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Divorce : Best to end marriage that has broken down

Supreme Court of India CASE NO.: Transfer Petition (civil) 228 of 2004 PETITIONER:Sanghamitra Ghosh RESPONDENT:Kajal Kumar Ghosh DATE OF JUDGMENT: 20/11/2006 BENCH:G.P. MATHUR & DALVEER BHANDARI JUDGMENT: J U D G M E N T WITH TP (CRL.) NOS.105 & 171 OF 2004, TP (CIVIL)…

Accused in 498A can’t be denied to get Govt Jobs.

Central Administrative Tribunal, Lucknow Bench, Lucknow Original Application No. 331/2011 This the 12th day of September, 2012 Honble Mr. Justice Alok Kumar Singh, Member (J) Honble Sri S.P.Singh, Member (A) Vineet Kumar aged about 32 years son of Sri Vijay Pal Singh resident of 741,…

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