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Judgments of Supreme Court of India and High Courts

An Application For Bail Under … vs In Re : Pradip Sinha on 7 September, 2017


CRM No. 8747 of 2017

In the matter of : An application for bail under Section 439 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure affirmed on 29.08.2017 in connection with Swarupnagar P.S. Case No.145 of 2015
dated 26.02.2015 under Sections 498A/304 of the Indian Panel Code read with sections 3
4 of the Dowry Prohibition Act, adding section 302 of the Indian Panel Code.

In re : Pradip Sinha …Petitioner.

Mr. Soumya Banerjee .. for the petitioner

Ms. Amita Gour ..for the State

  We  have  heard  the  learned  Counsel  appearing  for  the  respective  parties  and

perused the case diary.

The petitioner is in custody for about 913 days.

It is submitted by the learned Advocate appearing on behalf of the petitioner that

after  cross‐examination  of  the  P.W.‐2  partly,  the  learned  Public  Prosecutor  breathed  his

last suddenly. No further step has yet been taken for engaging another Public Prosecutor.

It  is  also  submitted  by  him  that  further  custodial  detention  of  the  petitioner  is  not

necessary at this stage.

It  is  submitted  by  the  learned  State  Advocate  that  the  petitioner  is  the  principal

accused.  According  to  the  post  mortem  report,  the  death  of  the    victim  housewife  was

caused  due  to  strangulation    and  it  was  homicidal  in  nature.  The  death  of  victim  took

place one year after her marriage.


Upon  consideration  of  the  aforesaid  fact  and  circumstances  as  also  taking  into

consideration the fact that the same prayer of the petitioner was rejected by a co‐ordinate

bench  of  this  Court  on  five  occasions  and  there  is  no  subsequent  developments  in  the

matter, we are not inclined to allow the prayer of the petitioner for granting bail and the

same  is  rejected.  However,  the  prosecution  is  directed  to  arrange  for  engaging  a  Public

Prosecutor expeditiously.

This application stands dismissed.

                                                                      (Debasish Kar Gupta, J.)

(Amitabha Chatterjee, J.)

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