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Period of limitation for filing appeal against family court order is 30 days delay can be condoned if sufficient cause shown

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Judgment delivered on: 12th September, 2023 MAT. APP (F.C.) 199/2019 PALLAVI MOHAN ALIAS PALLAVI MENON ……Appellant Versus RAGHU MENON …… Respondents Advocates who appeared in this case: For the Appellant: Mr. Vineet Jhanji & Mr. Imran…

Limitation period for filing Family Court appeals is 90 days, not 30

HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE FOR RAJASTHAN BENCH AT JAIPUR D. B. Civil Miscellaneous Appeal No. 4589/2019 Kuldeep Yadav S/o Late Shri Umrao Singh Yadav —-Appellant Versus Anita Yadav W/o Kuldeep Yadav D/o Raj Singh Yadav —-Respondent For Appellant(s) : Mr. Ganesh Khanna on behalf of…

In criminal cases, Period of Limitation starts from the Date of Complaint, not from Date of Cognizance

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.829 OF 2005 Mrs. Sarah Mathew … Appellant Versus The Institute of Cardio Vascular Diseases by its Director– Dr. K.M. Cherian & Ors. … Respondents WITH Special Leave Petition (Crl.) Nos.5687-5688 of 2013 M/s….

Whether Section 5 of limitation Act is applicable to filing of execution application?

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Civil Appeal No. 5005 of 1999 Decided On: 14.09.1999 West Bengal Essential Commodities Supply Corporation Vs. Swadesh Agro Farming & Storage Pvt. Ltd. and Ors. Hon’ble Judges/Coram:K. Venkataswami and S.S.M. Quadri, JJ. Citation: (1999) 8 SCC 315 1. Leave…

DV Quash petition u/s 468 CrPC on the ground of expiry of period of limitation

IN THE COURT OF SHATAKSHI, JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE FIRST CLASS, GURUGRAM. Case No. : 23 of 2017 CIS No. : DV-44-2017 Date of Instt. : 22.3.2017/18.5.2017 Date of Order: 22.1.2018 Aashita W/o Saket Dalal D/o Sh. Satyapal Singh Saharan, Presently residing at H.No. 11, Sector-40, Near…

Offence U/s 498(A)/406/34 IPC Quash and Period of Limitation

HIGH COURT OF ORISSA: CUTTACK. CRIMINAL MISC. CASE NO. 10215 OF 2001 This is an application under Section 482 of Code of Criminal Procedure. Rajani Kanta Padhi ……. Petitioner. -Versus- State of Orissa and others ……. Opp. Parties. For Petitioner : M/s. S.Pujhari, P.K.Pattnaik,B.Sahoo, J.A.Reddy…

Limitation for filing counter claim

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Date of decision: 7 th December, 2016 W.P.(C). 603/2016 VISHAL HIRA MERCHANT PVT. LTD. ORS. Vs HDFC Bank CORAM: MS. JUSTICE INDIRA BANERJEE MR. JUSTICE V. KAMESWAR RAO. Citation: AIR 2017 Delhi 49 1. In this writ petition,…

Period of Limitation

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION Civil Appeal No. 7732 of 2011 Foreshore Co-operative Housing Society Limited ..Appellant(s) versus Praveen D.Desai (Dead) thr. Lrs. and others ..Respondent(s) with Civil Appeal No. 5514 of 2012 Razia Amirali Shroff and others ……Appellant(s) versus M/s…

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