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Section 498-A IPC is continuing offence; wife not barred to claim maintenance under DV Act even after 3 years

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Decided on: 5th December, 2018 W.P.(CRL) 2325/2017 and Crl. M.A. No.13146/2017 (stay) ANTHONY JOSE ….. Petitioner Represented by: Ms. Bina Madhavan and Ms.Akanksha Mehra, Advocate. versus STATE OF NCT OF DELHI & ORS ….. Respondents Represented…

SECTION 473 explained with 498a IPC example

SECTION 473 OF THE CODE The provisions of Section 473 of the Code may be considered from two angles-one substantive and the other procedural. On the substantive aspect it will be useful to compare and contrast the language of two analogus provisions in Section 5…

498A Quash – No jurisdiction to conduct trial

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT PATNA Criminal Appeal (SJ) No.852 of 2009 Arising Out of PS.Case No. -0 Year- null Thana -null District- MUZAFFARPUR 1. Ashok Kumar, son of Amrendra Kumar Matwala. 2. Sunil Kumar Mahto, son of Amrendra Kumar Matwala. 3. Amrendra…

498A Quash on Jurisdiction by Lucknow Bench

HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT ALLAHABAD, LUCKNOW BENCH Writ Petition No. 7002 of 2012 (M/S) 1. Anil Kumar Shukla, aged about 65 years, son of Sri Gaya Sahai Shukla, resident of 128/95, Y-1 Block, Kidwai Nagar, Police Station Naubasta Kanpur Nagar. 2. Smt. Kamla Shukla,…

Offence U/s 498(A)/406/34 IPC Quash and Period of Limitation

HIGH COURT OF ORISSA: CUTTACK. CRIMINAL MISC. CASE NO. 10215 OF 2001 This is an application under Section 482 of Code of Criminal Procedure. Rajani Kanta Padhi ……. Petitioner. -Versus- State of Orissa and others ……. Opp. Parties. For Petitioner : M/s. S.Pujhari, P.K.Pattnaik,B.Sahoo, J.A.Reddy…

How to ascertain jurisdiction of court in case of offence u/s.498A and 406 of IPC?

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE FOR RAJASTHAN AT JODHPUR ORDER S.B.CR. MISC. PETITION NO.1581/2010 Kuldeep Singh & Ors. Vs. State of Rajasthan & Anr. Date of Order : 21st February, 2014 PRESENT HON’BLE MR JUSTICE VIJAY BISHNOI Dr S.S.Jodha for petitioners Mr A.R.Nikub –…

Retention of Stridhan, DVA, 498A and Criminal breach of Trust

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 1545 OF 2015 (@ SLP(Crl) No. 10223 OF 2014) Krishna Bhatacharjee … Appellant Versus Sarathi Choudhury and Anr. … Respondents J U D G M E N T Dipak Misra, J. Leave granted….

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