SC and HC Judgments Online at MyNation

Judgments of Supreme Court of India and High Courts

Sri Anindya Samaddar vs Smt. Maitrayee Samaddaar Nee … on 22 September, 2017




Item No. 1

C.O. 1272 of 2016

Sri Anindya Samaddar

Smt. Maitrayee Samaddaar nee Brahma.

Mr. Sukanta Chakraborty,
Mr. Sakabdo Roy.

… for the petitioner.

Mr. Nirmal Chandra Konar.

… for the opposite party.

Though the petitioner/husband is present along with his
learned counsels and though Mr. Konar, learned counsel for the
opposite party/wife, is present but the wife herself due to illness,
as it is told, could not remain present in person.

However, out of the dues on account of maintenance
pendente lite the petitioner/husband paid Rs. 8,000/- in cash to
the learned counsel for the opposite party/wife against receipt, a
copy of which is retained on record, which shall be adjusted with
the dues.

Since this is the last working day before long Puja Vacation,
let the matter do appear on 25th October 2017 for personal
appearance of both parties at 10.30 a.m. for further hearing.

Learned counsels for both parties are directed to prepare and
submit the accounts showing dues and payment thereof by
exchanging the same in between intervening working days.

Learned counsel for the opposite party/wife shall also furnish
the party receipt showing handing over of Rs. 8,000/-.

ab (Mir Dara Sheko, J.)

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