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Restitution of conjugal rights Denied

JHARKHAND HIGH COURT F A No.172/2011 Smt. Rita Prajapati V Sanjay Kumar, P R E S E N T E MR. JUSTICE SHREE CHANDRASHEKHAR MR. JUSTICE RAJESH SHANKAR Citation: AIR 2017 Jharkhand 41 1. The present appeal is directed against the judgment dated 23rd September, 2011,…

Divorce : Mental Cruelty no Alimony

Rajasthan High Court Smt. Pramila Bhatia vs Vijay Kumar Bhatia on 19 May, 2000 Equivalent citations: I (2001) DMC 251, 2000 (3) WLC 496, 2000 (3) WLN 330 Author: Singh Bench: A Singh ORDER Singh, J. (1). Heard the learned counsel for the parties. (2)….

Divorce : Spouse denying to submit to sex. Cruelty

Supreme Court of India PETITIONER:V. BHAGAT Vs. RESPONDENT:D. BHAGAT DATE OF JUDGMENT19/11/1993 BENCH:JEEVAN REDDY, B.P. (J) KULDIP SINGH (J) CITATION: ACT: HEADNOTE: JUDGMENT: The Judgment of the Court was delivered by B.P. JEEVAN REDDY, J.- This is an unusual case calling for an unusual solution….

HC uphold grounds of cruelty – Divorce

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Judgment reserved on: 06.07.2010 Judgment delivered on: 18.8.2010 FAO 443/2000 RENU BALA ……Appellant Through: Mr.Sanjeev Sindhwani, Adv. Vs. JAGDEEP CHILLER ……Respondent Through: Mr.Rajesh Kalra and Mr.Anuj Soni, Adv. CORAM:HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE KAILASH GAMBHIR 1. Whether the…

HMA, Mental cruelty, Custody to Father.

In the High Court of Judicature at Madras Reserved on : 01.10.2015 Pronounced on : 01.12.2015 Coram: The Hon’ble Mr.Justice S.MANIKUMAR and The Hon’ble Mr.Justice M.VENUGOPAL C.M.A. No.2861 of 2012 and M.P.No.1/2012 & M.P.No.1/2013 Indra … Appellant Vs. B.G.Giri … Respondent Prayer: Civil Miscellaneous Appeal…

IBM, Mental Cruelty, Child custody to father and Divorce


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