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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

Ad-interim injunction in Foreign Divorce


Legally acquired foreign Divorce is valid in India

Delhi High Court Mrs. Anoop Beniwal vs Dr. Jagbir Singh Beniwal on 25 October, 1989 Equivalent citations: AIR 1990 Delhi 305, I (1990) DMC 239, 1989 RLR 554 Bench: M Narain ORDER 1. The plaintiff, Mrs. Anoop Beniwal, has filed this suit for declaration. By…

Divorce by Mutual Consent when wife has withdrawn her Consent for Divorce

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE FOR RAJASTHAN AT JODHPUR JUDGMENT Anil Khatwani vs. Nistha Khatwani S.B.CIVIL MISC. APPEAL NO. 1250/2008 DATE OF JUDGMENT : 10th May, 2012. PRESENT HON’BLE DR.JUSTICE VINEET KOTHARI Dr.Sachin Acharya, for the appellant – husband. Mr. T.R.Singh Sodha, for the…

Divorce : Best to end marriage that has broken down

Supreme Court of India CASE NO.: Transfer Petition (civil) 228 of 2004 PETITIONER:Sanghamitra Ghosh RESPONDENT:Kajal Kumar Ghosh DATE OF JUDGMENT: 20/11/2006 BENCH:G.P. MATHUR & DALVEER BHANDARI JUDGMENT: J U D G M E N T WITH TP (CRL.) NOS.105 & 171 OF 2004, TP (CIVIL)…

Desertion without valid reason and not Ready for Mutual consent is Cruelty

Patna High Court MISC. APPEAL No.143 OF 1996 Against the judgment and order dated 29.7.1995 passed by Shri Lakhan Kumar Sahay, Principal Judge, Family Court, Patna in Matrimonial Case No. 20 of 1990/141 of 1992 SUDHANSHU MAULI TRIPATHI son of Sri Umakant Tripathi of Village…

Divorce : Spouse denying to submit to sex. Cruelty

Supreme Court of India PETITIONER:V. BHAGAT Vs. RESPONDENT:D. BHAGAT DATE OF JUDGMENT19/11/1993 BENCH:JEEVAN REDDY, B.P. (J) KULDIP SINGH (J) CITATION: ACT: HEADNOTE: JUDGMENT: The Judgment of the Court was delivered by B.P. JEEVAN REDDY, J.- This is an unusual case calling for an unusual solution….

HC uphold grounds of cruelty – Divorce

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Judgment reserved on: 06.07.2010 Judgment delivered on: 18.8.2010 FAO 443/2000 RENU BALA ……Appellant Through: Mr.Sanjeev Sindhwani, Adv. Vs. JAGDEEP CHILLER ……Respondent Through: Mr.Rajesh Kalra and Mr.Anuj Soni, Adv. CORAM:HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE KAILASH GAMBHIR 1. Whether the…

HMA, Mental cruelty, Custody to Father.

In the High Court of Judicature at Madras Reserved on : 01.10.2015 Pronounced on : 01.12.2015 Coram: The Hon’ble Mr.Justice S.MANIKUMAR and The Hon’ble Mr.Justice M.VENUGOPAL C.M.A. No.2861 of 2012 and M.P.No.1/2012 & M.P.No.1/2013 Indra … Appellant Vs. B.G.Giri … Respondent Prayer: Civil Miscellaneous Appeal…

CRUELTY:Mental agony of being arrested and detained in S.498A IPC

HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT ALLAHABAD Court No. – 19 Case :- SECOND APPEAL No. – 844 of 2006 Appellant :- Narayan Prasad Saraswat Respondent :- Smt. Shaifali @ Muniya Counsel for Appellant :- M.K. Gupta, Pankaj Agarwal Counsel for Respondent :- D.K. Dwivaedi Hon’ble…

Divorce: False 498A, Adultry and desertion

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT PATNA First Appeal No.203 of 2001 Against the judgment and order dated 29.3.2001 passed by the Additional District Judge-2nd, Siwan in Divorce Case No. 20 of 1996. Indrasan Gond …. …. Applicant – Appellant Versus Lalmuni Devi …….

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