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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

Advocate should verify facts before any submission else he can held responsible and charged

Gujarat High Court Ajit D. Padiwal vs State Of Gujarat And 2 on 15 September, 2004 Equivalent citations: (2005) 1 GLR 743 Author: D Trivedi Bench: D Trivedi, K Mehta JUDGMENT D.K. Trivedi, J. 1. Petition, which was filed in the year 1994, by practicing…

125 arrears, illegal detention and compensation

BEFORE THE MADURAI BENCH OF MADRAS HIGH COURT DATED: 19/11/2010 CORAM : THE HONOURABLE MR.JUSTICE S.NAGAMUTHU W.P.(MD).No.11372 of 2005 and W.P.M.P.No.12096 of 2005 S.T.Prabhakar … Petitioner Vs 1.The Secretary to Government, Home Department, Fort.ST.George, Chennai 600 009. 2.The Sub-Inspector of Police, Kodaikanal Police Station, Kodaikanal,…

What factors are to be considered by court while deciding Amendment to Memo of Appeal?

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2928 OF 2010 (Arising out of SLP(C) No. 3937 of 2009) State of Maharashtra …Appellant Versus M/s. Hindustan Construction Company Ltd. …Respondent JUDGEMENT R.M. Lodha, J. Leave granted. 2. The question presented in…

498a Filed after 13 years of the date of the commission of the offence dismissed

IN THE COURT OF SH. DEVENDER KUMAR JANGALA ADDITIONAL SESSIONS JUDGE­03, WEST, TIS HAZARI COURTS, DELHI Criminal Revision no. 10/1/2016 U.I.D. No. 55807/2016 P.S. Paschim Vihar Ashwani Sharma, S/o Late Sh. Bansi Lal Sharma, C/o Shiva Garments Main Bazar,Ladwa, District Kurukshetra,Haryana. ……… Revisionist Versus 1….

Maintenance in interest of justice not as Husbands NRI Status

Delhi High Court Smt. Anubha vs Shri Vikas Aggarwal And Ors. on 27 September, 2002 Equivalent citations: 100 (2002) DLT 682, I (2003) DMC 139 Appellant Advocate A.S. Chandhiok, Sr. Adv and; Hari, Adv Respondent Advocate Nemo Cases Referred Sobha Rani v. Madhukar Reddi Bench:…

When Section 340 Cr.P.C. read with Section 195 (1)(b) Cr.P.C. allowed

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 1842 OF 2013 Ashok Kumar Aggarwal…Appellant Versus Union of India & Ors…Respondents J U D G M E N T Dr. B.S. Chauhan, J. 1. This appeal has been preferred against the impugned…

SECTION 473 explained with 498a IPC example

SECTION 473 OF THE CODE The provisions of Section 473 of the Code may be considered from two angles-one substantive and the other procedural. On the substantive aspect it will be useful to compare and contrast the language of two analogus provisions in Section 5…

SC explain delay in filling charge sheet and limitations of Section 473 Cr.P.C and Section 468 Cr.P.C

Supreme Court of India PETITIONER:ARUN VYAS & ANR. Vs. RESPONDENT:ANITA VYAS DATE OF JUDGMENT: 14/05/1999 BENCH:K.Venkataswami, Syed Shah Mohammed Quadri JUDGMENT: S.SHAH MOHAMMED QUADRI,J Leave is granted. This appeal is from the judgment and order of the High Court of Rajasthan at Jabalpur in S.B.Crl.Revision…

Whether justice assent prolongation of pleadings of progressing lawsuit as additional evidence?

IN THE HIGH COURT OF PUNJAB AND HARYANA Civil Revision No. 7 of 2009 (O&M) Decided On: 10.01.2012 Ram Niwas Vs. Kalu Ram and another Hon’ble Judges/Coram: Rajesh Bindal, J. Citation: (2012) ILR P&H 63 1. Challenge in a benefaction petition is to a sequence…

Offence U/s 498(A)/406/34 IPC Quash and Period of Limitation

HIGH COURT OF ORISSA: CUTTACK. CRIMINAL MISC. CASE NO. 10215 OF 2001 This is an application under Section 482 of Code of Criminal Procedure. Rajani Kanta Padhi ……. Petitioner. -Versus- State of Orissa and others ……. Opp. Parties. For Petitioner : M/s. S.Pujhari, P.K.Pattnaik,B.Sahoo, J.A.Reddy…

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