SC and HC Judgments Online at MyNation

Judgments of Supreme Court of India and High Courts

Lakhinder Rai vs The State Of Bihar on 12 September, 2017


Criminal Appeal (SJ) No.575 of 2011
Arising Out of PS.Case No. -0 Year- null Thana -null District- MUZAFFARPUR

1. Lakhinder Rai S/O Late Deo Narain Rai R/O Vill-Bardiha, P.S.-Patepur, Distt-

…. …. Appellant/s

1. The State Of Bihar

…. …. Respondent/s

Appearance :

For the Appellant/s : Mr. Sanjay Parasmani, Adv.
For the Respondent/s : Mr. Binod Bihari Singh, APP

Date: 12-09-2017

This appeal is directed against the judgment dated 30.03.2011

and order of sentence dated 05.04.2011 passed by Sri Ram Daras,

Additional Sessions Judge, Fast Track Court No. -3, Muzaffarpur, in

Session Trial No. 56 of 2010, by which he has convicted the appellant

under section 376 of the Indian Penal Code and sentenced him to

undergo rigorous imprisonment for ten years with a fine of Rs. 5,000

and in default of the payment of fine, further imprisonment of one


Brief facts necessary for adjudication of the present appeal are

that the informant Asha Kumari (P.W. 2), filed her written

information before the Brhampura police station stating that she was a

student of class -IX and was living with her father, mother and
Patna High Court CR. APP (SJ) No.575 of 2011 dt.12-09-2017

brother in the campus of M.I.T and her father was posted as peon in

the said M.I.T and her mother was working as nurse in Kejriwal

Hospital. She further alleged that whenever her mother and brother

were not on home, her father used to molest her. It has also been

alleged that five months ago, when her mother was on night duty in

the hospital, her father – appellant, forcibly raped her and when her

mother came back in the next morning, she narrated whole incident to

her mother and on insistence of her mother, appellant apologized to

her and the matter was kept secret as the prestige of family was

involved. It has also been alleged that thereafter, the appellant started

torturing both mother and daughter and continued to molest her.

On the basis of aforesaid written statement, Brahmpura P.S.

Case No. 120 of 2009 was registered against the appellant under

Section 376 of the Indian Penal Code and the police after

investigation submitted charge -sheet against the appellant under

Section 376 and 511 of the Indian Penal Code. Cognizance of the

offence was taken and, thereafter, the case was committed to the court

of sessions, which ultimately traveled to the file of learned Sri Ram

Daras, Additional Sessions Judge, Fast Track Court No. -3,

Muzaffarpur, for trial and disposal.

Charges were earlier framed under Section 376 and 511 of

Indian Penal Code against the appellant, however, later on fresh
Patna High Court CR. APP (SJ) No.575 of 2011 dt.12-09-2017

charge has been framed under Section 376 of the Indian Penal Code.

In this case altogether five witnesses have been examined from

the side of the prosecution and they are: P.W. 1- Indu Devi (mother of

the victim), P.W. 2- Asha Kumari (victim girl), P.W. 3- Raj Kishore

Rai (maternal grand father of victim girl), P.W. 4- Manju Singh

(Investigating Officer) and P.W. 5 – Dr. Suman Prasad (doctor who

conducted examination on the victim girl).

Apart from the above, following documents have been admitted

into evidence and marked as ; Ext. 1 – Signature P.W. 1 (Indu Devi)

on written information, Ext. 2- Signature of victim Pooja Kumari on

the written information, Ext. 3- Charge-sheet, Ext. 4 -Medical report

of victim girl.

From the defence side also four witnesses have been examined

and they are;- D.W. -1, Dilip Kumar, D.W. -2, Shivendra Rai, D.W. 3

– Ratan Kumar.

It appears from the suggestion given to the witnesses and his

statement under Section 313 Cr.P.C, the defence of the appellant is of

false implication and complete denial of the alleged occurrence and of


Learned Trial Court after conclusion of trial convicted the

appellant under Section 376 and sentenced him as stated above.

Aggrieved by the said judgment, the appellant preferred the

present appeal.

Patna High Court CR. APP (SJ) No.575 of 2011 dt.12-09-2017

Learned counsel for the appellant has challenged the impugned

judgment and has submitted that the judgment of Trial Court

convicting the appellant under Section 376 of Indian Penal Code,

suffers from serious infirmities, as in this case, there is delay of five

months in lodging the F.I.R, and no satisfactory explanation for the

delay has been offered by the prosecution side. It has also been

submitted by learned counsel for the appellant that the appellant has

falsely been implicated in this case at the instance of his own wife, as

he did not had good terms with his wife as the appellant used to

restrict her free movement with other persons, which was not

acceptable to her and further a day before the registration of the F.I.R,

there was a quarrel between the husband and wife, which has

prompted her to instigate her daughter to file this present false case. It

has also been submitted that as per the evidence of P.W. 1 -, in para 6

and 7, they used to live in a hut and on the alleged date of occurrence,

P.W. 2 (victim girl) and her brother were present at home and were

sleeping on the same cot and P.W. 2 has been raped by the appellant

but surprisingly, the brother, who was present and sleeping on the

same cot, was not examined, which casts a serious doubt on the

prosecution story coupled with the fact that the medical report does

not support the allegation of rape. It has also been submitted that the

prosecution evidence that on the alleged date of occurrence, P.W. 1

(mother of the victim) was not present at home as she was on night
Patna High Court CR. APP (SJ) No.575 of 2011 dt.12-09-2017

duty, appears to be quite doubtful as the evidence of D.W. 3, (the

person, who used to maintain the attendance of nurses of Kejriwal

Hospital) clearly shows that P.W. 1, was on leave from 14.04.2009 to

11.05.2009 and the learned Trial Court without considering all these

vital facts has convicted the appellant under Section 376 of the Indian

Penal Code, which is not sustainable in the eye of law.

On the other hand, learned counsel for the State has submitted

that there are sufficient materials available on record, showing that the

appellant has committed rape on P.W. 2 -(prosecutrix). It has also

been submitted that though in the medical report, no sign of rape has

been found, however, this fact cannot be ignored that the victim girl

was examined in this case after a lapse of more than five months as

such if no sign of rape or injury was found, there is nothing abnormal

in it. It has also been argued that it is now well settled that conviction

under Section 376 Indian Penal Code can be based only on the sole

testimony of prosecutrix even in absence of corroboration of medical

evidence and in this case P.W. 2 (prosecutrix) has stated about

commission of rape by appellant and in spite of her cross-

examination, there is nothing to doubt about the genuineness of her

evidence. It has further been argued that the victim girl is a student of

IX th class and no girl would make such false allegation against her

own father and would ruin her and her family’s prestige. Further so

far delay in lodging the F.I.R is concerned, the same has sufficiently
Patna High Court CR. APP (SJ) No.575 of 2011 dt.12-09-2017

been explained as the appellant had apologized for the said incident

and considering the prestige of family, the matter was kept secret,

however, when appellant continued molesting her (P.W.2), they were

left with no option but to report the matter to police. Hence, on the

basis of the above submission, it has been argued by learned counsel

for the State that the impugned judgment convicting the appellant

under Section 376 of the Indian Penal Code is just and proper and the

same does not require any interference.

In view of the submission of parties, this court finds it

necessary to examine the evidences available on behalf of both sides.

P.W. 1, is the mother of P.W. 2 (victim girl) and she has stated

in her evidence that she was working as a nurse in Kejriwal Hospital

and on the date of occurrence i.e. on 22.04.2009, she was on night

duty in the hospital and when she came back in the next morning,

P.W. -2 informed her that father has committed rape on her. Her

evidence further shows that when she asked the appellant about the

incident, he accepted the same and apologized for the incident and,

thereafter, the matter was resolved but since the appellant continued to

molest P.W. -2, then they found no option but to report the matter to

police. Further in her cross-examination in para -5, she has stated that

she does not know the date of occurrence but again stated that rape

was committed on 22.04.2009. Her cross-examination, in para -7 also

shows that on the date of occurrence, her son and P.W. – 2 (victim
Patna High Court CR. APP (SJ) No.575 of 2011 dt.12-09-2017

girl) was present at home and they both were sleeping on the same

cot, when appellant committed rape on P.W. 2. Further in her re-cross

examination, she has stated that on the date of alleged occurrence, she

has prepared food for her family and had not gone on duty, after

serving food to her family members.

P.W. 2, is the victim girl and she in her evidence has stated that

on the alleged date of occurrence at 9.30 P.M., she was sleeping in her

house and her mother had gone to her duty to Kejriwal Hospital, then

her father – appellant, committed rape on her. Her evidence shows

that the next morning when her mother came to house, she narrated

whole incident. Her evidence also shows that on being asked by the

mother, appellant accepted his guilt and apologized for the same and

on promise of the appellant that he would not repeat such incident, ,

the matter was kept secret, considering the prestige of family in the

society. Her evidence further shows that in spite of the promise made

by the appellant, he continued to molest her and on protest by mother,

he used to beat her and when left with no other option filed the

present case against him.

P.W. 3 is the maternal grand father of the victim girl – P.W. 2

and he has supported the prosecution story with regard to commission

of rape on P.W. 2, by the appellant and except that there is nothing

important in his evidence.

P.W. 4 is the investigating officer of this case and she has stated
Patna High Court CR. APP (SJ) No.575 of 2011 dt.12-09-2017

in her evidence that she had registered an F.I.R on the written

application filed by P.W. 2 and recorded the statement of P.W. -2 and

apprehended the appellant and got the victim girl medically examined.

P.W. 5. is Doctor Suman Prasad, who examined P.W. 2 and her

evidence shows that Hymen of the girl was found intact and no

foreign particles on her private part was found. Further no injury was

found on the victim girl. Her evidence further shows that vaginal

smear and slide was taken and sent for microscopical examination for

presence of spermatozoa. Her evidence further shows that in

pathological report, no spermatozoa was found. In her cross –

examination, this witness has stated usually during sexual

intercourse, hymen got ruptured.

On behalf of defence, oral evidence has been adduced and one

Dilip Kumar, D.W. 1 has stated in his evidence that on 21.09.2009 a

day before the registration of F.I.R, there was a quarrel between P.W.

1, and the appellant and P.W. 1 has threatened her that he would

implicate the appellant in false case and, thereafter, he came to know

that a case has been filed against the appellant.

D.W. 2 in his evidence has also stated that the relationship

between the P.W. 2 and the appellant was not good and on 21.09.2009

a scuffle had taken place between them and P.W. 1 had threatened the

appellant that she would put him behind the bars.

D.W. 3 was an employee of Kejriwal Hospital, who used to
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look after the attendance of nurses and he has stated in his evidence

that during the period from 14.04.2009 to 11.05.2009, P.W. 1 – Indu

Devi was absent from the duty.

As discussed above, learned counsel for the appellant has

assailed the judgment vehemently on the ground that in this case,

there is delay of five months as the occurrence is of the month of

April 2009, whereas the F.I.R was lodged in the month of September

2009, for which no satisfactory explanation has been offered and on

this score alone, the whole prosecution story appears to be absurd,

improbable and not free from reasonable doubt.

No doubt, delay in lodging F.I.R, gives a chance of

manipulation and false implication, which goes to create doubt about

the veracity of prosecution story but in a case of sexual offence, it has

been held by Hon’ble Apex in a catena of decisions that in the cases

of sexual offence, delay in lodging the F.I.R, is not material, when the

same is properly explained. Further the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the

case of State of Punjab v. Gurmit Singh and Others reported in

[AIR 1996 SC 1393] has held that ” the courts cannot overlook

the fact that in sexual ofences delay in the lodging of the F.I.R.

can be due to variety of reasons particularly the reluctance of the

prosecutrix or her family members to go to the police and

complain about the incident which concerns the reputation of the

prosecutrix ad the honour of the family. It is only after giving it a
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cool though that a complaint of sexual offence is generally


In the present case also, the informant/prosecutrix is the

daughter of the appellant and P.W. 2 – prosecutrix as well as P.W. 1,

mother of the prosecutrix has stated in their evidence that as the

prestige of their family was involved and the appellant had also

assured that he would not repeat the said act in future, the case was

not lodged earlier. However, when the appellant continued to behave

in the same manner, the present case was lodged. As such, it appears

that a plausible explanation has been given by the prosecution for not

lodging the case soon after the occurrence, which requires a great

courage and strength as the accused in this case is the own father of

the prosecutrix but the evidence has come that due to persistent

misbehave by the appellant to the prosecutrix, she left with no other

option but to report the matter to police.

It has also been argued by learned counsel for the appellant that

as the appellant used to oppose the free movement of P.W. 1, mother

of the prosecutix and one day prior to lodging of the F.I.R, appellant

has assaulted P.W. 1, due to which P.W. 1 instigated her daughter

P.W. 2 to file the present false case against the appellant with a view

to teach him a lesson. However, as stated above, it is very rare that a

minor girl goes to lodge a case of rape against her own father, which

is one of the hardest steps to be taken by her and it requires the
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courage and strength but when, she left with no other option, she was

forced to lodge the case as the evidence has come that the appellant

continued to molest her.

It has further been argued that medical report did not support

the case of prosecution with regard to commission of rape on the

prosecutrix as her evidence shows that blood started oozing out but

medical report did not show any sign of rape and no injury was found.

However, it is an admitted fact that the prosecutrix was medically

examined in this case after lapse of more than five months and if no

injury or any sign of rape was found, there is nothing abnormal in it

and on that score, prosecution story of rape cannot be disbelieved. It is

also pertinent to mention that evidence of P.W. 1 clearly shows that

P.W. 2 – prosecutrix was aged about 15- 16 years at the time of

alleged occurrence, as such, some exaggeration and improvement in

her evidence cannot be ruled out.

Hon’ble Apex Court in the case of Gurcharan Singh v. State

of Haryana reported in [ AIR 1972 SC 2661] has held that ” the

absence of injury or mark of violence on the private parts or

elsewhere on the person of prosecutrix is of no consequence when

the prosecutrix is minor and that would merely suggest want of

violent resistance on the part of the prosecutrix. Further absence

of violence or stiff resistance in the present case may well suggest,

helpless surrender to the inevitable due to sheer timidity. In any
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event, her consent would not take the case out of the definition of

rape”. Further Hon’ble Apex Court in the case of Devinder Singh

Vs. State of Himachal Pradesh reported in [AIR 2003 SC 3365] the

Hon’ble Apex Court while considering the case of similar nature, had

come to conclusion that when no injury was found on the body of the

prosecutrix, there was no presence of matting of pubic hair with

discharge. No injury was found in the genital area, as the prosecutrix

was used to sexual intercourse that no injury was found on her body

only goes to show that she did not put up resistance.

The decisions cited above clearly shows that there is no force in

the contention when there was any forcible sexual intercourse, it

would have resulted in some injuries upon the prosecutrix’s person

are not always sine qua non to prove a charge of rape.

Further in this case, learned counsel for the appellant has also

submitted that hymen of the prosecutrix was found intact in the

medical examination and there was no sign of rape on the private part

of the prosecutrix. However, rupture of hymen depends on many

circumstances and it is not necessary ingredients of rape, as mere

penetration is sufficient for offence of rape as such on this score, it

cannot be said that rape has not been committed upon the prosecutrix,

whereas, the evidence of prosecutrix in para -8 of her cross-

examination shows that after the rape, she came to know about the

meaning of rape.

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It has further been argued on behalf of the appellant that in this

case evidence of P.W. 1 shows that at the time of rape the victim girl

and her brother was sleeping on the same cot and in spite of that the

said brother has not been examined. In this context, on examination of

the evidence of P.W. 3, maternal grandfather of the prosecutrix clearly

shows that as the brother was quite young as such, he has not been

involved in this case and further so far sleeping on same cot is

concerned, evidence of P.W. 2 – prosecutrix, in para -5 shows that

there were two cots in the room, in which the rape was committed

and P.W. 1 is not the eye witness of the case as such, on the evidence

of P.W. 2, prosecution story of rape cannot be doubted.

The appellant has further argued that appellant has been made

accused in this case on account of previous grudge of P.W. 1 agaisnt

the appellant as the appellant used to restrict her free movement and

one day prior to lodging of the F.I.R., there was a quarrel between the

P.W. 1 and the appellant, due to that P.W. 1 had also threatened the

appellant that she would get him behind the bars and D.W. 1 and

D.W. 2 has also stated so in their evidences and Investigating Officer

has also stated in para -3 of her cross examination that appellant and

P.W. 1 used to quarrel and earlier a bond was also executed for not

making quarrel and as such due to the aforesaid grudge appellant has

falsely been implicated in this case. It has also been argued that D.W.

3, who was an employee of Kejriwal Hospital proved the attendance
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register to show that P.W. 1 was on leave from 14.04.2009 to

11.05.2009 and this fact clearly makes the prosecution story false and

concocted about the commission of rape on 22.04.2009. Learned

counsel for the appellant has also drawn the attention of this Court

towards the evidence of P.W. 1, on record that on 22.04.2009, she

prepared food and she had not gone to duty after preparing the food.

However, on perusal of evidence of P.W. 1, it appears that in

her cross-examination she has stated that after serving food, she had

not gone to duty, however, it has also been stated by her that it is not

true that prior to five days from 22.04.2009 to ten days after, she has

not gone out of her house and as such this evidence does not show

that on 22.04.2009, she was present in the house. So far the evidence

of D.W. 3 is concerned that P.W. 1 was on leave during the period

from 14.04.2009 to 11.05.2009, D.W. 3 has himself admitted that

there is no signature on the attendance register as to who has prepared

the register. He has also stated that on the attendance register, there is

no signature of P.W. 1- Indu Devi or any other signature and in such a

situation, no reliance can be placed on the register produced by D.W.

3. There is positive evidence of P.W. 1 that she was on duty on

22.04.2009 and not present in the house.

It has also been argued that there is no independent witness of

the case even circumstantial in nature so as to show that P.W. 2 has

stated about commission of rape to anybody and further there are
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several inconsistencies and contradictions in between the evidence

and statement recorded before the police and the Investigating Officer

has also admitted the said fact in her evidence in para -5.

However, as I have noticed above, P.W. -2, prosecutrix, at the

time of alleged occurrence was aged about 15 to 16 years and in such

a situation, if there is any inconsistency in her evidence or any

contradiction from her previous statement and the same does not go to

the root of the case in such a case. Those inconsistencies and

contradictions do not make the prosecution story of commission of

rape by the appellant upon the prosecutrix false and concocted. On

the other hand, the evidence of P.W. 2 has been corroborated by the

evidence of P.W. 1, who has stated that on the very next day in the

morning, the prosecutrix had told her about commission of rape by

her own father and the above evidence is admissible under Section

157 of the Indian Evidence Act.

Considering the entire discussions made above, the evidence of

P.W. 2 about the commission of rape by appellant to her in the night

appears to be convincing and corroborated by evidence of P.W. 1

under Section 157 of Indian Evidence Act. Apart from that P.W. 3,

who is the maternal grand father of P.W. 2 has also supported the case

of prosecution and has stated that he came to know about the incident

from his daughter (P.W. 1). As such, this Court finds no illegality in

the judgment dated 30.03.2011 and order of sentence dated
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05.04.2011 passed by Sri Ram Daras, Additional Sessions Judge, Fast

Track Court No. -3, Muzaffarpur, in Session Trial No. 56 of 2010,

convicting the appellant under Section 376 of the Indian Penal Code.

Accordingly, this appeal is dismissed, impugned judgment and

order is hereby upheld.

(Vinod Kumar Sinha, J)


CAV DATE 01.09.2017
Uploading Date 13.09.2017
Transmission 13.09.2017

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