife living separated after child birth


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    • #4645

      We got married in June,2019. Post the marriage we lived together for almost 2 years in Bangalore. Things were somewhat normal between us.

      During child birth in June, 2021 I dropped my wife at her maternal home. Since then there have been lots of issues in the marriage. My wife refused to return to my home and stopped my phone or replying to messages. I have tried multiple times to bring her back but to no success. Her parents have ill-treated me and did not allow me to meet my wife or daughter.

      Last time(Aug, 2023) on my daughters birthday I went to my in laws home to meet but they fled their home upon hearing I was coming.

      Till now they are yet to file any case against me or my parents.

      I am not sure whether to further try for reconciliation or take legal help.

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